Patch 2.3


Aún no está confirmado que sean 2k CPs, porque me parece bastante y dudo que no lo rebajen.


Build chaman enchacement? estoy por 0/41/20 pero nose :S (soy dual)


#122 despues del parche pruebalo pero antes de él... cogete presteza de la naturaleza.


#122 para despues del parche prueba algo como esto

son esos puntos pero con los talentos nuevos claro, te pongo los cambios:

1 punto en armas a 2 manos --> tus criticos a mele reducen el mana de tu siguiente shock un 60%

ese talento basicamente es el diferente, el resto tienen añadidos:

Mental Quickness te dara un 30% de tu ap como spell dmg

Shamanistic Rage te dara un 30% de reduccion de daño recibido durante 30 segs.

Spirit Weapons reduce el agro a mele en un 30%

Con esa build maximizas tu daño y te sirve para pve y pvp (me gustaria sacar 1 punto mas para eye of storm y no se de donde xd), en pve siempre puedes optar tb por pillarte resto y 3 puntos en nature's guidance para el 3% de hit.

Ala saludos ^^


Mas notas, a las anteriores notas añadamos estas :
(el que no sepa ingles que se pase un poco más por clase)


•(updated) Silence effects now have diminishing returns when used on PvP targets.
•(updated) You can now obtain a tiny Sporebat pet with exalted Sporeggar faction.
•(updated) An Azure Whelp pet now drops from the blue dragonkin in Azshara.
•(updated) If you are seated and try to use abilities that require you to be standing, you will stand up and use them. This can be disabled with: /console autoStand 0 .

Racial Abilities

•(updated) Humans: Sword Skill now increases the critical strike chance with swords and two-handed swords by 1%.
•(updated) Orcs: Axe Skill now increases the critical strike chance with axes and two-handed axes by 1%.

• The top ranked team of each battlegroup for each format will receive a new unique title for the end of Season 2 called “Merciless Gladiator”.

•(updated) If you are in a shapeshift form and try to use an ability that may only be used in caster form, you will leave the form and use that ability. This means that you can shift from one form to another in one action. If you don’t have mana to shift form, you will get an error message and remain in your current form. This can be disabled with /console autoUnshift 0

•(updated) Aimed Shot (Marksmanship) now reduces healing done to that target by 50% for 10 seconds.

• Arcane Missiles: Players will no longer get strange error messages when casting this spell at evading targets. The spell will simply fail.
• Spellsteal: It is no longer possible via this spell to get two Forbearance debuffs at the same time.

•(updated) Paladin seals no longer have a low chance to be dispelled if you have 3 points in Sanctified Seals.
•(updated) Judgement of Wisdom: It is no longer possible for the mana energize effect to trigger off of reapplication of the Judgement of Wisdom.
• Divine Favor: When this ability is cast immediately after a critical heal, it will no longer be removed incorrectly.
• Fanaticism (Retribution) now also reduces threat caused by all actions by 6/12/18/24/30%.
• Judgement of Light: The combat log will now show the mana gained from rank 5 of this ability as Judgement of Light instead of Seal of Light.
• Precision (Protection) now increases spell hit chance as well.
• Seal of Vengeance: The bonus damage this ability dealt when the debuff is fully stacked on the target was incorrectly too low. It is now increased.
• Spiritual Attunement: This ability will now gain mana properly from Vampiric Embrace heals.

•(updated) Starshards: The damage per tick of this ability no longer changes during the duration of the effect.
•(updated) If you are in Shadowform and try to use an ability that my not be used in Shadowform, you will leave Shadowform and use that ability. This can be disabled with /console autoUnshift 0
• Mind Soothe: This spell will now consume Inner Focus.

•(updated) Cheat Death (Subtlety) chance to trigger increased to 33/66/100% and now also causes the rogue to take 90% less damage for 3 seconds when the effect triggers. This effect cannot occur more than once per minute.
•(updated) Sap: Multiple Saps placed by multiple Rogues will now be handled correctly in all cases.
•(updated) If you are in Stealth and try to use an ability that may not be used while stealthed, you will leave stealth and use that ability. This can be disabled with /console autoUnshift 0
• Blade Flurry: This ability now works correctly in all cases with shielded targets.
• Cold Blood: Fixed an issue where this buff was sometimes getting removed when an attack missed.
• Dirty Deeds now also increases damage against enemies below 35% health.
• Riposte is now subject to diminishing returns in PvP.

• Soul Siphon (Affliction): If a Warlock already has a particular spell cast on a target, reapplying before its duration ends will no longer grant an additional bonus.

• Sweeping Strikes: This ability now works correctly in all cases with shielded targets.


• All primary profession trainers outside of capitals (Alchemy, Blacksmithing, Enchanting, Engineering, Leatherworking, Tailoring) have been changed to train up to Artisan level (skill level 300) in their respective professions.
• The capital cities now possess Artisan level trainers for the primary professions they support, and are surrounded by their newly-dubbed Apprentices where applicable. Please visit your local Master trainer when you wish to train.

• Added a new potion to alchemy trainers: Mad Alchemist's Potion. This new potion requires Alchemy to consume.

