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#17789 Si te soy sincero no tengo npi de estas cosas, hace poco es cuando me dio por pensar en lo de apartar algo de dinero y ponerlo a interés fijo o algo así. Así que lo que acabo de poner ahora en Monzo en el 'savings pot' se va a quedar ahí y no le pienso dar mucho movimiento, mientras tanto uso la cuenta que he tenido de siempre en Lloyds.

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#17792 gracias por el enlace, la de Tesco tiene buena pinta y también me puede interesar la del Club Lloyds.


Yo tenia Barclays y un amigo me invitó a nationwide y ni punto de comparación. El servicio al cliente es muchísimo mejor y los intereses también, además, si invitas a algún amigo que tenga 2 direct debits ( 2 cosas domiciliadas) le dan 100£ a ti otras 100£ a no ser que lo hayan quitado, así que si alguien está interesado le puedo invitar.

Cuando vas a sus oficinas te atienden personas ( x lo menos aquí en Edimburgo) y no máquinas, y x ahora todos con los que he hablado han sido súper simpatic@s xd

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Pues yo voy con tsb así que igual me cambio a ese


#17794 macho pues el nation wide the donde yo vivo da verguencita parece un banco de 4 colegas. Yo de momento contento en lloyds, Pero para enero me he planteado buscar bancos con buenas saving accounts para ir metiendo ahi £600 todos los meses y a ver si me genera algo.

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#17794 pregunta sobre nationwide son 2 direct debits o tienen que ser 2 direct debits activos mensualmente ? (vamos paypal por ejemplo cuenta?).

Lloyds por ejemplo no cuenta los direct debits que no son mensuales

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#17797 paypal no es un direct debit.
Contrato de telefono y gym son los mas sencillos.

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#17798 En santander si que cuenta

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#17799 pero el que simplemente vincular la cuenta de PayPal cuenta? Que lujazo.


Bueno pues ya sabemos lo que planea Europa en el caso no de No Deal...

Document available here:


If the Withdrawal Agreement is not ratified, EU citizens residing in the United Kingdom would no longer be protected by the EU rules on free movement. UK nationals in the European Union would be subject, as of the withdrawal date, to the general rules that apply to third country nationals in the EU. This would have an impact on their right to stay and work where they currently live as well as on the social security protection they benefit from.

The Commission has consistently made clear that protecting EU citizens in the United Kingdom, as well as UK citizens in the European Union is a priority. It calls upon Member States to take a generous approach to UK nationals who are already resident in their territory. The Commission welcomed in its Communication of 13 November the reassurances by Prime Minister May that even in a no deal scenario, the rights of EU citizens in the United Kingdom will be protected in a similar way. The Commission expects this assurance to be formalised soon so that it can be relied upon by citizens.

Right to stay

For UK nationals residing in the European Union, EU rules as well as national rules regarding third-country nationals will apply to them as concerns their right to enter, reside and work in the EU Member States. For short stays (up to 90 days in a 180 day-period) the Commission has adopted a proposal for a Regulation 13 which exempts UK nationals from visa requirements, provided that all Union citizens are equally exempted from UK visa requirements. Third-country nationals who want to reside in an EU Member State for more than 90 days for any purpose need to obtain a residence permit or a long-stay visa from the national migration authorities. Third country nationals who have been legal residents in one Member State for a period of five years must be granted, subject to certain conditions, longterm resident status in that Member State in accordance with Union rules. The Commission clarified in its second Brexit preparedness Communication that it considers that periods of legal residence of UK nationals in a Member State before the withdrawal should be taken into account for these purposes.

Against this background, the Commission calls upon Member States to:

 take measures, in compliance with Union law, so that all UK nationals legally residing in a Member State on 29 March 2019 will continue to be considered as legal residents of that Member State without interruption;

 stand ready to issue residence permits to the UK nationals concerned as evidence of their legal stay and right to work. Member States, in particular those hosting the largest numbers, are invited to take a pragmatic approach, in compliance with Union law, to issue temporary residence documents, until definitive residence permits can be issued 14 . Several technical options, such as national legislative measures, issuing temporary documents or recognising pre-existing documents, can be used to take into account the specific situations of each Member State; and

 take all necessary legislative and administrative measures to be able to issue temporary residence documents by the withdrawal date, and to process applications for definitive residence permits under the uniform format15 by the end of 2019.

