¿Novedades de la 1.7?


¿Alguien podria colgar las novedades del nuevo parche en español?

Gracias ^^


Tiene una funcion cojonuda para destrozar UI`s, addons y sus configuraciones... ¬¬


Estoy deacuerdo con #2 Me los a jodido TODOS!!! OMG!


a mí solo el del mapa mundial pa poner notas y tal, por lo demas le pasas el wowtoc y funcionan =


wowtoc? y eso como funciona??, me lo podrias explicar??


#5 es un programa que te "arregla" los addons despues de la actualizacion y puedes seguir jugando.


Aquí lo pongo en inglés, por si a alguien le interesa:

  • World of Warcraft Client Patch 1.7.0 (2005-09-13)

Hidden within the jungles of Stranglethorn, an ancient Troll city
full of peril has been uncovered. Do you have what it takes to delve
into its mysteries with a band of hardy explorers? There's only one
way to find out! Zul'Gurub is a high-level, 20-man raid instance with
120 new rare and epic items to uncover. Adventure awaits!

Arathi Basin
Join the League of Arathor or the Forsaken Defilers as they battle
for the precious resources stockpiled within the latest Battleground,
Arathi Basin! Pitting 15 members of each faction against each other,
the race is on to be the first to 2000 resources, capturing strategic
landmarks around the Basin to increase your team's gain and cripple
the enemy. With an all-new set of reputation-based rewards, there's
never been a better time to join the war!

Stranglethorn Fishing Extravaganza
The Stranglethorn Fishing Extravaganza is a grand new event set along
the coasts of Stranglethorn Vale. Early on the appointed day,
friendly neighborhood goblins will visit Ironforge and Orgrimmar to
inform aspiring anglers of the grand tournament and give
instructions. At the appropriate time, the shout will ring out across
Stranglethorn to bait your hooks and cast your lines!


  • The debuff limit has been increased to 16 (from 8). In addition, the
    client will now display all 16 debuffs.
  • Switching weapons in combat triggers a 1 second global cooldown for
    all abilities for rogues and a 1.5 second global cooldown for
    everyone else.
  • Tauren can now ride wolves if they learn the wolfriding ability.
  • Possessed units (e.g. Mind Control, Eyes of the Beast etc...) can now
    cancel combat mode by clearing your current target. In addition, the
    UI will have a gold border when the possessed unit is actively in
    combat mode with the target.
  • Several stun spells and abilities that were previously unresistable
    can now be resisted as was always intended.
  • Damage absorption no longer protects against falling, drowning, or
    fatigue damage.
  • The targeting circles for area effect spells will no longer be
    cancelled when the caster moves.
  • Absorbed and resisted environmental damage is now shown in the combat
  • If an attack deals non-physical damage, the type of damage is now
    reported in the combat log.
  • Fixed bug where you could kill someone in a duel with spell
  • Auras and shapeshift forms can be cancelled while you are fleeing or
  • Fixed bug where you couldn't right click to attack a hunter who is
    feigning death.
  • You can no longer unequip weapons while they are disarmed.
  • Debuffs and area effect spells now use their actual cast level rather
    than effective cast level for calculating periodic resistance.
  • Escape Artist works with Frost Nova and Frost Trap again.
  • Damage absorption is now applied before damage splitting effects.
  • Casting spells on your pets and summons will no longer cause guards
    in neutral towns to attack you.
  • Fixed a bug where mana was being regenerated while channelling spells
    that use mana.
  • Fixed a bug where the Dazed ability used by creatures when attacking
    targets from behind was countered/dispelled by some spells
    (e.g. Blessing of Freedom).
  • Fixed a bug where area of effect periodic damage spells were being
    resisted more frequently than they should have been when casting
    lower level ranks of the spell (affected spells were Blizzard,
    Consecration,Explosive Trap, Flamestrike, Hurricane, Rain of Fire and
  • Effects that make players immune to physical will no longer be immune
    to the "Recently Bandaged" effect from First Aid.
  • Made general improvements to the camera.
  • You are no longer able to kill players in duels with reflected DoT
  • Escape Artist works with Frost Nova and Frost Trap.
  • When you swap weapons in combat, you start your swing again, instead
    of continuing your last swing.
  • Fixed bug where self-inflicted damage, like Poisonous Blood, wouldn't
    break stealth.
  • When an attribute increasing effect (e.g. Arcane Intellect) is
    refreshed on a target, it will no longer reset the target's health or
    mana and then increase the total.
  • Pets now switch to a new target if possible when their current target
    is polymorphed.
  • Meeting Stones
    A number of miscellaneous improvements have been made that should
    allow for better group forming when using the meeting stones.
    You will no longer be kicked from the meeting stone queue when a
    player declines a group invite or when inviting someone that is
    already in a group.
    You will now be informed that you have left the meeting stone queue
    when the group leader logs out.
    Tanks and Healers will now be immediately added to the group by the
    meeting stone when they are the 5th member of the group.
    You can now be added to a group by the meeting stone when that group
    contains characters that have disconnected.


  • Battlegrounds
    Battleground "holidays" have been added to Warsong Gulch, Alterac
    Valley and Arathi Basin. Holidays occur during most weekends,
    starting on Thursday night at midnight and continuing until Tuesday
    During a holiday, emmissaries from that Battleground will be found
    in the major cities, and honor/faction rewards for performing
    objectives in that battleground are increased.
    Warsong Gulch and Arathi Basin will now be level-banded as follows:
    20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60.
    System Messages have been added to Warsong Gulch to replace the
    Losers of Warsong Gulch are now given a "Ribbon of Sacrifice" which
    they may turn in to Captain Shatterspear or Sentinel Farsong for a
    faction reward.
    Offensive use of damage immunities no longer causes the flag to drop
    in Warsong Gulch.
    In the Battlegrounds, you will now automatically be resurrected by
    Spirit Healers unless you choose to decline.
    A bug that allowed ghost players to pass through the Warsong Gulch
    starting gate has been fixed.
    Alterac Valley now correctly rewards honor for owning graveyards at
    the end of the game.
    Characters that use the Battlemaster to enter a Battleground will
    now port back to that Battlemaster when they leave the Battleground
    for any reason.
    Fixed range check for removing insignia from players in
    Fixed a bug that would cause players to stand up when a turnin was
    made in Alterac Valley.
    Players will no longer be able to gain health by repeatedly entering
    and leaving the effect of a Battle Standard.
    Entering a battleground now resets the timer for the AFK flag. This
    should prevent players being kicked by the AFK timer moments after
    they enter the Battleground instance.
    Using the /who command while in a Battleground instance will now
    only display players in your instance.
    The requirement to purchase special Food and Bandage consumables for
    Warsong Gulch and Arathi Basin has been lowered; they are now
    available for use at Friendly and Honored, respectively.
    battleground queue functionality has been improved to eliminate
    certain types of "traffic jams" that could prevent instances from
  • Consecration and other similar spells can no longer be used by
    flagged players to damage PvP flagged enemies.
  • Racial "Leaders" have been strengthened, and are now worth slightly
    less honor.
  • Players may no longer purchase items that require a PvP rank unless
    they meet the rank requirement at the time of purchase.


