Patch 2.4


aun esta pendiente la season 4 no? me da q terminaran siendo las armas mas tochas de la BC asi q acordaros de guardar puntos para subir a lvl 80 xd


Bueno, poco a poco va saliendo información acerca de Sunwell y este parche, pongo un par de quotes de bluepost en los foros interesantes.

·In the 25-man dungeon you will be able to receive Tier 7 gear. These Items will look similar for the different classes. There will be different colors but no unique design per class.
There will be more than 3 Bosses. When 2.4 will hit the PTR isnt determined yet.

·The difficulty of Magister's Terrace will be around Shattered Halls and Shadow Labyrinth.
Normal: 3 bosses ilvl 115 loot, 1 boss low karazhan epic loot.
Heroic: 3 bosses low kara epic loot, endboss will have malchezaar equivalent epic loot.

The first 3 bosses will have 15 slot loot table, endboss 10 slot epic loot table.

Por otra parte, en Worldofraids han revelado más información acerca de Sunwell y la Season4, la fuente no es oficial, sin embargo dicen que es de confianza.


  • From what we learned the first boss of Sunwell is supposed to be a rigid gear check along the lines of how patchwerk was (not that it's a similar fight, just a gear type fight). Also there is a demon/dragon type fight where you take portals between two worlds of the boss. The last one sounds cool, but we didnt get more details.
  • According to our reasoning and the info we got (see above for explanations), Sunwell loot picture seems to be true, also we believe these items are from an early beta (i.e. the phase where they decide stats, names etc...) which could partially explain spelling errors.

Arena Season 4

  • Arena Season 4 armor sets will be titled "Brutal Gladiator".

Arena Season 4 no x dios, ahora mi season 1 sera aun mas de pal0 :(


para cuando salga la s4 los items s2 seran por honor


No se sabe cuando sale el parchecito? :S


#63 jaja, yo estoy igual. Por mi parte cuanto más tarde en salir mejor, solo de pensar en tener que subir otros 10 lvls y tener que tirarme otros 3 meses para pillar equipo se me ponen los pelos como escarpias.


Se comenta que puede ser fake, asi que de momento dejarlo por comentar antes de pegarlo en #1. Canta mucho la racial human

Editado: Fake confirmado, dejo el fakenote en spoiler por si alguien tiene curiosidad o se aburre.


Ya me parecia fake.... si no DEP shamans xD


a ver si les cambian algo a los xamys xD, creo que cada dia los veo mas desfasados. (para mal)


Desfasaos desfasaos... no creas, que pasa? que a partir de 1800-1900 rating el cambio es BRUTAL, porque llegar a 1800 con un ekipo con manos es relativamente "facil", pero llegan los tipicos grupos tochos y duras 0.1 aun teniendo 400 resi xDD



y tan fake xDD como que no existe la escuela discipline, que poco se lo curran ya.


Al parecer daran más información la semana que viene..


¿Lo de season4 dónde lo habéis leido?

Poner links por favor xd




Que den informacion de la buena jajaaja, madre mia season 4.

espero que almenos el season2 lo den por honor sino vaya ruina xd


cuando ponen la 2.4 en el ptr ? tengo ganas de ver el patch note ya xD


segun leia iba flipando en colores pero cuando llego a esto
- Viper Sting now scales slightly with ranged attack power and the cooldown has been reduced to 12 sec, from 15 sec, but the duration has been increased to 12 sec, from 8 sec.

ya cayo por su propio peso...


Me ha comentado un colega que cuentan las malas lenguas que en mes o mes y medio sacan la s4 pasando la s2 por puntos de honor. ¿Alguno puede confirmar/desmentir este rumor?

Por otro lado, en caso de que fuera cierto, ¿las piezas de vindicador las mejorarían como hicieron cuando pasaron de veterano a vindicador?

Gracias de antemano por la aclaración


mes o mes y medio me parece un poco corto, se supone q las season duran 4 meses, mira a ver cuando empezo, suma 120 dias y echa cuentas


Pos empezó el 14/11 y sumándole 120 me sale para mediados de Marzo, así que eso... mes y medio queda.


hay un post por ahi abajo de cambios en la 2.4 como nadie lo pone lo hare yo xD

lo primero es el cambio en el sistema de honor, resulta que en cuanto hagas cualquier cosa que de honor, este se actualizara automaticamente. Ademas eliminaran el 10% de reduccion de honor por matar a alguien varias veces.

ahi lo teneis bien explicado xD

2º punto, C&P de

->All 25- player raid bosses that drop set tokens will now drop and additional token!

->Gems obtained through Heroic difficulty instances are no longer Unique-equipped.

->Loot dropped by Doomlord Kazzak and Doomwalker has been changed to Bind on Equip. In addition, the cash dropped by these bosses has been significantly increased.

->Scale of the Sands reputation will now be awarded in Hyjal at a much higher rate.


