[EXPANSION] Wrath of the Lich King


WotLK to be released on November 13 2008



Esque lo estais mirando bajo la perspectiva de PvP (donde es cierto q dependiendo del CD la de los humans puede no ser tan imba y la d los elfos incluso un nerf), pero donde realmente me parecen unos cambios mas q interesantes es a la hora de aplicarlas en PvE.


Details on the Collector's Edition are available on the official site as well. Below is a screenshot of the collector's pet - Frosty !

PD: me gusta bastante la verdad XD, aunque a saber cuanto costara la Edición Coleccionista XD


en teoria 69,99


me lo pensaria demasiado xD


piensa que un mes lo puedes reservar por 30 euros. Y para el proximo lo terminas de pagar y sale rentable.


uno casi full s4 cuanto podra aguantar el ekipo antes de empezar a pillar verdes? 75¿


o mas incluso... yo yendo full tier6 con piezas sunwell creo q me valdra para hasta casi level 80 algo antes.


segun tngo entendido con t3.. hacias karazhan y habian unos chinos q se hicieron todo el contenido con t3 ...(hast illidan)


Nuevas notas y glifos, aun no estan actualizadas todas las clases (vamos... hay 3 xD) a ver si a lo largo de la mañana las ponen todas.

Edit: Faltan las del druida y el death knight aun pero las voy poniendo y si eso luego actualizo.
Edit2: Ya tenemos al Druida y en mmo han juntado glifos con skills asike copy pasteo.

Death Knight (Skills List / Talent Calc. (8962))
Detailed list of changes not available yet, please check the updated skills list and talent calculator.


* Glyph of Blood Boil - Lowers the damage of your Blood Boil by 20% but causes it to slow affected targets for 5 sec.
* Glyph of Death and Decay - Targets of your Death and Decay have a 20% chance to cower in fear for 2 sec. (Old - Your Death and Decay spell deals 10% additional damage but the cooldown is increased by 10 sec.)
* Glyph of Icy Touch - Your Icy Touch does 10% less damage but generates 10 additional runic power.
* Glyph of Frost Strike - Your Frost Strikes have a 10% chance to Freeze the target for 8 sec.
* Glyph of Rune Strike - Increases the critical strike chance of your Rune Strike by 5% but increases cost by 3 runic power. (Old - 5 Runic Power)
* Glyph of Vampiric Blood - Heals you for 3% of your total health.
* Glyph of the Ghoul - Glyph of the Ghoul - Your Ghoul receives an additional 20% of your Strength. (Old - Increases your Ghoul's total Strength by 10%.)
* Glyph of Corpse Explosion - Any target killed by your Corpse Explosion will also explode. This effect cannot happen more than once every 6 seconds.
* Glyph of Pestilence - Increases the radius of your Pestilence effect by 5 yards.
* Glyph of Rune Tap - Your Rune Tap also heals your party for 10% of their maximum health.
* Glyph of Blood Strike - Your Blood Strike causes an additional 20% damage to snared targets.
* Glyph of Death Strike - Your Death Strike's damage and healing increase by 2% for every 5 runic power you currently have.

Druid (Skills List / Talent Calc. (8962))

* Barkskin is now usable in all forms.


* Earth and Moon (Tier 10) changed so your Wrath and Starfire spells have a 100% chance to apply the Earth and Moon effect. It now also increases your spell damage by 1/2/3/4/5%. (Previously had a 20/40/60/80/100% chance to apply the Earth and Moon Effect)
* Eclipse (Tier 9) changed so when you critically hit with Starfire, you have a 33/66/100% chance of increasing damage done by Wrath by 10%. (Previously 20/40/60% chance)
* Improved moonkin Aura (Tier 7) gives 3% spell haste for all ranks and now you gain 5/10/15% of your spirit as additional spell damage.
* Improved Faerie Fire (Tier 7) increases your critical strike chance against targets afflicted with Faerie Fire by 1/2/3%.
* Nature's Splendor (Tier 3) changed to - When you cast Moonfire, Insect Swarm, Rejuvenation, Regrowth or Lifebloom you have a 33/66/100% chance to increase it's duration by 3 sec.

Feral Combat

* Shred - Effects which increase Bleed damage also increase Shred damage.
* Maul - Effects which increase Bleed damage also increase Maul damage.
* Bash now interrupts spell casts for 3 sec.


* Berserk (Tier 11) no longer causes your Mangle (Bear) and Maul attacks to hit up to 3 targets
* Predatory Instincts (Tier 8 ) reduces the damage taken by area of effect attacks by 3/6/9/12/15%. (Previously increased your chance to avoid them)
* Protector of the Pack (Tier 8 ) damage reduction is now at 3% for each party member across all ranks.
* Improved Leader of the Pack (Tier 7) - In addition, you gain 4% of your maximum mana when you benefit from Improved Leader of the Pack heal.
* Feral Charge (Cat) (Tier 5) - Causes you to leap behind an enemy, dazing them for 3 sec. 30 second cooldown.
* Faerie Fire (Feral) (Tier 3) now deals damage and causes extra threat while in bear form.
* Brutal Impact (Tier 2) now reduces the cooldown of bash by 15/30 sec in addition to its previous effect.