  • Improved Starfire - The stun effect can now be resisted.
  • Druids should now be able to shapeshift back into caster form while
  • Cat Form - The base weapon damage of the form has been increased.
  • Cat Form - Each point of agility now adds 1 attack power.
  • Cat Form - Rip's damage per combo point has been increased.
  • Cat Form - Ferocious Bite's damage per combo point has been increased
    In addition, extra energy now converts to damage at a higher rate.
  • Cat Form - Replaced global cooldown on Tiger's Fury with a 1 second
    self cooldown. In addition, its duration has been increased to 6
  • Cat Form - Rake's damage has been increased.
  • Entangling Roots now shares the same duration in pvp as other
    long-duration forms of crowd control (ie: polymorph, fear, sap).


  • Due to significant talent changes, Hunters will have all talent
    points refunded and can be respent. Training costs for all talent
    spell/ability replacements have been significantly reduced.
  • Survival and Beast Master talent trees have undergone major revisions
    in an effort to give Hunters additional, viable choices when
    selecting talents.
  • Deterrence - Will now increase parry chance when using Fist Weapons.
  • Deflection - Will now increase parry chance when using Fist Weapons.
  • Improved Concussive Shot - The stun effect can now be resisted.
  • Trueshot Aura - Attack Power and Ranged Attack Power bonus increased,
    mana cost decreased, area of effect increased.
  • Frost Trap - Updated tooltip to reflect duration of the Frost
    Trap Effect.
  • Aimed Shot - Fixed tooltip to correctly display shot time.
  • Auto Shot - Fixed a bug where switching targets would cancel Auto
    Shot. Switching targets should now continue firing on the newly
    acquired target.
  • Scatter Shot - Should now cancel combat mode when used.
  • Eyes of the Beast - Cast time reduced.
  • Flare - Fixed the tooltip to accurately reflect the actual radius of
    the effect.
  • Ranged Weapon Specialization - Now affects all ranged weapon attacks
    (e.g. Arcane Shot).
  • Improved Concussive Shot - Will now have a chance to stun targets
    that are afflicted with other slowing effects (e.g. Wing Clip).
  • Hawk Eye and Barrage have swapped locations, and we added 1 more rank
    to Barrage.
  • Freezing Trap now shares the same duration in pvp as other
    long-duration forms of crowd control (ie: polymorph, fear, sap).
  • The resist rate for hunter traps is now based on the hunter's skill
    rather than the level of the trap.
  • Pet Abilities
    Hunters now have the first round of pet customization available. New
    passive abilities include increased armor, stamina, Fire resistance,
    Frost resistance, Nature resistance, Shadow resistance, and Arcane
    Hunter pets can now be untrained of all their skills from
    any beast trainer in the major cities. Similar to talents,
    untraining a specific pet scales up as you do it more times: 10
    silver, 50 silver, 1 gold, 2 gold, 3 gold, etc., eventually stopping
    at 10 gold.
    Training point costs for all abilities have been rebalanced. You'll
    now be able to use all your pet's training points with meaningful
    choices. To help make "hunting" pets more viable in more situations,
    the Growl ability is now free to all pets.
    Bats, owls, and carrion birds can now learn the Screech ability, a
    fast single-target attack that also lowers the attack power of all
    enemies within melee range of the pet.
    Cats can now learn Stealth. In addition to being unseen, they
    receive a damage bonus for their first attack coming out of stealth.
    Scorpids can now learn Scorpid Poison. The poison deals Nature
    damage over time and stacks up to five times on a single enemy.
    Wolves can now learn Furious Howl. The howl adds a flat amount of
    damage to all nearby party member's next attack (within 15 yards).
  • Hunter pets now gain experience based on the level difference between
    them and their target rather than the difference between the Hunters
    and their target. This will make it much easier to level up a low
    level pet. Keep in mind that the Hunter must still kill creatures
    from which he/she will gain experience.
  • The tooltips for quick Hunter shots have been updated to show them as
    instant abilities.
  • Feign death is no longer resisted by players.
  • Hunters are now able to rename their pets while mounted.
  • Hunter's pets will be smarter about when to use Dash/Dive.
  • Fixed bug where Aimed Shot wouldn't cancel properly when the target
    moves out of range.
  • Fixed a bug where lower level versions of Immolation Trap and
    Explosive Trap were being resisted more than they should be.


  • New Spell: Hammer of Wrath (Level 44) - Hurls a hammer that strikes
    an enemy for Holy damage. Only usable on a wounded target.
  • Blessing of Sacrifice no longer shares damage with dead Paladins
    (You can no longer kill Paladin Ghosts).
  • Paladins can no longer activate Divine Favor on the previously cast
    healing spell.
  • Seal of the Crusader - Fixed a bug that displayed the incorrect
    amount of attack power increased by ranks 2, 3 and 5 of the spell.


  • Focused Casting - Mana cost removed. Now no longer triggers the
    global cooldown on all other spells.
  • Vampiric Embrace - Now heals 20% of the damage actually caused
    (including critical hits, buffs etc...) but now only heals when
    shadow spells cause the damage.
  • Switching to Shadow Form no longer cancels Holy buffs on a priest.
  • You can cancel melee combat while mind controlling by clearing the
    target, like you can normally.
  • Blackout - Fixed a bug where rank 2 of the talent wasn't giving a
    chance to stun.


  • Riposte - Will now initiate combat when used.
  • Deflection - Will now increase parry chance when using Fist Weapons.
  • Mace Specialization - The stun effect can now be resisted.
  • Shoot Bow/Gun/Crossbow - Should no longer cause a global cooldown on
    all other abilities.
  • The fire damage from the Blazefury Medallion and the Gutgore Ripper's
    effect should no longer immediately break Gouge.
  • Riposte - Fixed a bug where the ability was not usable when a special
    attack (e.g. Gouge) is parried.