Dungeons and Raids
* All 25- player raid bosses that drop set tokens will now drop an additional token!
* Gems obtained through Heroic difficulty instances are no longer Unique-equipped.
* Loot dropped by Doomlord Kazzak and Doomwalker has been changed to Bind on Equip. In addition, the cash dropped by these bosses has been significantly increased.
* Scale of the Sands reputation will now be awarded in Hyjal at a much higher rate.

We have a few changes planned for patch 2.4 that we'd like to share a little bit with you. First, all 25-player raid bosses will drop more gold and those who dropped set tokens will drop one additional token. Additionally, the the loot dropped by Doomlord Kazzak and Doomwalker has been changed to bind-on-equip. These two outdoor raid bosses will also drop much more gold than before as well.

Lastly, Scale of the Sands reputation will now be awarded in Hyjal at a much higher.

Spells haste reducing cooldown
In 2.4, Spell Haste will reduce the global cool down on spells, down to a minimum of 1 second. It won't apply to melee and ranged abilities though however.

Void crystal transmutations
You're pretty close, but it's actually going to be a part of Enchanting. Once every 24 hours, through Enchanting (not Alchemy) you'll be able to split a Void Crystal into two Large Prismatic Shards. This is through a new recipe that's being added in 2.4.

This helps reduce the exorbitant prices currently being seen for Large Prismatics, and helps raise the value of the Void Crystals. While this is the only change planned in 2.4 to help the Void Crystal prices, we're still looking at the possibility of additional 'help' for Void Crystal value in the future.

Diminishing returns removed from Honor in 2.4
As the PTR approaches we wanted to give everyone a preview of one of the larger changes for PvP that's currently planned for the 2.4 patch.

Currently, diminishing returns are applied to all honorable kills. What diminishing returns mean for honor is that each subsequent kill of the same target will reward you with less and less honor; 10% less per kill to be exact. One of the major downsides to diminishing returns is that the calculations, for potentially hundreds of thousands of players, is too intense to do real time, so they are calculated during off-peak hours. This in turn requires that the honor you gain be temporarily displayed as "estimated" until the calculations are run. It's a system that we've certainly improved (moving the calculation from weekly to daily) but still always disliked. It creates a very uninteresting and sometimes aggravating or confusing detachment from your achievements and the actual reward.

The reason for diminishing returns has always been to avoid the potential exploitation of the honor system. As the game has evolved, especially the honor and battleground systems, exploitation of the honor system now without diminishing returns would no longer be considered a lucrative alternative to simply participating in a battleground normally. We've also greatly improved our ability to monitor and track exploitation of this nature.

We've reached a point where we're now confident that applying diminishing returns to honor is no longer necessary, and we're currently planning to remove it with the 2.4 patch.

With this change we’re including a few restrictions as well though: Players that have the resurrection sickness debuff will not be worth any honor, and if a player dies 50 times or more during a battleground they won’t be worth any honor for the remainder of that battle.

What the removal of diminishing returns means for you is that as soon as you defeat an opponent that rewards you honor, you will receive that honor, and you will be able to spend it right then. There will no longer be an estimate, and you will no longer need to wait until the next day until you can actually spend it. Your achievements through honor-based PvP will be instantaneous.


Mages - Conjured manna biscuits changes
I do know that in patch 2.4 players can only carry 80 of your delicious conjured manna biscuits at one time. As a result, you should experience less banquet-creating frustration. Sorry, the spell icon will remain the same and not look any more new or unique.

Priests - Fear ward in shadowform
Maybe being able to use Fear Ward while in Shadow Form would help? Yeah, I like this idea, we'll roll with it in the next patch.

Shamans - Healing grace
One thing that will help is that in patch 2.4, healing grace will reduce the chance that all of your spells will be dispelled by 10/20/30%.

Warlocks - Ritual of summoning changes
Patch 2.4 will remove the restriction for Ritual of Summoning that prevents you from summoning players into instances. Provided the player meets the instance requirements, you'll be able to summon them in from anywhere in the world.

Warriors - Offhand weapons critical strikes
While I agree there is no exact number to shoot for in crit, in 2.4 we plan to make the off-hand weapon critical hits from Whirlwind trigger Flurry and Rampage which should improve damage a bit.

Fishing daily quests
Anyway, along the lines of fishing we're adding a new daily quest for fishing. Once 2.4 goes live (or once the PTRs are up) you'll want to visit "the mysterious old man" near Silmyr Lake outside of Shattrath. He's sure to offer treasures beyond your wildest dreams... or ramble on about how they had to color their own margarine during the war. Either/Or.

Interface improvements - Looting
Since I've decided there's absolutely no relevant thread I could ever find to throw out this info... We're making some improvements to the way the looting UI and related functions work in 2.4. These are just a couple of the changes planned.