* Gift of the Wild now affects the whole raid.
* Lifebloom healing reduced. Mana cost increased. (Check Skill list for details)


* Flourish renamed Wild Growth.
* Wild Growth (Tier 11) - Heals up to 5 friendly party or raid members within 15 yards of the target for 350 over 7 sec. The amount healed is applied quickly at first, and slows down as the Wild Growth reaches its full duration.\
* Gift of the Earthmother (Tier 10) changed to reduce the base global cooldown of your Rejuvenation and Lifebloom spells by 4/8/12/16/20%.
* Tree of Life (Tier 9) increases healing received by 6%. (Previously 3%).
* Improved Tree of Life (Tier 9) now increases your healing spell power by 5/10/15% of your spirit while in Tree of Life Form. (Previously reduced the mana cost by 5/10/15%)


* Glyph of Swipe has been removed.
* Glyph of Maul has been added - Your Maul ability now hits 1 additional target. 

Hunter (Skills List / Talent Calc. (8962))
Beast Mastery

* Aspect of the Viper mana regeneration buffed. Each ranged attack regenerates a percentage of maximum mana equal to twice your base ranged weapon speed. (Previously only regened your base ranged weapon speed)


* Steady Shot mana cost increased from 4% of base mana to 5%, damage reduced. (Check Skill List for Details)
* Kill Shot no longer knocks you down. Damage Increased to 205% weapon damage plus [ 40% of RAP + 820 ] (Old - 200% weapon damage plus [ 30% of RAP + 400 ]). Can only be used on targets under 20% health. (Check Skill List for Details)
* Kill Shot (Rank 2) 205% weapon damage plus [ 40% of RAP + 1000 ] and (Rank 3) 205% weapon damage plus [ 40% of RAP + 1200 ] have been added to the game.
* Tranquiliziing Shot attempts to remove 1 Enrage and 1 Magic effect from an enemy target. (Previously removed 1 frenzy effect as well)


* Wild Quiver (Tier 9) now gives you a 4/7/10% chance to shoot an additional shot when doing damage with your auto shot, dealing 50% Nature damage. Wild Quiver consumes no ammo. (Previously 60% nature damage)
* Master Marksman (Tier 8 ) changed to increase your critical strike chance by 1/2/3/4/5%, and increases your total ranged haste by 1/2/3/4/5%. (Previously increased ranged AP by 2/4/6/8/10%)
* Combat Experience (Tier 6) Increases your total Agility and Intellect by 2/4%. (Previously 3/6%)
* Mortal Shots (Tier 2) now only affects ranged abilities.


* Misdirection cooldown reduced to 30 sec. (Previously 2 mins)
* Freezing Trap now has a chance to break on damage. (Previously broke 100% of the time on damage)
* *New Skill* Freezing Arrow (Level 80) - Fire a freezing arrow that places a Freezing Trap at the target location, freezing the first enemy that approaches, preventing all action for up to 20 sec. Any damage caused will break the ice. Trap will exist for . Only one trap can be active at a time. (3% of base mana, 40 yd range, Instant cast, 30 sec cooldown)


* Explosive shot (Tier 11) damage reduced. (Check Skill List for Details)
* Hunting Party (Tier 10) mana regen reduced to 0.25% of max mana. (Previously 0.5%)
* Sniper Training now increases the critical strike chance of your Kill Shot ability by 15%. (Old - No health requirement)
* Surefooted (Tier 4) reduces movement impairing effect durations by 10/20/30% (Previously 16/25/50%)
* Lock and Load (Tier 4) now affects your next 2 Arcane or Explosive shots. (Previously 1)
* Trap Mastery is now implemented.
* Survival Instincts (Tier 2) changed to - Reduces all damage taken by 2/4% and increases the critical strike chance of your Arcane Shot, Steady Shot, and Explosive Shot by 2/4%. (Previously reduced all damage taken by 2/4% and increased ap by 2/4%)


* Glyph of Aspect of the Viper - Increases the amount of mana gained from attacks while Aspect of the Viper is active by 10%. (Old - You regenerate mana from Aspect of the Viper as if you had 15% less mana in your current mana pool.)

Mage (Skills List / Talent Calc. (8962))

* Arcane Blast changed. Each time you cast Arcane Blast, the damage is increased by 15% and mana cost is increased by 300%. (Previously 25% damage increase and 75% mana increase, but the 300% is most likely a typo and should be 30%)
* Arcane Brilliance now affects the whole raid.