• Sharpening Stones and Weightstones now last 1 hour.

• Reduced the maximum skill obtainable from recipes between 200 and 300. This does not include Outland recipes.

• The Surefooted enchantment now requires Fel Iron Rod (was Runed Eternium Rod).
• Added a new enchant shield recipe to trainers that increases resilience.

• Cogspinner Gearcutter in Ironforge and Sovik in Orgrimmar now sell the schematic for the Steam Tonk Controller in a limited supply.
• Materials required to create the Steam Tonk Controller have been reduced. To reflect the reduced requirements, the maximum skill gain has also been reduced somewhat.
• Plans for a new arrow making device can be found from Sunfury Archers.
• The plans for adamantite shells now create an Adamantite Shell Machine. The machine creates 200 high quality bullets at a time, with 5 charges per item.

• You can now fish in Ironforge again.

• Fel Blossoms are now unbound, but have an additional requirement of 275 herbalism to use.

• Increased the range at which you can gain leatherworking skill from crafting drums.
• Reduced the faction required to obtain Drums of Battle and Drums of Panic.
• Drums can now be used while shapeshifted.
• A new recipe is available from Grand Master leatherworking trainers to make a 20 slot bag to hold leatherworking supplies.
• The ogres in the barrier hills are rumored to have a pattern for a 24 slot bag to hold leatherworking supplies.

• Atiesh: This item can no longer open portals in battlegrounds.
• Essence of Death now drops from level 57-60 non-elite undead in the Eastern Plaguelands.
• The Felsworn Gas Mask will now work when you put it on while mounted.
• Libram of Saints Departed: This relic now functions properly again.

Dungeons and Raids

• The Requirement for Heroic Keys has been lowered to Honored.

Tempest Keep
• The use of Ice Block, Divine Shield, Cloak of Shadows, and other similar spells and abilities will no longer prematurely detonate High Astromancer Solarian’s Wrath of the Astromancer spell.

•(updated) Nethermancer Sepethrea's Frost Attack now reduces movement speed by 25% rather than 50%.

• Quest givers who have available daily quests will have a blue exclamation point instead of a yellow one.
• The range of the Battery Recharging Blaster used in the quest, “Recharging the Batteries” has been increased.

•(updated) Sorting of auction house searches has been simplified so you can only sort by one column, and automatic sub-sorts have been created for those columns to be as useful as possible. In addition, sorting is now done on the server so as you page thru results, items will appear to be sorted across the entire results instead of just the page you’re looking at.
•(updated) If you get a message "Interface action failed because of an AddOn", this means that an AddOn interfered with the Blizzard UI in some way. To diagnose this, enter the following into chat "/console taintLog 1" and restart the game and try to reproduce it. If you reproduce it, you can quit the game and search through the file Logs\taint.log for the word "blocked" and mail the log to the author of the AddOn listed there. Once you have done this you can turn off logging by entering the following into chat "/console taintLog 0”
• All players now have a tracking bubble on their minimap. From that menu you can select a specific type of vendor or npc to look for or you can select a specific tracking type if your character has tracking. Yes this means that hunters can take all of those tracking buttons off of their action bars.
• There are now options for displaying health and mana values on your health/mana bars for you/your party and to display that information either as percentages or as numbers.
• When you are possessing a target (Priest Mind Control, Eyes of the Beast, using a Steam Tonk, etc), you now get their action bar as your primary action bar rather than having a mini action bar above your normal action bar.
• When an item drops that you cannot loot due to uniqueness or other factor, you will get a chat message letting you know what the item was that you passed rolling on.
• The raid panels that have been pulled out into the gamefield should save their option settings between sessions now.
• If a player is looting a corpse and there are one or more items on it that player cannot loot, the player will still be able to see those items (although not able to loot them). This only is for green or better quality items. The cases this should affect are for the profession recipes that only a player of that profession can loot or when master looter is on and there is a threshold or better item on the corpse.
• NPC's with level appropriate quests will now always appear on your minimap as yellow exclamation points. NPC's that have quests that you have completed will now display as yellow question marks instead of yellow dots. In addition flight masters that you have not yet gotten the flight point for will display on the minimap as a green exclamation point.
• Npc's will display an icon on mouseover that gives a more specific indicator of their function rather than just a gossip bubble. Questgivers will now show a question mark as their in game mouseover, Innkeepers will show a hearthstone as their in game mouseover and so on.
• You can now pull the list of players in a channel out into the gamefield by clicking and dragging the channel name onto the gamefield. This list will show all the players in the channel sorted by voice chat status.
• Voice chat will now display the nameplate for who is talking when you are in a chat group. Currently it only displays the nameplate when you are in a party/raid.
• When multiple people are talking in a voice chat session, it will show the names of up to four people who are talking at the same time.
• Many On Use items now display the cooldown in the item tooltip.

World Environment
• Creature AI has been changed to no longer prioritize attacking unfeared targets over feared targets.