  • Inferno - The stun effect can now be resisted. Tooltip updated to
    reflect enslave duration after the initial summon.
  • Spell Lock (Felhunter) - In addition to interrupting spellcasting, it
    will now silence the target for a short duration.
  • Benefits received from the old Master Conjuror talent should now be
    removed on all Warlocks.
  • Firestone - When a Firestone is equipped, it should no longer
    interrupt tradeskill creation.
  • Demonic Sacrifice - All effects gained from sacrificing the pet
    should no longer be dispellable.
  • Conflagrate - The Conflagrate spell is now instant cast. The damage
    and mana cost has been raised on all ranks of the spell.
  • Fear will now cause creatures to flee immediately, even if they are
    already moving.
  • Succubus pets will be smarter about when to use Seduction.
  • Succubus pets can now autocast Lesser Invisibility.
  • Fixed a bug where Fear and Curse of Recklessness, when used together,
    would prevent targets from casting spells.
  • Fixed a bug where Soul Link and Power Word: Sheild, when used
    together, would heal the Warlock instead of splitting or absorbing
  • Demon Armor - The armor increase will now stack together with
    Scrolls of Protection.


  • Deflection - Will now increase parry chance when using Fist Weapons.
  • Retaliation - Will now cause a maximum of 30 retaliatory strikes in
    15 seconds. In addition, retaliatory strikes will not be possible
    while stunned.
  • Improved Revenge - The stun effect can now be resisted.
  • Mace Specialization - The stun effect can now be resisted.
  • Retaliation, Recklessness and Shield Wall will no longer be cancelled
    if you switch stances while the effect is active.
  • Shield Slam - Threat caused increased.
  • Shoot Bow/Gun/Crossbow - Should no longer cause a global cooldown on
    all other abilities.
  • Sweeping Strikes will now ignore dead targets, and will ignore PvP
    enabled targets if you are not PvP enabled.


  • We have determined that the defense statistic was being applied to
    items too liberally, causing those items to be stronger than they
    should have been relative to other items of the same level with
    different effects. As a result, we have reduced the amount of defense
    points on all items with bonuses to defense by approximately 33% in
    order to bring those items in line with other similar items.
  • Proficiency Bonuses have been added to the game. Some sets of
    equippable items have been added that will give bonus effects to the
    player only if they have a specific skill, such as Leatherworking.
  • With the new ability to train Hunter pets with considerable magical
    resistance, the amount of pet resistance granted by the set bonuses
    for the Giantstalker's and Dragonstalker's has been reduced while the
    pet health granted has been increased.
  • The Earthfury set bonus that increases the range of totems now works
    with the Mana Tide Totem.
  • The Giantstalker's set bonus that increases Volley damage now works
  • The Lawbringer Paladin Set's Healing Circle effect now only affects
    your party, but the range of the heal has been increased to 30 yds.
  • The pants and gloves for the Dreadmist, Magister's and Devout sets
    have had their Agility removed, and other statistics slightly
  • The free mana cost buff provided by the Mage's Netherwind armor set
    is now called "Netherwind Focus" and will be noted in your combat
  • The effect of the Judge's Gavel has been changed to a stun.
  • Flarecore Gloves now bind when equipped.
  • Flarecore Leggings and Robe now provide a damage bonus to all spells,
    not just fire spells.
  • The duration of the Bonereaver's Edge weapon debuff has been lowered,
    but the frequency of the effect has been raised.
  • The Polychromatic Visionwrap is now a cloth item with durability.
  • The Searing Needle's proc will now do the listed damage of the
  • The Unstoppable Force now has a short duration stun instead of a
    knockback effect, and the stun will occur less frequently.
  • Changing stances no longer removes the Orb of Deception effect.
  • When you have more than one transformation aura (Orb of Deception,
    Noggenfogger, etc.), the last one applied is the one that is shown.
  • Several of the Molten Core Epic Weapons have been updated with new
    weapon glows.
  • Totems affected by the Earthfury set bonus no longer have their
    effect flicker when players are outside their normal radius.
  • Fixed bug preventing several items, such as the Goblin Jumper Cables,
    from being gift wrapped.
  • Fixed bug where equipping and unequipping set items and other items
    with the same bonus as the set bonus could reduce the affected stats
    twice until logout.
  • Sayge's Dark Fortune of Resistance now adds +25 to all schools
    instead of +10%.
  • PvP reward gloves that grant stealth detection have had the detection
    reduced somewhat.
  • There are now items in the game that have a duration on them that is
    measured in real time. For instance, there are fish that have a
    four-hour duration; they only last four hours regardless of whether
    or not the character is logged in.
  • Alterac Valley Spring Water now has a minimum level of 55.
  • The Lobotomizer's proc name has been changed to "Brain Damage".
  • Corrected the art for the Nether-lace Tunic.
  • The Marshal's Lamellar Legplates now have the proper strength bonus.
  • The Fire Runed Grimoire and Darkmoon Card: Heroism are now properly
    considered armor items.
  • The spirit buff from Bottled Alterac Spring Water should now work for
    shapeshifted druids.
  • The Marshal's Silk Gloves now has the Mana Shield improvement effect.
  • The effect tooltips for The Black Book, Gutgore Ripper, and Natural
    Alignment Crystal now properly list their duration.
  • Scout's Blade now properly sheathes at the hip.
  • A few items in the Alliance PvP Rogue and Druid sets were previously
    misnamed, this has been corrected.
  • The Cenarion and Earthfury Vestments now have proper durability
  • The Sergeant Major's Silk Cuffs and First Sergeant's Silk Cuffs now
    have the same amount of stamina.
  • The stun from the Tidal Charm trinket no longer breaks when damage is
    dealt to the stunned target.
  • The Fade effect on the Stealthblade will no longer trigger the
    cooldown for the Rogue's Feint ability.
  • The effect of Black Amnesty will now be noted in the combat log.
  • Rethban Ore, Black Diamonds, and Pristine Black Diamonds may now be
    found in the Miscellaneous Junk category of the Auction House.
  • Blue Wedding Hanbok name changed to reflect the actual color of the
  • The minimum level 48 Lorekeeper's Ring and Advisor's Ring now
    properly consider their effects to be passive.
  • Hair should no longer stick through the Helm of Endless Rage.
  • Key to the City is now considered Uncommon loot.
  • The Amulet and Orb of the Darkmoon have had their stats improved and
    are now Epic (purple).
  • Fishing poles which provide the same bonuses as lures now get the
    extra bonus from the lure when it is applied.
  • Fixed bug where moving enchanted weapons from one hand to the other
    would remove the equipped enchantment benefit.
  • Fixed bug where swapping two equipped trinkets would remove one of
    the trinket's passive effects.
  • Night Dragon's Breath can now be used while silenced.
  • Texture for the Dragon's Touch wand corrected.
  • Bind on Equip Bracers and Belts in Molten Core now drop more often.
  • Cenarion Helm texture fixed.
  • Invulnerable Mail changed to a lower duration effect, but your own
    melee swings will not interrupt the invulnerability.