* Focus Magic (Tier 3) changed to - Increases the target's chance to critically hit with all spells by 3%. When the target critically hits the caster's chance to critically hit with spells is increased by 3% for 10 sec.
* Improved Arcane Missles renamed Arcane Stability.
* Arcane Stability (Tier 1) - Reduces the pushback suffered from damaging attacks while casting Arcane Missiles and Arcane Blast by 20/40/60/80/100%.


* Flamestrike mana cost reduced and is now a 2 sec cast. (Previously 3 sec cast)


* Fingers of Frost (Tier 8 ) now gives your Chill effects a 7/15% chance to grant you the Fingers of Frost effect. (Previously 5/10% chance on frost spells)
* Frozen Core (Tier 5) now reduces damage taken by all spells. (Previously only affected fire and frost)
* Shatter (Tier 4) is now 3 ranks. It increases the critical strike chance of all your spells against frozen targets by 17/34/50%. (Previously 5 ranks and increased by 10/20/30/40/50%)
* Ice Shards (Tier 2) is now 3 ranks. It increases the critical strike damage bonus of your Frost spells by 33/66/100%. (Previously 5 ranks and increased by 20/40/60/80/100%)


* Glyph of Frostfire has been added - Increases the initial damage dealt by Frostfire Bolt by 2% and its critical strike chance by 2%.
* Glyph of Remove Curse - Your Remove Curse spell also makes the target immune to all Curses for 4 sec. (Old - 6 sec)
* Glyph of Fireball - Increases the critical strike chance of Fireball by 5%, but removes the damage over time effect. (Old - Increases the initial damage dealt by Fireball by 5%, but removes the damage over time effect.)
* Glyph of Improved Scorch - The Improved Scorch talent now generates 3 (Old - 5) applications of the Improved Scorch effect each time Scorch is cast.

Paladin (Skills List / Talent Calc. (8962))

* Hammer of the Righteous (Tier 11) changed to - Hammer the current target and up to 2 additional nearby targets, causing 3 times your main hand damage per second as Holy damage.
* Improved Devotion Aura (Tier 4) now increases the amount healed to the target by 2/4/6%. (Old - 1/2/3%)
* Toughness (Tier 3) reduces movement impairing effect duration by 6/12/18/24/30%. (Old - 10/20/30/40/50%)


* The Art of War now makes your next Flash of Light spell instant.
* Judgements of the Wise (Tier 7) mana regeneration reduced to 0.25% of total mana. (Previously 0.5%)
* Judgement of Command (Tier 3) now has a 100% chance to crit when the target is stunned. Damage bonus while stunned removed.


* Glyph of Spiritual Attunement has been added - Increases the amount of mana gained from your Spiritual Attunement spell by an additional 2%.
* Glyph of Turn Evil now Reduces the casting time of your Turn Evil spell by 100%. (Old - Reduces the cooldown on Turn Evil by 5 sec.)
* Glyph of Cleansing has been added - Reduces the mana cost of your Cleanse and Purify spells by 20%.
* Glyph of Avenging Wrath has been added  - Reduces the cooldown of your Hammer of Wrath spell by 50% while Avenging Wrath is active.

Priest (Skills List / Talent Calc. (8962))
The following racial skills have been removed from the game: Feedback, Starshards, Consume Magic, Elune's Grace, Hex of Weakness, Shadowguard, and Touch of Weakness. Devouring Plague and Symbol of Hope are now base abilities.


* Prayer of Fortitude now buffs the whole raid.
* Divine Spirit mana cost reduced.


* Borrowed Time (Tier 10) Grants 5/10/15/20/25% spell haste for your next spell after casting Power Word: Shield, and increases the amount absorbed by your Power Word: Shield equal to 8/16/24/32/40% of your spell power.
* Grace (Tier 9) now increases all healing received from the priest by 2% in addition to its previous effect. Stacks up to 3 times.
* Improved Divine Spirit (Tier 5) changed to - Divine Spirit and Prayer of Spirit spells also increase the target's spell power by an amount equal to 50/100% of the Spirit granted.
* Twin Disciplines (Tier 1) Increases your spell power on instant spells by 1%. (Previously increased spell damage and healing)


* Divine Hymm - You recite a Holy hymn, causing the closest 10 enemies within 15 yards to become incapacitated for 20 sec, and heals the closest 10 friendly targets within 15 yards for 348 every sec for 6 sec. Incapacitated enemies take 40% less damage while incapacitated and for 3 sec after the incapacitation ends. Damage caused may interrupt the effect on all incapacitated targets. 6 min cooldown.
* Holy Fire is now a 2 sec cast. (Previously 3.5 sec)
* Holy Nova is now a base ability.
* Hymn of Hope - You recite a Holy hymn of Hope, restoring 2% mana every 2 sec to all party members within 40 yards. Lasts 8 sec. The Priest must channel to keep the hymn active.


