necesito una macro


Estoy probando una build sutileza y quiero (he buscado por el buscador y no encuentro) una macro que al activar la danza de las sombras me saque una barra adicional donde tenga las habilidades especiales y luego al terminarse vuelva a colocar la original (la que uso por defecto y normal).

Muchas gracias de antemano.

Un saludo.


No has usado ningun buscador, no mientas.


Alright so for many rogues out there who never got daggers or just plain dont like them I figured i'd put together a little guide on how to use shadow dance effectively... you could easily modify this to any abilities and daggers:)
(This guide will assume that you know what keybinds are and that you have basic game knowledge)

First things first you'll need another new macro and keybind. Make the new macro call it whatever you want and type in:
/Changeactionbar 2
/Cast Shadowdance

Next put your newly made macro somewhere on your talent bars and keybind it. I personally chose Shift-F as it's easily accessible.

Then Press Shift and use your mouse scroll wheel to move up to Action Bar 2. In action bar 2 you should put in your stealth bar abilities as you would normally use them but also include kidney shot.

For example:
1= Garrote , 2= Cheapshot, 3= Premeditation and at like 8 i put kidney shot which is where it is on my main action bar so when i hit (in this case F) it'll be the same stun both in action bar 1 and action bar 2 (it carries on.)

Then hit shift and the mouse scroll wheel back to your main action bar. few hard stuff is done

The Application:
This is just one example but is my personal preferred method of opening:

Premed, shadowstep, cheapshot, eviscerate, Shift-F shadowdance macro, 1 (garotte), 2 (cheapshot), F (Kidney Shot). That's the main line, now you've got two options. Hit 2 again for a cheapshot that will give you from 2-3 combo points or hit shift and mouse wheel to your main action bar to start your normal cycle on your main bar.

Pretty much the jist of it, if you have any questions feel free to ask them. An alternative if this is too complex is making a /castsequence macro.

You'd still use the
/Changeactionbar 2
/Cast Shadowdance
macro from earlier but now all you have to do is make another macro and have it contain the following lines:
/castsequence Garrote, Cheap shot, Kidney Shot (or whatever variation)

Then just take your macro and place it somewhere you'd normally spam for hemo for example: 2. So it'll kinda work like this:
Opener, shadowdance, hit Cast sequence macro #2 a bunch of times watching for it to cycle to kidney shot, and last: Shift + Mouse scroll down to normal action bar.

Pretty sure that's about it... only thing you need to remember is that this is all executed VERY quickly. The castsequence macro will make it easier at first but gives you less flexibility with your shadow dance.

Best spec for this if not daggers would be:

Most people would put the 3 points that i put into imp evisc and throw it into malice to make it 5/5 but in current arena settings the aditional burst imp evisc provides stacked to shadowstep is a wonderful opener.


#1 ahi no lo encontré.

#2 Gracias por tu aportación. Solo me cabe una duda, ¿Cabria la posibilidad de que cuando termine el shadow dance se vuelva a la barra original sin tocar nada?.

No se si pido demasiado.


#4 Si se puede hacer eso, seria la bomba, me haria macros MUY curiosas, yo creo q no se puede pero no lo se muy bien, a ver si alguien nos saca de dudas xD


Supongo que seria una especie de... : wait time shadowdance y castbar 1 ?


wait time ? como va eso ?


/changeactionbar [mod] 1
/stopmacro [mod]
/cast Shadow Dance
/changeactionbar 3

This will, without alt, ctrl or shift held, cast Shadow Dance and change your action bar to page 3 (which you'd populate with the abilities you want to use when Shadow Dance is active). Once Shadow Dance's effect ends, hit the same macro with alt, ctrl or shift to page back to your main action bar.

Es lo mejor que he encontrado.


Las macros del WoW no admiten waits.

Tema cerrado

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