  • You can now modify the auto-cast status of pet spells in the pet


  • New crafted sets have been added that require reagents found only in
    Zul'Gurub or through the reputation gained from adventuring therein.
  • Only spells and abilities that target enemy units will cancel the
    World Enlarger effect.
  • Black Lotus is no longer soulbound.
  • Blackfury and Black Amnesty now bind when equipped.
  • Catseye Goggles have had their stealth detection increased somewhat.
  • The Mooncloth Robe pattern changed so it displays as white quality
    instead of blue since it is vendor purchased.
  • The Effects of Flasks will now persist through death.
  • Free Action potions can now be dispelled.
  • Wildvine potions have been improved.
  • Dreamless Sleep potions now take full effect in 12 seconds instead
    of 15.
  • There is now a Horde cooking recipe that uses Tender Crocolisk Meat
    found at Brackenwall Village.
  • Dark Iron Boots have been added as Blacksmithing plans that require
    Exalted reputation with the Thorium Brotherhood.
  • Timbermaw Reputation Recipes are no longer sold in limited quanities
    with a restock time. If you have the reputation, you will always be
    able to buy the recipe.
  • Significantly more Stranglekelp has started washing ashore to the
    beaches of the world.
  • Dark Iron mineral nodes will now sometimes appear in the Burning
    Steppes and Searing Gorge.
  • Enchanting an item with an enchantment that will cause the item to
    become soulbound will now prompt the enchanter with a warning message
    before the enchantment is cast.
  • The Gnomish Death Ray now only can be cast if the target is within 20
    yards. Previously you could cast this on players outside that range,
    even though the spell immediately failed.
  • Cured Rugged hides now stack to 10 instead of 5.


  • A great number of quests and events added to Zul'Gurub.
  • A level 50 class quest has been added for the Rogue (Lord Ravenholdt
    in Ravenholdt Manor), Priest (Greta Mosshoof in Felwood), Mage
    (Archmage Xylem in Azshara), and Hunter (Ogtinc in Azshara).
  • Reputation gains given to a player on the Alliance, Horde, or
    Steamwheedle Cartel factions directly will now cascade down to member
    factions through the middle of the Exalted reputation level.
  • The summoning crystals of Andorhal have been removed; as a result,
    Araj the Summoner will behave like a normal spawn. The respawn time
    on Araj once he is slain is 10-15 minutes. It should be noted that
    the spawns surrounding where he holds dominion have been maintained;
    players seeking to defeat him should not be shy about bringing
    friends with them.
  • Araj the Summoner now has increased hit points and does increased
    melee damage.
  • Araj the Summoner no longer drops a Corruptor's Scourgestone 100% of
    the time when killed.
  • The text for the Horde and Alliance versions of "Araj's Scarab" now
    reflect the changes done to the Araj encounter.
  • The text for the Horde and Alliance versions of "Alas, Andorhal" now
    reflect the changes done to the Araj encounter.
  • The Argent Dawn quest "The Active Agent" now offers a choice of
    rewards: Seal of the Dawn and Rune of the Dawn. Both may be used just
    like an Argent Dawn Commission.
  • Players seeking to replace their Seal of the Dawn (or get a Rune of
    the Dawn instead) once they've finished "The Active Agent" quest
    should speak with Betina Bigglezink in Eastern Plaguelands.
  • The Seal of the Dawn is now unique, no longer has any cash value, and
    is no longer disenchantable.
  • The level 5 quests had the ranged weapon removed from their reward
    options. This was done to make sure hunters upgrade their melee
    damage in the levels before obtaining a pet.
  • Added text to the Test of Endurance quest to indicate you might need
    to bring some friends along.
  • The amount of XP and Stormwind reputation has been increased for
    completing "Hilary's Necklace" quest.
  • Torek in Ashenvale (the questgiver for Torek's Assault) is now PvP
  • Important Blackrock Documents for the Horde quest, "Warlord's
    Command," no longer despawn. They can still randomly spawn at one of
    four locations.
  • Two new quests have been added to Thorium Point in the Searing Gorge
    for Thorium Brotherhood reputation turnin for players with neutral
    faction. You will now be able to turn in Iron and Heavy Leather to
    increase your reputation with the Brotherhood.
  • "The Darkreaver Menace" quest has had its reward improved; any Shaman
    who has already completed the quest should speak to Sagorne
    Creststrider in Orgrimmar to get their new reward.
  • The Boulderslide Ravine quest in Stonetalon Mountains now more
    clearly points players to the Boulderslide Ravine.
  • The original Hakkar quest (the one that involved killing Hakkar's
    Avatar in the Sunken Temple) has been extended, and now offers a
  • Completing the initial Magram or Gelkis quest in Desolace now gives
    appropriate positive and negative reputation gains.
  • The completion dialogue for the "A Rogue's Deal" quest has been
  • All 8 versions of the "A Donation of Runecloth" quest have had their
    quest text clarified.
  • Certain mobs and NPCs that erroneously had plus or minus reputation
    gains on kills for Horde or Alliance have been corrected.
  • Various quest typos fixed.

Raids and Dungeons

  • Characters will now receive an error when attempting to enter a raid
    dungeon if the reason they cannot enter is because they are not in a
    raid group.
  • Fixed a bug that was preventing Rallying Cry of the Dragon Slayer to
    fire when Onyxia's head was turned in (assuming a head was not
    already up).
  • You can now no longer avoid Onyxia's confuse effect by jumping or
    moving erratically.
  • Death Knight Darkreaver in Scholomance shouldn't be so noisy anymore.
  • The Ogre Tannin Basket in Dire Maul should stick around longer if
    someone opens it and does not initially loot the tannin from it.
  • A few Molten Core bosses now drop Fiery or Lava Cores.

User Interface

  • New "Dressing Room" Interface now available! If you control-left
    click on any item, item reference (vendors, quests) or item link
    (chat), a UI panel will appear showing your character wearing that
    item. You can then use the same command (control-left click) on
    additional items to add to the preview appearance. In addition, the
    Auction House now has a checkbox in the upper right-hand corner; if
    checked, any item you click on within the Auction House will
    automatically be previewed on your character.

  • Need Before Greed and Group Loot options have been improved. The
    rolling window that appears when an item of the threshold and above
    is looted now has three buttons: a Need button (the dice), a Greed
    button (the coin), and a close button. Any players who select Need
    will get a chance to roll first for the item, with the high roller
    winning. If no one selects Need, all characters who selected Greed
    will then roll,with the highest roll winning the item. If everyone
    closes the window, the item becomes lootable by anyone in the group.