* Divine Providence (Tier 10) now affects Divine Hymnn.
* Holy Concentration (Tier 7) gives you a 10/20/30% chance to enter a clearcasting state after casting any critical Flash Heal, Binding Heal, or Greater Heal spell. (Previously 2/4/6% chance)
* Improved Holy Concentration (Tier 9) increases the chance you'll enter Holy Concentration by 5/10/15% and affects the next 2 spells. (Previously was 1/2/3% and affected only the next spell)
* Surge of Light (Tier 6) now affects Flash Heal.
* Holy Reach (Tier 4) now affects Divine Hymnn.
* Improved Healing (Tier 4) now affects Divine Hymnn.
* Blessed Recovery (Tier 3) changed - After being struck by a melee or ranged critical hit, heal 5/10/15% of the damage taken over 6 sec. Additional critical hits taken during the effect increase the healing received.
* *New Talent* Desperate Prayer (Tier 3) - Instantly heals the caster for 263 to 325. Instant Cast. 2 Minute Cooldown.


* Devouring Plague mana cost reduced and cooldown reduced to 30 seconds. (Previously 3 min cooldown)


* Dispersion (Tier 11) changed to - You disperse into pure Shadow energy, reducing all damage taken by 90%. You are unable to attack or cast spells, but you regenerate 6% mana every 1 sec for 6 sec. Dispersion can be cast while stunned, feared or silenced. If Dispersion runs its full duration, and you are not the victim of any damage or harmful effects during its duration, your spells gain 25% damage for 1 min.
* Psychic Horror (Tier 9) changed to - Causes your Psychic Scream ability to inflict Psychic Horror on the target when the fear effect ends. Psychic Horror reduces all damage done by the target by 15/30% for 6 sec.
* Vampiric Touch (Tier 9) now restores .25% of max mana when you deal damage with Mind Blast. (Previously worked with all shadow spells and was .5% of max mana)
* Improved Shadowform (Tier 8 ) now gives you a 50/100% chance to remove all movement impairing effects when using Fade while in Shadowform.
* Misery (Tier 8 ) changed to - Your Shadow Word: Pain, Mind Flay and Vampiric Touch spells also increase the chance for harmful spells to hit by 1/2/3% lasting 24 sec, and increases the damage of your Mind Blast, Mind Flay and Mind Sear spells by an amount equal to 5/10/15% of your spell power.
* Shadow Power (Tier 7) now increases the critical strike damage bonus of your Mind Blast, Mind Flay, and Shadow Word: Death spells by 20/40/60/80/100%.
* Shadow Resilience replaced with Mind Melt.
* *New Talent* Mind Melt (Tier 6) increases the critical strike chance of your Mind Blast, Mind Flay and Mind Sear spells by 2/4%.


* Glyph of Renew - Reduces the duration of your Renew by 3 sec. but increases the amount healed each tick by 25%. (Old - 40%)
* Glyph of Fade - Increases the duration and cooldown of your Fade spell by 50%. (Old - Increases the effect of your Fade spell by 100%.)
* Glyph of Inner Fire - Increases the charges on your Inner Fire spell by 20.
* Glyph of Shadowfiend - Receive 5% of your maximum mana if your Shadowfiend dies from damage.

Rogue (Skills List / Talent Calc. (8962))

* Ambush damage increased. (Check skill list for details)
* Envenom now gives you an additional 15% chance to apply Instant and Deadly Poison to targets for 1 sec plus an additional 1 sec per combo point. (Previously 25% chance)


* Focused Attacks (Tier 8 ) gives your melee critical strikes 100% chance to generate 1/2/3 Energy. (Previously 30% chance)
* Infectious Poisons removed.
* Improved Poisons (Tier 4) now increases the chance to apply Instant and Deadly Poison to your target by 3/6/9/12/15%. (Previously increased the chance to apply all poisons by 5/10/15/20/25%)


* Backstab damage increased. (Check skill list for details)


* Unfair Advantage (Tier 9) now states that the effect cannot occur more then once per second.


* Enveloping Shadows (Tier 7) reduces the damage taken by area of effect attacks by 5/10/15%. (Previously increased your chance to avoid them)


* Glyph of Sinister Strike -- Your Sinister Strike critical strikes have a 40% chance to add an additional combo point. 

Shaman (Skills List / Talent Calc. (8962))

* Lava Burst mana cost reduced, damage increased, and it will now only consume your own Flame Shock.


* Thunderstorm (Tier 11) knockback increased to 20 yards. (Previously 6 yards)
* Lightning Mastery (Tier 6) no longer affects Lava Burst.
* Elemental Fury moved from Tier 5 to Tier 3. It is now 5 ranks and increases the critical strike damage bonus of your Searing, Magma, and Fire Nova Totems and your Fire, Frost, and Nature spells by 20/40/60/80/100%. (Previously did 100% with 1 talent point)
* Call of Thunder moved from Tier 3 to Tier 5. It now only costs 1 talent point and increases the critical strike chance of your Lightning Bolt, Chain Lightning and Thunderstorm spells by an additional 5%.


