We are happy to announce the launch of the Paid Character Transfer service for World of Warcraft in Europe! This service allows characters to be transferred to other realms, or between accounts with the same original registered owner. Take a look at our Paid Character Transfer FAQ to learn more about this new service.
The initial launch of the Paid Character Transfer service will only allow transfers between a limited set of realms. You can now transfer characters from the following realms:
* Azshara
* Grim Batol
* Kirin Tor
* Spinebreaker
We'll gradually scale up the list of realms to accommodate more players as quickly as possible. To start transferring your characters, just login to the Account Management section and click the Paid Character Transfer button. Please note that the Paid Character Transfer service may be unavailable during the scheduled weekly maintenance.
Haced noticia vosotros, la última vez que la hice, mas de 20 comentarios se metian conmigo indirectamente por decir que iban a dar un lavado de imagen a la web de wow-europe y al final acerté.