  • You can now disable the slow scrolling of text when you are receiving
    a new quest.

  • Opening the overhead map will now "ping" your location your map (to
    make it easier to notice your location when there are many friendlies
    nearby on the overhead map).

  • The overhead map now displays a directional icon for your character.

  • Spell effects that stack multiple times on a character will now
    display a number in the bottom corner indicating how many times the
    effect has stacked. For example, if a player has had the Sunder Armor
    ability used on them three times, the Sunder Armor effect icon will
    display a 3 in the corner.

  • A confirmation dialog is now shown when you choose to make an Inn
    your home.

  • The tooltip for spells like Seal of the Crusader correctly reflects
    the benefit of the spell, instead of occasionally being off by one.

  • Using /random will now send the text to your party or raid wherever
    they are instead of the local area around the player that used

  • When in a raid group, the group you are in will now appear above your
    name next to your portrait.

  • Mail recipient name completion now works with offline guild members
    even if you are not showing them in the guild UI.

  • Guild ranks and player notes are now filtered by the profanity

  • The temporary mana cost reduction of Burst of Knowledge and similar
    effects is now reflected in tooltips.

  • Quest rewards are now linked in chat like other items gained.

  • You can auto-equip items while in flight by right clicking on them,
    as you would normally.

  • Fixed bug preventing the Release Spirit dialog from showing if you
    die while jumping in lava.

  • You can now use the Escape key to exit out of pop up dialogues.

  • Fixed lua error when relinking poor and standard quality items from
    loot messages.

  • Consumable items on the action bar will now always show the number
    remaining, even if there are none in your inventory.

  • You can create the directory Interface\Icons, and any 32x32 .blp or
    .tga files you put in there will be available in the icon list for
    your macros.

  • Pet spells in macros are now supported, both using /cast and using

  • If you omit the rank of a spell in /cast or CastSpellByName(), it
    will use the highest rank of the spell which you know.

  • While it will still be possible to override files in
    Interface/FrameXML, doing so is discouraged (and is likely to become
    impossible in a future release). Significant API additions are being
    made to eliminate the need for such direct FrameXML changes.

  • You will now be able to list .lua files directly in the addon
    .toc file.

  • The SetPoint() and SetAllPoints() script functions can take an actual
    frame instead of a frame name.

  • TargetNearest* script functions will only work in response to a
    button click or a key binding, to discourage addons which scan the
    battlefield for targets.

  • Addon-specific Saved Variables!
    Each addon's saved variables will be saved in the file
    WTF\Account{accountname}\SavedVariables{addonname}.lua, and will
    only be loaded when the addon is loaded.
    IMPORTANT: The first time you enter the game with this change, you
    must make sure all your addons are enabled, or their saved
    variables will be lost! If you accidentally do this once, you can
    recover by quitting the game, moving your backup SavedVariables.
    lua into place and restarting the game with addons enabled.

  • Addon Loading On Demand!
    If you add the following line to your addon's .toc file, it will not
    be loaded at the normal load time, it will instead be dynamically
    loaded upon request:

        ## LoadOnDemand: 1
        You can query to see if an addon is loaded by using the new
        IsAddOnLoaded("addonname") function, and you can load an
        addon dynamically using the LoadAddOn("addonname") function.
        This function returns true if the addon is loaded
        successfully, and can be safely and efficiently called even
        if the addon is already loaded.
        For your convenience, the function
        UIParentLoadAddOn("addonname") is provided which will
        attempt to load the addon and pop up an error message if it
        failed to load for any reason.
        Once an addon is loaded, the ADDON_LOADED event is sent,
        with arg1 set to the name of the addon. An addon can listen
        for that event, and when it recieves that event with it's
        own name, it can safely access its saved variables.
        An important thing to note is that when an addon is loaded
        dynamically, it doesn't have access to any of the virtual
        frame templates that are defined by FrameXML, including
        font definitions.
  • New Scripting Functions
    debugprofilestart() - starts a timer for profiling during debugging.
    millis = debugprofilestop() - return the time in milliseconds since
    the last call to debugprofilestart()
  • New UI Element Member Functions
    handlerFunction = Frame:GetScript("handler") - (for handlers like
    "OnShow", "OnEnter", etc) which returns the current event handler
    for a frame.
    Frame:SetScript("handler", function) - sets the action/event handler
    for a frame (or removes it with a nil function)
    Frame:SetBackdrop(nil) / Frame:SetBackdrop({bgFile = "bgFile",
    edgeFile = "edgeFile", tile = false, tileSize = 0, edgeSize = 32,
    insets = { left = 0, right = 0, top = 0, bottom = 0 }}) (Note: This
    is a table argument)
    FontString:SetFont("font", size [, "flags"]).
    StatusBar:SetStatusBarTexture("file" [, "layer"])
    lines = ScrollingMessageFrame:GetMaxLines()
    ScrollingMessageFrame:EnableFading([isEnabled]) (Defaults to true)
    lines = EditBox:GetHistoryLines()
    EditBox:SetIgnoreArrows([isIgnored]) (Defaults to true)
    r,g,b,a = FontString:GetTextColor()
    Frame:SetParent(nil, or "parent" or parentFrame)
    numChildren = Frame:GetNumChildren()
    child1, child2, child3, ... = Frame:GetChildren()
  • Addon Saved Variables
    SavedVariables will no longer drop stored numbers to single
    Infinite/Nan values no longer cause corrupted SavedVariables.lua
    file.(Written as nils with comment)
  • Chat and Combat Logging
    The script functions ChatFrameLog() and ToggleCombatLogFileWrite()
    are obsolete.
    Added script function: isLogging=LoggingChat([newState]) (Returns
    new state (or current state if no argument))
    Added script function: isLogging=LoggingCombat([newState]) (Returns
    new state (or current state if no argument))
    New slash command /chatlog toggles chat logging (/combatlog toggles
    combat logging)
    The file for the chat log is Logs\WoWChatLog.txt and the file for
    the combat log is Logs\WoWCombatLog.txt
    Chat and combat log files will be appended to rather than
    You now receive combat log messages and damage feedback when you are
    being attacked by creatures you can't see.
    If you call a tamed Deepmoss Hatchling, you are no longer notified
    that you hatched.
    Fixed disconnection caused by relinking an item in a different
    locale than that of your client.
    Looted items now always show their names in the appropriate quality
    You now get combat feedback when you take damage from unseen
    opponents, like the Unseen in Raven Hill.
    Fixed damage display on the character sheet when you have Fury of
    the Frostwolf or Stormpike's Salvation.