* Maelstrom Weapon (Tier 10) changed to - When you critically hit with a melee weapon, you have a 20/40/60/80/100% chance to reduce the cast time of your next Lightning Bolt, Chain Lightning, Lava Burst, Lesser Healing Wave or Healing Wave spell by 20%. Stacks up to 5 times. Lasts 15 sec.
* Spectral Transformation removed.
* *New Talent* Earthen Power (Tier 9) - Your Earthbind Totem has a 50/100% chance to also remove all snare effects from you and nearby friendly targets when it pulses.
* *New Talent* Lava Lash (Tier 8 ) - You charge your off-hand weapon with lava, instantly dealing 100% off-hand Weapon damage. Damage is increased by 25% if your off-hand weapon is enchanted with Flametongue. Instant Cast. 6 sec cooldown.
* Unleashed Rage moved from Tier 8 to Tier 6.
* Stormstrike (Tier 7) now affects Frost and Fire damage as well. Will now only affect your own spells.
* Mental Quickness moved from Tier 6 to Tier 8.
* Weapon Mastery (Tier 6) is now 3 ranks and increases damage you deal with all weapons by 4/7/10%. (Previously 2/4/6/8/10%)
* Toughness (Tier 4) now reduces the duration of movement slowing effects on you by 6/12/18/24/30%. (Previously 10/20/30/40/50%)
* Thundering Strikes (Tier 2) now affects spells as well as melee attacks.


* Spirit Link (Tier 11) now breaks when being the target of an effect which breaks on taking damage (Example: Polymorph). It also now has a 10 sec cooldown.
* Ancestral Aweakening (Tier 9) now affects the lowest percentage health player and heals for 10/20/30% of the amount healed. (Previously affected the lowest health player and healed for 7/13/20%)
* Nature's Guardian (Tier 7) now has an 8 sec cooldown. (Previously 5 sec)


* Glyph of Renewed Life - All stats increased by 5% for 1 min when you Reincarnate.

Warlock (Skills List / Talent Calc. (8962))

* Curse of Doom now gives 100% chance to spawn a doomguard if the target dies to curse of doom.
* Curse of Elements now affects all magic types.
* Corruption is now instant cast.


* Death's Embrace (Tier 9) increases damage done with your shadow spells by 4/8/12% when the target is below 35% health. (Previously 3/6/9% critical strike when below 20%)
* Malediction (Tier 8 ) now increases spell damage by 1/2/3% as well as its previous effect.
* Improved Felhunter (Tier 6) now returns 4/8% of its maximum mana each time it deals damage with its shadow bite ability.
* Improved Fear (Tier 3) now causes your Fear spell to inflict a Nightmare on the target when the fear effect ends. The Nightmare effect reduces the target's movement speed by 15/30% for 5 sec.
* Fel Concentration (Tier 3) is now only 3 ranks and now increases chance to avoid interruption by 23/46/70%. (Previously 14/28/42/56/70%)
* Amplify Curse (Tier 3) reduces the global cooldown of curses by .5 sec. Other effects removed.
* Improved Corruption (Tier 1) now increases the damage done by your Corruption by 4/8/12/16/20%. (Previously reduced Corruption Cast time)


* Spellstones now increase periodic damage by 1% and spell haste rating (40 spell haste for rank 4 Spellstone. Check Skill list for details)
* Health Funnel now has a 45 yard range.
* Firestones now increase direct damage by 1% and spell crit rating (35 spell crit for rank 5 Firestone. Check Skill list for details)


* Metamorphosis (Tier 11) now increases your armor by 600%, damage by 40%, reduces the chance you'll be critically hit by melee attacks by 6% and reduces the duration of stun and snare effects by 50%.
* Master Conjuror (Tier 5) increases the effects of your Firestone and Spellstone by 15/30%.
* Improved Succubus (Tier 3) - Reduces the cast time of your Succubus' Seduction by 33/66/100% and increases the duration of your Succubus' Seduction and Lesser Invisibility spells by 10/20/30%.
* Improved Health Funnel (Tier 2) now reduces the damage your demon takes while under the Health Funnel effect by 15/30% in addition to its previous effect.
* Improved Voidwalker renamed Demonic Brutality (Tier 2) and now also increases the attack power bonus on your Felguard's Demonic Frenzy effect by 1/2/3%.


* Soul Fire cooldown removed.