First when you loot a Bind on Pickup item that only you can pick up (such as Heroic Badges) you'll no longer see the confirmation dialog. One less pop-up to deal with, obviously you want your badges, AMIRITE?

Also when you loot a Bind of Pickup item the confirmation window is going to list the name of the item in the window. You'll be able to identify that you're getting the right items much easier now.

There are a few more but I won't ruin all the surprises.


Mages - Conjured manna biscuits changes
I do know that in patch 2.4 players can only carry 80 of your delicious conjured manna biscuits at one time. As a result, you should experience less banquet-creating frustration. Sorry, the spell icon will remain the same and not look any more new or unique.

Warlocks - Ritual of summoning changes
Patch 2.4 will remove the restriction for Ritual of Summoning that prevents you from summoning players into instances. Provided the player meets the instance requirements, you'll be able to summon them in from anywhere in the world.

Por fin se acabó el que los retardeds saqueen las mesitas como cosacos :D.Lo del summon es un gran cambio que sin duda ayudará muchísimo en parties/raids ;).


hay algunas de las actualizaciones que estan dando, que ya salian en las patch note "fake" que salieron hace unos dias (estan por ahi arriba en spoiler), asi que se esta comentando que las fake notes podrian tener algo de ciertas.

x ejemplo el healing grace del chaman es clavadito el cambio, reduce un 30% el dispell


Ha salido algo nuevo para el parche.


* Summoning restrictions in Netherstorm have been lifted. 


* GM messages now appear with a Blizzard icon near their name. 

* The profession UI search field has been improved and now allows for searching of more types of things. For instance you can search for items by socket color, by effect ("Critical Strike" for instance) or search gems by their effect ("Strength" for instance). In addition, the searching of items by level has been made more intuitive. You can now search for items by level with "15-20" to search for items that you can make that have a minimum level required of 15 to 20.

Mas novedades:

Alterac Valley improvements

Alterac Valley will see a few very significant improvements in the next patch and we wanted to share the details of what we have planned.

The first change will be to move the Horde's starting tunnel back to a more equal distance from the first objectives, which will help evenly distance the starting points for each side across the terrain when the battle commences.

In addition, the General and Warmasters for each faction will receive a stacking buff from each other that boosts their health and damage. The more of them that are still in the battleground, the more dangerous they will all be. This will put a greater focus on destroying (and defending!) the towers that remove the Warmasters as players work toward defeating the appropriate General and conquering the land.

Also Balinda Stonehearth has been studying her spellbooks to become a more challenging opponent to the Horde and will do more damage with her spells. The additional health we recently added to Balinda and General Vanndar Stormpike will no longer be needed with these improvements and will be changed back to their previous amounts with the patch.

With these improvements teamwork and strategy will be more important than ever from beginning to end as the Alliance and Horde battle for victory in Alterac Valley. We'll see you on the battlefield.


ui ui ui mas cry para los hordos q ahora ya no tienen 2 bunkers a tiro de piedra xdddd

blizz es ali segun vosotros no? XDDDD


#87 Que la balanza de AV esta inclinada para el lado de la alianza no es un secreto. Una cosa es decirlo y otra llorar, aprende a diferenciar conceptos :)


#88 ahora sacame lo del puente de ali blablabla yo te sacare lo del embudo q podeis formar y no haceis, q para tomar el gy de iceblood hay un tapon mayor, teneis 1 gy y 2 bunkers antes de q pasen 2 mns de bg blablabla, ya sabes lo de siempre.

aki veo victimismo por todos lados.

la cosa es, q tan imba sta para la ali q ahora os meten el respwn mas atras para q no tengais 120 pnts isi and fast.


En español:

El Valle de Alterac va a recibir varios cambios significativos en el próximo parche y queremos compartir con vosotros los detalles de lo que tenemos planeado.

El primer cambio será mover el túnel inicial de la Horda a una distancia más igualada de los primeros objetivos, lo que equilibrará la distancia de ambos puntos iniciales para las dos facciones al inicio de la batalla.

Adicionalmente, el General y los Maestros de Guerra de cada facción recibirán una mejora de los demás que se apilará, aumentando su vida y daño. Cuántos más haya en el campo de batalla, más peligrosos serán. Esto pondrá más énfasis en destruir (¡y defender!) las torres para eliminar a los Maestros de Guerra a medida que los jugadores trabajan para derrotar al General respectivo y conquistar el terreno.

Además, Balinda Piedrahogar ha estado revisando sus libros de magia para convertirse en una oponente más desafiante para la Horda y hará más daño con sus hechizos. La vida adicional añadida a Balinda y al General Vanndar Pico Tormenta ya no serán necesaria con estos cambios adicionales y se revertirán a sus cantidades originales con el parche.

Con estas modificaciones, el trabajo en equipo y la estrategia serán más importantes que nunca de principio a fin en el empeño de la Alianza y la Horda por lograr la victoria en el Valle de Alterac. Nos veremos en el campo de batalla.