World Environment

  • The Ranazjar Isle sub-area has been added off the northwest coast of
    Desolace. The Ranazjar Isle puzzle piece now properly pops when you
    venture there.
  • Entering the zeppelin towers at Durotar and Grom'gol Base Camp no
    longer incorrectly flags you as being in the Valley of Strength.
  • Argent Dawn, Timbermaw, Zandalar and Arathi Basin vendors now show
    you their entire inventory regardless of current reputation, allowing
    players to peruse their full range of wares. The items in question
    now require the appropriate reputation level to make use of them.
  • Some of the ship and zeppelin paths have been modified.
  • Gor'tesh and Grol the Destroyer should no longer stay in evade mode
  • A new inn has been added to the Grom'gol Base Camp in Stranglethorn
    Vale at the base of the zeppelin tower.
  • The Champion's Hall and the Hall of Legends have new load screens.
  • Some Horde quest NPCs were moved to new locations to promote more
    intuitive quest flow: Storm Shadowhoof who was previously at
    Bloodvenom Falls in Felwood has been moved to Everlook. Witch Doctor
    Mau'ari who was previously in Orgrimmar has been moved to Everlook.
  • Scorpids above level 10 now drop more valuable parts than they did
  • Rare Felwood creatures should now have loot.
  • Twilight's Hammer creatures in Silithus can now be pickpocketed.
  • Zone bound items, such as the Gordok Courtyard Key, will no longer
    leave your inventory if you are a ghost outside their intended zone.
    Reviving in a zone outside the item's listed zone binding will still
    cause the item to disappear, however.
  • Pelturas Whitemoon's faction has been fixed; the NPC is now properly
    associated with Darnassus.
  • Narm Faulk is now a part of the Ironforge Faction.
  • Hadoken Swiftstrider now has gossip text.
  • Ferra can now be skinned.
  • Fixed a typo in Ogunaro Wolfrunner's greeting to those who are not
    yet friendly with Orgrimmar.
  • Fixed a typo on a signpost in Western Plaguelands.
  • Sayge’s buffs at the Darkmoon Faire are now exclusive to one another.
  • Onyxia no longer teleports from point to point while flying.

  • World of Warcraft Client Patch 1.6.1 (2005-08-02)


  • Spell casting is no longer interrupted when leaving combat.


  • Improved Shield Block - Fixed a bug where Rank 3 of the talent was
    not granting the extra block.

  • Bloodthirst - Damage bonus increased to 40% of attack power.


  • The Oil of Immolation effect is no longer affected by bonuses to
    spell damage from items.

    Raids & Dungeons

  • Blackwing Lair
    Several encounters in Blackwing Lair now cause the front gate to
    close, preventing players from zoning out or joining an in-progress
    The Razorgore encounter has been changed slightly to make it less
    "random". The spawning should be more consistent throughout the
    The timer for Vaelastrasz the Corrupt is now more persistent. You
    can no longer reset the one-hour time limit for beating him by
    leaving the instance. Also, Vaelastrasz the Corrupt will not respawn
    for 12 hours if he has not been beaten when the timer expires.
    The drakes in Blackwing Lair will no longer leave the lab.

  • Maraudon
    Lowered experience values for Creeping Sludge.


  • Increased the maximum number of sounds which can be played
    simultaneously. This will fix problems where some sounds could be
    dropped in very busy situations.

  • Fixed WoW Error Reporter so that it doesn't crash under Mac OS X
    10.4 when trying to send an error report.

  • Worked around an issue where you would lose your Expose/Dashboard
    preferences if you crashed or asserted while in fullscreen mode on
    Mac OS X 10.4.

  • Fixed the "blockWidth", "srec", and "bitnum < m_numBits" assertions
    bugs that would crash the game.

  • Fixed a bug involving corpses near the player that could result in a
    crash ("BusError").

  • World of Warcraft Client Patch 1.6.0 (2005-07-12)

Blackwing Lair Released!
Nefarian's sanctum, Blackwing Lair, can be found at the very height
of Blackrock Spire. It is there in the dark recesses of the
mountain's peak that Nefarian has begun to unfold the final stages of
his plan to destroy Ragnaros once and for all and lead his army to
undisputed supremacy over all the races of Azeroth. Blackwing Lair
is a max-level, 40-player raid dungeon, with many new encounters and
tempting rewards awaiting the intrepid adventurer that dares enter
its halls.

Darkmoon Faire!
A gathering of the exotic from around the world and beyond, Silas
Darkmoon has brought together the Darkmoon Faire as a celebration of
the wondrous and mysterious found in Azeroth. While the Faire spends
most of their time in parts unknown, they do stop from time to time
in Mulgore and Elwynn forest. When the faire is on its way barkers
will stop by Ogrimmar and Ironforge to announce its arrival.

There is a new way to enter the battleground queues. Battlemasters!
Located in some of the cities, right-clicking on a battlemaster will
allow your character to enter a battleground queue just like you
normally would if you touched that battleground’s entrance portal.

The functionality is exactly the same, so when it’s your character’s
time to enter the chosen battleground, you will be teleported
directly in. Glordrum Steelbeard stands in the Hall of Arms in
Ironforge, serving as the Alliance battlemaster for Alterac Valley.

Aethalas of the Silverwing Sentinels stands ready in Darnassus, next
to the warrior trainers, to send Alliance characters into Warsong
Gulch. And in the Hall of the Brave, located in Orgrimmar’s Valley
of Honor, Brakgul Deathbringer serves as the Horde’s battlemaster
for Warsong Gulch, while Kartra Bloodsnarl will send you to bring
glory to the Horde in Alterac Valley. Guards in their respective
cities can give you directions on how to find them.