* Chaos Bolt (Tier 11) damage increased and mana cost reduced. Now causes the effect Chaotic Mind when used.
* Chaotic Mind - Damage done by your Immolate has a 8% chance to cause your next Soul Fire spell to be instant cast, cost no mana and consume no soul shard. Lasts 8 sec.
* Backdraft (Tier 9) no longer reduces the mana cost of your next 3 destruction spells.
* Shadow and Flame (Tier 8 ) now affects Chaos Bolt.
* Soul Leech (Tier 7) now affects Chaos Bolt.
* Improved Immolate (Tier 5) is now 3 ranks and increases the initial damage of immolate by 10/20/30%. (Previously 5 ranks and increased damage by 5/10/15/20/25%)
* Devastation (Tier 3) is now 1 rank and increases the critical strike chance of your Destruction spells by 5%. (Previously 5 ranks and 1/2/3/4/5%)
* Ruin (Tier 5) is now 5 ranks and increases the critical strike damage bonus of your Destruction spells by 20/40/60/80/100%. (Previously 1 rank at 100%)


* Glyph of Unending Breath - Increases the swim speed of targets affected by your Unending Breath spell by 20%.
* Glyph of Curse of Exhausion - Increases the range of your Curse of Exhaustion spell by 5 yards.
* Glyph of Enslave Demon - Reduces the cast time of your Enslave Demon spell by 50%.
* Glyph of Felguard  - Increases the Felguard's total attack power by 10%. (Old - Increases your Felguard's physical damage by 20%.)
* Glyph of Voidwalker  - Increases your Voidwalker's total health by 20%. (Old - Increases your Voidwalker's health by 20%.)
* Glyph of Imp  - Increaes the damage done by your Imp's Firebolt spell by 10%. (Old - Increases your Imp's spell damage by 20%.)
* Glyph of Felhunter  - Increases the critical strike chance of your Felhunter's Shadow Bite ability by 6%. (Old - Increases your Felhunter's spell damage by 20%.)
* Glyph of Demonic Armor has been removed
* Glyph of Fel Armor has been removed
* Glyph of Inferno has been removed.

Warrior (Skills List / Talent Calc. (8962))

* Trauma now affects all melee critical strike.
* Two-Handed Weapon Specialization (Tier 4) has been reduced to 3 ranks. Now increases damage done with two-handed weapons by 2/4/6%. (Previously 1/2/3/4/5%)
* Justified Killing has been removed.
* Iron Will (Tier 2) now reduces the duration of all Stun and Charm effects used against you by 7/14/20%. (Previously 10/20/30%)
* Improved Thunder Clap has been moved to Tier 1 Protection.
* Tactical Mastery has been moved to Tier 2 Arms.


* Titan's Grip now only reduces your chance to hit with damage-dealing abilities requiring a weapon. (Old - All melee abilities)
* Unending Fury (Tier 10) now reduces the rage cost of your Slam, Whirlwind and Bloodthirst abilities by 1 and doesn't affect Enraged Assault anymore.
* Heroic Leap has been removed.
* *New Talent* Heroic Fury (Tier 9) - Removes any Immobilization effects and refreshes the cooldown of your Intercept ability. (45 Sec Cooldown)
* Bloodthirst (Tier 7) healing reduced from 1.5% of your max health to 0.6% of your max health.
* Booming Voice (Tier 1) is now 2 ranks and increases the area of effect and duration of your Battle Shout, Demoralizing Shout and Commanding Shout by 25/50%. (Old - 10/20/30/40/50%)
* *New Talent* Armored to the Teeth (Tier 1) - Increases your Strength by 1/2/3 for every 400 armor value you have.


* Intervene now reduces the target's total threat by 10%.


* Warbringer (Tier 9) changed to - Your Charge ability is now usable while in combat and in any stance. In addition, your Charge, Intercept and Intervene abilities will remove all movement impairing effects.
* Safeguard (Tier 8 ) now reduces damage taken by the target of your Intervene ability by 15/30% for 6 sec and doesn't affect Charge/Intercept/Intervene anymore. (Old effect merged with Warbringer)
* Vigilance (Tier 7) has unlimited charges once again.
* Improved Spell Reflection (Tier 4) no longer reduces the cooldown of Spell Reflection.
* Toughness (Tier 3) reduces movement impairing effect duration by 6/12/18/24/30%. (Old - 10/20/30/40/50%)
* Tactical Mastery has been moved to Tier 2 Arms.
* Improved Thunder Clap has been moved to Tier 1 Protection.


* Glyph of Revenge - Reduces the rage cost of your next Heroic Strike ability by 100%. Lasts 10 sec.
* Glyph of Sweeping Strikes - Generates 30 rage over 12 sec.

Bueno, como siempre opino sobre mi clase.