The Commission will discuss further practicalities with Member States (EU27) on 20 December 2018 with a view to ensuring a coherent approach.

For EU citizens residing in the United Kingdom, in addition to the efforts of Member State diplomatic representations in the United Kingdom, the Commission Representation Offices in the United Kingdom will continue to monitor closely the United Kingdom’s position with respect to the continued residence of Union citizens in the United Kingdom. It will provide information and expertise to interested citizens in that regard.

Me quedo con esto:

The Commission welcomed in its Communication of 13 November the reassurances by Prime Minister May that even in a no deal scenario, the rights of EU citizens in the United Kingdom will be protected in a similar way.
The Commission expects this assurance to be formalised soon so that it can be relied upon by citizens.

Lo que dije la semana pasada vamos que hasta que no haya una Ley en UK que garantice y articule esto, todo lo que han dicho y han planeado sobre el Settle Status, es papel mojado.

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#17801 "take measures, in compliance with Union law, so that all UK nationals legally residing in a Member State on 29 March 2019 will continue to be considered as legal residents of that Member State without interruption"

Pues eso, easy.


#17797 tienen que ser activos, un amigo intento con uno activo más PayPal y no funcionó la oferta.


#17796 pues que mala suerte, aquí habían tres oficinas (ahora dos) y todos súper amables y atentos que rara vez lo ves ya... ademas, si llamas por teléfono contestan en 0, y te resuelven cualquier duda en un santiamen.

Yo con ellos tengo una cuenta de ahorros del 5% en la que puedo meter 250 libras todos los messs y en mi cuenta corriente durante un año me dan 5% de intereses en hasta 2000£ que meta al mes.

El Lloyd’s que ofrece x curiosidad ?

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#17804 esta ahi


#17804 la club Lloyds bastante menos intereses, pero luego tienes ciertos perks tipo tickets de cine gratis y algo mas.


Antes el Lloyds molaba, te daban 5% hasta 5,000, ahora está algo flojo. Para mi la mejor es la cuenta 123 del Santander. 1.5% hasta 20,000


Todos a la puta calle entonces o que esta pasando aquí ? :cry:

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#17808 que?


#17808 cuando te piras entonceS?

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#17810 A los monstruos no mirar :notes:


Qué cajero se puede usar en España para que no te claven con revolut?

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#17812 caíxa y no me acuerdo cuál más xd


#17812 yo he usado caixa bbva bbk y alguno mas y sin problema hasta las £200

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#17814 muchas gracias, mesieur.


Para los que usais Revolut:

Last week, London-based Revolut, one of the fastest-growing smartphone-based banking services in the UK, announced it had obtained its European banking licence and will start accepting deposits as it “edges further towards its goal of becoming the Amazon of banking”. Revolut is based in London’s Canary Wharf, here so you might expect its licence would come from the nearby Bank of England. But no, the new licence is from the Bank of Lithuania.

Already Revolut has 3 million customers. That’s more people than the entire population of Lithuania – and it transacts more business every year than Lithuania’s entire GDP.

Revolut, in its press release, boasts that “the new banking licence will allow its customers to start depositing their salaries, which will be protected up to €100,000 under the European Deposit Insurance Scheme” (EDIS). The release makes no mention of Lithuania.

But the thing is, EDIS is just a proposal made by the EU in 2015. As a Europe-wide guarantee of deposits, it doesn’t yet exist. It is understood that some EU countries, led by Germany, have blocked its introduction, understandably concerned that they will be the backstop if other countries’ protection schemes fail.

The guardian

RPV: Si Revolut se va a la mierda, vuestros ahorros tambien.

2 respuestas

#17816 la mayoria no tenemos los ahorros ahi.


#17816 Revolut? Ahorros? 😂


Revolut a mi me ha dado la vida las primeras semanas, incluso para la primera nómina, pero me he cambiado a HSBC tan pronto tuve la oportunidad. No acabo de fiarme de este tipo de bancos, pero reconozco que es de bastante ayuda, incluso mi idea es ahorrar en euros y creo que es la mejor opción para mover el dinero a mi cuenta cada mes.

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#17819 Estas tu que iba a dejar Euros en Revolut como ahorros... xD

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