  • There is a new option upon the login screen. If you click the
    "Remember Name" checkbox on the left side of the screen, the game
    will automatically fill in your account name when it starts up.
  • Will of the Forsaken (Undead Racial) - duration of the lasting
    immunity effect decreased to 5 seconds.
  • Cannibalize (Undead Racial) - Regeneration increased to 35% of a
    character's total health over 10 seconds.
  • Stoneform (Dwarf Racial) - can now be used to cancel self-inflicted
    poison effects.
  • Fist Weapons will now have the normal chance to parry that all
    weapons use.
  • It will no longer be possible to swap any equipment while stunned.
  • Pets will now enter passive/follow mode when their masters mount.
  • The Dazed effect caused by NPCs will now stack with all other
    movement slowing effects. Note that the movement slowing effects
    will not stack, but the debuff icons will remain to ensure the full
    duration of these effects persist.
  • Damage caused by environmental effects will now cancel stealth (e.g.
    swimming in lava).
  • Several creature spells that silenced players are now properly
    flagged as silence effects, which will allow talents such as
    Unbreakable Will to provide a higher chance to resist the effects.
  • Spells that drain mana will now properly report the amount of mana
    gained in the combat log.
  • Clarified the error message when no corpses are available for the
    Cannibalize ability.
  • Clarified the error message when trying to attack while mounted.
  • Resurrection spells should now check range properly when used on
    targets that have released their spirit.
  • Spell reflection effects have greatly improved visuals and
  • Knockback effects are now synchronized with any associated missile
  • Special abilities which are parried will correctly activate abilities
    which are usable after parrying.
  • Damage shield spells no longer damage you if you use spells that
    damage both you and your enemies.
  • Fixed graphical anomalies when using channeled abilities in a group
    with a grounding totem.
  • Fixed the duration of Frostbite on pets which are dismissed and then
  • Fixed a bug where broken off-hand fist weapons would prevent main-
    hand dagger abilities from being usable
  • Health leech effects no longer give you health while you are a ghost.
  • You no longer spout profanity when talking about sitting while drunk.


  • Some optimizations for terrain loading and rendering were added for
    the Macintosh build.
  • Enabled multisample support in the video options.
  • Fixed an issue where inspecting crafted items on other users could
    potentially show attributes that those items did not have.
  • Updated the Mac sound code to use memory more efficiently.


  • Honor System
    There is now a progress bar on the Honor tab of your character
    window that displays how close you are to your next rank.
    There is a new "This Week" section of the Honor tab, which will
    display PvP accomplishments of the current week.
    The honor screen now displays a bar indicating how far along
    your current rank you are (Scout, Private, etc). This will
    let you know whether you are moving towards your next rank or
    falling back towards your previous rank.
    The "This Session" section of the Honor tab has been changed to
    "Today", and will now display the entirety of your accomplishments
    for the day instead of the most recent session.
    Players rank 11 or higher can now chat in the WorldDefense channel.
    The WorldDefense and LocalDefense channels will now display your
    rank as well as your name when chatting.
    Battleground scoreboards now display the time elapsed in a
  • Warsong Gulch
    Warsong Gulch has new item rewards at the appropriate faction vendor
    near the entrances to the zone. These are available starting at
    Honored faction.
    Friendly flag carriers are now displayed on the overhead map in
    Warsong Gulch.
    Both the Warsong Outrider Supply Officer and the Silverwing Sentinel
    Supply Officer of Warsong Gulch now offer distinct tabards for
    purchase. Those heroes who are of Exalted status with one of these
    factions may purchase the tabard for 5 gold (discounts not included).
    Players now receive a faction bonus for completing the repeatable
    Warsong Gulch quests.
  • Alterac Valley
    Each team will now gain additional bonus honor if their towers are
    not destroyed by the end of the map. The more towers that remained
    intact, the more honor received.
    If you manage to keep your faction's Captain alive for the duration
    of a battle, you will be granted extra points upon victory.
    Several Alterac Valley vendor items are now bind on acquire.
    The respawn time for tower guards (assuming the tower has not been
    destroyed) has been greatly increased.
    Korrak the Bloodrager has gained immunities to many different spell
    and ability effects.
    The minimum reputation needed to send a cavalry charge has been
    reduced to Honored.
    Players of Revered or higher reputation may now call offensive air
    strikes if they have managed to rescue their respective Wing
    Alterac Valley's guard spawn is now controlled via a more intuitive
    mechanism. Please check the Officer Supply vendors for your faction
    to read up on the changes.
    Fixed a bug that sometimes prevented the Alliance team from
    receiving honor for destroying towers.
    Fixed a bug that was not awarding Horde credit for owning a mine at
    the end of a game.
  • Dispel Magic can no longer be used on players participating in a duel
    unless the caster is in the duel.
  • You are considered in combat for the entire duration of a duel.
  • You can’t assist players which are engaged in free-for-all PvP unless
    you are also in free-for-all PvP.
  • If you have PvP combat toggled on, it will no longer be cleared when
    taking a flight.
  • Hunter traps work properly in duels if the target is flagged for PvP
    and the hunter is not.
  • Removing an insignia in PvP no longer marks both players as being in


  • Shapeshifting will now counteract the slowing effects of frost-based
    spells (Frostbolt, Frost Shock, Cone of Cold, etc.).
  • Feral Charge - Targets that are immune to immobilizing effects will
    no longer be affected by Feral Charge's immobilizing effect. The
    interrupt will still affect the target.
  • Shadowmeld (Night Elf Racial) - Now reports the correct error message
    when attempted in shapeshift form.
  • Druid shapeshift form buttons are no longer dimmed while under the
    effects of Polymorph.


  • Counterattack - Will now cause damage to targets immune to
    immobilizing effects.
  • Wing Clip - Will now cause damage to targets immune to immobilizing
  • Explosive Trap - Fixed a bug where the trap's effects suffered
    inappropriate damage reduction against high level targets. In
    addition, damage caused by this trap should no longer kill opponents
    in duels.
  • Aspect of the Cheetah/Pack - Non-damaging spells and abilities will
    no longer cause the dazed effect. In addition, when switching
    between Pack and Cheetah, you should no longer receive the "A more
    powerful spell is already active" error message.
  • Beast Lore - Will no longer flag you for PvP or cause guard
    retaliation when used on an enemy faction target.


  • Frostbolt - Targets that are immune to movement slowing effects will
    no longer be affected by Frostbolt's movement slowing effect. Damage
    will still be caused.
  • Frost Nova - Will now cause damage to targets immune to immobilizing
  • Blast Wave - Will now cause damage to targets immune to immobilizing
  • Cone of Cold - Targets that are immune to movement slowing effects
    will no longer be affected by Cone of Cold's movement slowing effect.
    Damage will still be caused.
  • Detect Magic - will no longer cause guard retaliation in Goblin towns.
  • Ignite - Can now be dispelled by any effect that dispels magic
  • Frost Armor/Ice Armor - Targets that are immune to movement slowing
    effects will no longer be affected by the Chill's movement slowing
    effect. Targets will still have their melee attack speed reduced.
  • Arcane Instability - Fixed a bug where rank 3 of this talent was not
    increasing the periodic damage of various spells by the correct
    amount (was increasing by 2% and should now properly increase by 3%).


  • Blessing of Freedom - Will now counter the movement impairing effects
    of Frostbolt, Cone of Cold, Frost Shock. It will no longer prevent
    the damage taken by Frost Nova, Hamstring, Wing Clip, Mind Flay,
    Counterattack, or Blast Wave or the melee and ranged attack speed
    slowing effects of Cripple.
  • Consecration - No longer resets weapon timer when cast.
  • Improved Seal of Justice - Tooltip updated to be more clear.
  • Seal of Command - Should now correctly report damage in the overhead
    display and the combat log.
  • Summon Charger - New icon.
  • Fixed a bug where the Paladin did not always die when using the
    Divine Intervention spell.