Bug Fixes
•(updated) Reverse cooldowns are correctly refreshed when a buff is reapplied by another player.

world of raids


•(updated) Cheat Death (Subtlety) chance to trigger increased to 33/66/100% and now also causes the rogue to take 90% less damage for 3 seconds when the effect triggers. This effect cannot occur more than once per minute.



el warlock es divertidisimo nerfeado si... entienedes.
PD: Tengo un warlock


Más cambios:

Shadowstep (Subtlety) can now be used at any time, not only while stealthed. Now increases the damage and reduces the threat caused by the next damaging ability. Cooldown increased to 30 seconds. Range changed to 8-25 yards. Note was updated to reflect the most recent version on the PTR.

• Engineering potion injectors no longer require engineering skill to use.
• Jumper Cables XL is no longer a trinket.
• The materials required for the Field Repair Bot 74A have been simplified.

World Environment

• Gas clouds in Nagrand now produce motes of air.
• Gas clouds in Zangarmarsh now produce motes of water instead of motes of life.


• The 45 seconds hidden cooldown on Mystical Skyfire Diamond(5% on spell cast - next spell cast in half time) is an intended change (and nerf), the proc rate has been increased though.


• The requirements to get titles and rewards at the end of season 2 might change to prevent "inactive teams" from getting them. Blizzard will provide a two weeks notice before the end of season 2 to announce any changes to how they determine which teams would be considered "eligible".


joder para magos solo arreglan fallos..fin


#124 Si dejas el unleashed rage con 4 puntos puedes ponerte el eye al 100% sin notar mucho cambio


• Jumper Cables XL is no longer a trinket.

hola? y ahora que sera? xDDD


Pues un item usable normal, la verdad que viene bastante bien, es una putada tener que equipartelo y tal para poder usarlo.


Exacto xDD, y lo del robot tambien esta bien. La verdad que ya era hora que pusieran cosillas para los ingenieros, aparte del rolfcopter xD


Si si, pero no se gastara, no? xD


Duration of wizard and mana oils created by enchanters has been increased.

por fin un cambio en la duracion de los oils, lo agradeceran los bolsillos de las guilds pve :P


Más cambios y nuevas screens:

-Han añadido el precio en honor de los items de la S1:
-Dos nuevas ranged weapon (3750 puntos de arena):
-Stats de los necks/rings obtenidos mediante honor:
-Cambios en el Talentos 'Fanaticism' en la rama Retribution del Paladin, la reducción de aggro se anula al tener Righteous Fury activo:
-El rango mínimo de los ataques de los Hunters es 1 yarda:
-Screen de la nueva pet que puedes comprar al ser exalted con Sporeggar:
-Mejora en las pociones de Ogril'la:
-Nuevas Screens de los sets obtenidos mediante Badge of Justice:
-The Mad Alchemist's Potions "side effect" is actually a random buff from other elixirs. However it won't replace existing elixir buffs if you have one on.



#136 lol! Set de heroicas? No esta mal.

Creo que me lo he leido todo y no he visto nada. Hay nuevos items de bg's? me refiero a los epics (veteran), si los cambian o que, porque quiero pillarme botas y no se si esperarme.

Un saludo!


se supone que todos los veteran bajaran de precio y al precio actual entraran todos los vengeful items. Lo mismo que los items de arenas de season 2 a season 3 pero con los epix de honor.

Si meten los items de s1 por honor se supone que el set de high warlord azulito ya lo regalaran con las rufles? xk sino no se lo pillara ni el tato xd


solo espero que las heroicas siga en reverend xq sino seria demasiado facil.. y la mayoria de los grupos serian de palo.. ^^


Lo de los hunters es un poquito over, no? xD


Lo de los hunters era algo que se pedia a gritos y aun faltaria una revisión de talentos, en la BC deje el shamy y me pase a hunter y no veas que palo.

Con estos cambios al menos sera diferente, será hora de volver con la elfita.


Contestad a #137 hijos de putasss


Te refieres a los items obtenidos por reputación o por honor? si es por honor obviamente habrá nuevos, han publicado necks y anillos, supongo que ya saldrá lo que falta.


#143 Me refiero a algo igual a cuando cambiaron de "Marshal" a "Veteran", que eran lo mismo pero mejorados (botas, cinturon y bracers).


#144 te he respondido a #137 en #138

meten todos los items nuevos (vengeful) asik los actuales (veteran) o desaparecen o bajan de precio como pasa con los sets de arenas, eso no puedo asegurartelo, pero de que hay nuevos items si.


#145 Ok, gracias. Cuando leí "Vengeful" creí que te referias a los sets de arenas.


Edit, mejor no generar confusion... xD


Más Cosas :

-Los lloricas lo han conseguido , la zona de zul'aman va a ser pvp , pero solo ese area, el resto será pve.(aparte de poner guardias) Tambien se hará con la zona de scarlet monastery...
Putos llorones colega.

-por otro lado implementarán cambios de nombre por 10 Euros.


warlock now are only use a ritual of summoning & ritual of soul (we are overpowered). the others spells are dropped.
para la version 2.4.0



La Vieja Guardia debe de estar brindando con Cava por esa noticia xD.

Por otra parte lo de los cambios de nombre no está mal,aunque todos sabemos que los que más se van a beneficiar de ello serán los Ebayers.