Al Warlock lo han dopado en este parche, para PVP no demasiado pero destro en PVE va a ser bastisimo.
Metamorfosis daba pena y parece ke se han dado cuenta de ke una skill como esa tenia ke tener mejores condiciones, creo que ver a un lock convertido en demon deberia mandar a hacer gargaras a todo el mundo, basicamente como hace el hunter bm. Sabes que cuando pasa la tormenta es easy kill pero mientras dura mas te vale correr.
En esa forma tendrás del orden de 18k de armor mas o menos y todo tu daño aumentado en 40% (cuando han dicho ke no te van a kitar la posibilidad de lanzar spells por habilidades de demon) es bastante aceptable para hacer un nuke. Tambien el cambio de la spellstone que ahora dará un % de spell dmg y haste hace ke tires a la basura tu varita brutal.
Sin duda lo mas basto es el buff del Health Funnel y de la Sucubo, a esta ultima le meten el Seduce por instant cast lo que va a hacer VIABILISIMO esta pet en arenas tanto para builds demo como para builds destro a lvl 80.

El lock aff ha sufrido una de cal y otra de arena, lo de hacer que el Fear cause el efecto de Exaustion no me termina de convencer para nada (porke para eso le pones Exaustion, no tiene mucho sentido). El buff mas significativo ha sido el de hacer Corruption un instant cast (ke ya se pedia desde hace mucho) y que esos 5 puntos de talento aumenten el daño en un 20%. Tambien debido a que habia demasiados talentos se han reducido los rangos del Fel Concentration a 3 (en todas mis builds habia eliminado este talento ya...).

Lo de destruction ha sido bestial, kitan el CD del Soul Fire y le dan al Chaos Bolt un chance al Inmolate de 8% de que te salga un instant cast para el Soul Fire ke no rekiere mana ni SS. Bastisimo.
Importante el Ruin y Devastate ke cambian posiciones y ranks de spells, mucho mejor su localizacion para combinar con aff y demon.

En fin, increible el cambio de destru, todo me parece fantastico para contrarrestar el efecto mortal de otras clases (sobretodo melees). Sigo temiendo porque veo mucho buff en daño pero no veo supervivencia real y constante asike... ¿kien dijo ke el lock no necesitaba manos? a partir de ahora un lock sin manos no va a valer para nada.


empiezan los nerf a la rama arcane del mago.....por huevos tenemos que ser sacos de boxeos xD.


lawl con el fury, no se aclaran xd

  • Heroic Leap has been removed.
  • New Talent Heroic Fury (Tier 9) - Removes any Immobilization effects and refreshes the cooldown of your Intercept ability. (45 Sec Cooldown)
  • Bloodthirst (Tier 7) healing reduced from 1.5% of your max health to 0.6% of your max health.
  • New Talent Armored to the Teeth (Tier 1) - Increases your Strength by 1/2/3 for every 400 armor value you have.

No tengo muy claro si es nerf, o upgrade sinceramente, nos kitan el cruelty de guays ? xD Weno tenemos el rampage que nos da ese 5% crit... lo de armored to the teeth ni tan mal oiga... Booming voice + Armored. El nerf al BT lo encuentro mal :( un poco k nos podiamos curar los furys joder. En fin que vuelven a enfokarlo mas hacia el PvE que hacia el PvP xD

  • Intervene now reduces the target's total threat by 10%.

Y esto ? jajaj me veo al tipico k se pasa de aggro, y OT y furys haciendo intervene a to kiski xDD ( Supongo k x cada intervene k hagas 10% menos de aggro, vaya overada jaja )


#1000 Pues a mi los cambios me parecen muy bastos sobretodo para PvP.

  • Metamorfosis: Cuando dice "damage by 40%", se refiere a todo tipo de daño (spell dmg incluido)? pq me pareceria un rato imba.

  • Imp Sucubo: Siempre he pensao q el futuro del lock en arenas 2v2, va a ser respecc a destruction y juntarse con otro dps (tipo rogue, mago o pala).. y este talento seria de graaaaaaaan ayuda (y si s pudiera hacer una build pillando el vanish de la sucubo (demon. emp.) sin perder burst dmg en destruction, seria perfect).

  • Imp Fear: Con el nuevo efecto me parece un talento mucho mas interesante (el anterior me parecia useless, pq salvo druida ferals, el resto de clase q te resiste un fear de cada 100?).

  • Chaos bolt: LOL.

  • El resto de patch notes basados en cambios en los tiers de talentos, ranks, etc. son menos importantes pero tb ayudan.


Con t3 hasta illidan imposible, por mucho chino que seas.


Oie y no nerfean al loladin o que? lo siguen dopando al desgraciado.


#1004 si ke los chinos lo hizieron, busca screens


#1002 No te quitan crueldad. Ahora en el T1 de Fury hay 3 talentos.


siempre joden a los hunters


#1003 no me habré expresado bien, lo ke no veo por ningun lado es supervivencia notable, porque por mucho circle que pongas es cada 30 segundos y los warr y los rogues tienen la facultad de ponerse a tu lado en 0 otra vez. Yo lo ke veo es que las demás clases estan escalando un daño brutal imposible de mantener por el lock, esta clase necesita mecanismos para absorber daño o nadie kerrá locks en 5vs5 viendo como los deletean en 4 segundos contados.