  • Mind Flay - Will now cause damage to targets immune to movement
    slowing effects.
  • Shadowform - Changed so all spells except Holy can be cast rather
    than only Shadow and Discipline spells. Tooltip updated. This fixes
    several bugs that prevented various actions (creating tradeskill
    items, mining, summoning a mount, using a hearthstone and many more).
  • Spirit of Redemption - Tooltip updated to be more clear.
  • Touch of Weakness - Stronger versions of this effect on enemy targets
    will no longer be replaced by weaker versions.


  • Riposte - Targets immune to disarm effects will now take damage from
  • Disarming an enemy faction hunter's trap will now flag the rogue for
  • Ghostly Strike - no longer deals damage to you when you use it.
  • Premeditation - Fixed a bug where the combo points gained using the
    ability were not properly removed after the duration expired. Also
    increased range and duration.
  • The UI now properly shows that Preparation does not clear a Cold
    Blood setup.


  • Frost Shock - Targets that are immune to movement slowing effects
    will no longer be affected by Frost Shock's movement slowing effect.
    Damage will still be caused.
  • Reincarnation will no longer be an option on death when a Soulstone
    effect is active on the Shaman. The Soulstone will be used as the
    higher priority effect.
  • Frostbrand Weapon - Targets that are immune to movement slowing
    effects will no longer be affected by Frostbrand Weapon's movement
    slowing effect. Damage will still be caused.
  • Call of Flame - Fixed a bug where the damage bonus did not always
    increase various totems.
  • Chain spells cast on PvP targets by an unflagged Shaman will now
    properly bounce to other PvP targets.
  • The tooltip for Fire Nova Totem now correctly reflects the damage the
    totems deal.


  • Due to significant talent changes, Warlocks will have all talent
    points refunded and can be respent.
  • Cripple (Doomguard) - Targets that are immune to movement slowing
    effects will no longer be affected by Cripple's movement slowing
    effect. Melee and ranged attack speed slowing effects will still
    affect these targets.
  • Demon Skin/Demon Armor - Now increases health regeneration at all
    times, as was always intended. Previously, the health regeneration
    only occurred out of combat. Tooltips updated.
  • Demonic Sacrifice - The sacrifice effects for the Voidwalker and
    Felhunter have changed. The Voidwalker will now regenerate 3% of
    your total health every 4 seconds. The Felhunter will now regenerate
    2% of your total mana every 4 seconds.
  • Demonic Sacrifice now works properly on banished summons.
  • Summon Dreadsteed - New icon.
  • Dark Pact - Fixed a bug where the combat log was reporting an
    incorrect value of mana gained by the caster when there wasn't enough
    mana to drain from the pet.
  • Phase Shift (Imp) - While phase shifted, the imp is now targetable
    but will remain an invalid target for all spells and attacks except
    self-cast spells.
  • Improved Healthstone - The increased effect from this talent should
    now properly apply to other players that use the Warlock's
  • Ritual of Summoning - Fixed a bug where players could be summoned
    from outside the same instance as the warlock in some cases.
  • Unholy Power - No longer requires the Fel Stamina talent. Is now a
    tier 4 talent and is a prerequisite for the new Master Demonologist
  • Master Conjuror - Talent replaced with a new talent called Master
  • New Talent (Demonology): Master Demonologist - Grants both the
    Warlock and the summoned demon an effect as long as that demon is
    active. The effect granted depends on the type of demon summoned.
  • Unholy Power - No longer requires the Fel Stamina talent. It now
    requires the Master Demonologist talent.
  • Ritual of Doom - Should now display the cooldown.


  • Due to significant talent changes, Warriors will have all talent
    points refunded and can be respent.
  • Hamstring - Will now cause damage to targets immune to movement
    slowing effects. Movement slowing effect improved.
  • Improved Hamstring - Design changed. No longer improves the movement
    slowing effect. It is now a 3 point talent that gives a 5/10/15%
    chance to immobilize the target for 5 seconds.
  • Booming Voice - In addition to increasing duration, this talent will
    now increase the area of effect of Battle Shout and Demoralizing
    Shout by 10/20/30/40/50%.
  • Battle Shout - Tooltip updated to display area of effect (in yards).
  • Demoralizing Shout - Tooltip updated to display area of effect (in
  • Improved Berserker Rage - No longer increases the duration of the
    effect. The talent will now generate 5/10 rage when Berserker Rage
    is used.
  • Improved Demoralizing Shout - Effectiveness increase from talent
    increased to 8/16/24/32/40%.
  • Piercing Howl - No longer has a prerequisite (Improved Demoralizing
  • Deathwish - Is now usable while under a Fear effect, which will also
    remove the Fear effect.
  • Bloodthirst - Design changed. Bloodthirst is now an instant melee
    attack that causes damage equal to 30% of the warrior's attack power.
    In addition, the next 5 successful melee attacks will restore health.
  • Concussion Blow - No longer requires purchase of the Improved Revenge
  • Shield Discipline - Removed and replaced by the new talent Shield
  • New Talent: Shield Slam - Slam the target with your shield, causing
    damage and has a 50% chance to dispe

Ahm, ok muchas gracias


joder con el hunter, lo han puesto bien ya ^^

el shamy y el mago ni lo an tocado en fin ¬¬


Donde puedo localizar el Wowtoc que arregla los addons??


En www.curse-gaming.com está :)


#2 FTW .
Destroza UI's hdp de parche me cago en.
Puto error rojo en medio de la pantalla cada cosa que toque.

"clik Interface
"clik Erase
"Are you sure?
"clik yes ftw.


Pues he visto que a las pets les han dado habilidades en plan tener mas armor y resistencia...

A los hunters, o por lo menos al mio, me lo han jodido, porque antes podia hacer tranquilamente un critico de 1000 y algo con el aim shot (soy nivel 45) y ahora no pasa de 400...

Por cierto, el Aim shot lo tienes que volver a comprar...


thx #11, Curse gaming va petadisimo :S


A los magos nunca los tocan directamente, simplemente los nerfean tocandoles cosas que les afectan y no arreglando los bugs que tienen.

Son de listos.....

PD: Podemos lanzar AM a 100 Yardas o más :D

Usuarios habituales

  • Davor
  • drago_fenris
  • -DnT-
  • Comprad0r
  • sPoiLeR
  • dj-alien
  • UnKiNd