Ya no hablamos de un warr con 1 arma a dos manos ke te cruje poco a poco (hasta ke inexorablemente te mata), ni de un pala retri ke no te baja ni la pet, ni de un mago al que le resistias de todo y te lo bajabas full... hablamos de gente muy petada para la expansion, muy muy muy petada. Recordemos ke la sucu comparte CC con el fear y es la pet ke menos dura (evitando al imp). El destrolock se basa en casteos puros y duros y si ya es dificil castear un Fear encima de un melee... ni hablamos de un Chaos Bolt o un Soul Fire.

No kiero mas daño en las ramas, kiero supervivencia real contra melees y como por lo visto somos unos sparrings pues kiero absorcion de daño contra melees porke vamos... todas las clases acaban de ganar indirectamente un +5% de daño contra el lock. Han reducido tanto el SL ya ke... un 15% parece irrisorio y prescindible.



No puedes pretender que bajen el soul link de tier 7 a tier 3 y que encima lo dejen como estaba, es de cajon que tenian que nerfearlo un poco xD


el otro dia visitando mmochampion vi una montura muy guapa el mamut.. y hoy me di cuenta que solo lo podran tener los de la horda.. X_X y yo soy ali y me chupo el dedo joder XD


#1009 osea tu quieres no tener anticlases no? no te vale con ownear vilmente a casi todas las clases si no encima quieres tener la supervivencia para poder ganar a los rogues que son los unicos que se petan locks en 1on1 no?.....enfin.


VLT, pero eso alomejor es como el trinket de la horda q pone solo lo pueden usar: undead, orcos etc etc. Al darlo esa reputacion me imagino q esa repu sera de la horda y habra otra repu de la alianza q dara lo mismo. Como por ejemplo thrallmar horda, honor hold alianza.

  • Vampiric Touch (Tier 9) now restores .25% of max mana when you deal damage with Mind Blast. (Previously worked with all shadow spells and was .5% of max mana).

Vaya manera de cargarse a un shadowpriest, suerte para kien se suba 1 en la exp porke al mio le van a dar mucho porculo xd


#1010 Hombre, evidentemente pero de ke te sirve el SL si te deletean la pet de 2 tortas...
A lo que me refiero es que si te fijas en los arboles te darás cuenta de la poca supervivencia del lock, todo son + no se cuantos a X skill... joder kiero un poco de supervivencia maldita sea.

El Haunt todo el mundo dice ke es una mierda (yo lo he testeado y no da para sobrevivir) y el Soul Leech pues... ¿30% de probabilidad de devolverte el 20% del daño ke haces? por dios xD.

Verán a un lock aff y antes de poder castear Haunt estará muerto, verán un destrolock y antes de poder meter un shadowfury no saldrá del kidney xD, es a lo que me refiero :P

#1012 Para empezar un lock no se peta a todas las clases, en realidad en 1vs1 es muy sencillo de usar vs lo que sea, el problema es que si no conoces el combo para bajarte un lock y lo haces mal pues mueres porque el lock se puede ekivocar en algo y seguir haciendo daño igual. Insisto, este juego no es 1vs1, asike dejad ya el temita.
Y tu no te kejes ke te he visto cryear por el mago cuando tiene mil y un metodos de evadir daño, no contentos con eso os meten una burrada en la exp, si mi lock es tu anticlase ¿porque presiento que no voy a poder deletearte full de vida y mana? yo no creo en las anticlases, creo en el balanceo del juego y creo que blizzard no va a por las anticlases sino a por esto ke comento, podeis criticar la empresa todo lo ke kerais pero os aseguro que van a por el balanceo, el problema es ke tienen 9 clases y es practicamente imposible dar los mismos beneficios equitativos a unas y a otras.

#1014 esa skill siempre ha estado imba en PVE, tener un SP implica estar full de mana todo el encounter, asi no hay misterio ninguno la verdad. Ya lo decian los de bli hace mucho tiempo, ke fue un error seguir con esa skill cuando pusieron tantos items con mp5... y ahora por querer mantenerla ingame le meten otro nerfeo, a mi parecer es un error, deberian borrarla del mapa o que el bonus fuese otro distinto (spell o algo instant).



dios ke caras las monturas


Arena gear

Las dejo en spoiler para agilizar la carga de la web


ke mierda de skin la del palo de druida, una mierda pinchada en un palo


OMG, las nuevas skins de las armas estan curradisimas. Porfin volvemos a la epoca del metal y terminamos con la epoca de los rayitos por el culo!!


no me gustan nada esos skins :D pero weno supongo k habran updates de aki a k se pillen esos items que les cambie el skin xdd