Problema con el nuevo parche


M he descargado el parche con el bitorrent, al darle al archivo q hay en la carpeta cache. Weno pos al descargarlo se crea una carpeta con los 2 archivos .MPQ del nuevo parche y la copio dentro de la carpeta del wow.
Le doy al blizzard downloader, y chekea todos los archivos en busca de errores, pero al terminar no m sale lo del updater q instala todo y a los 5 seg de entrar al wow m desconecta. A ver si alguien sabe q hay q hacer. Thx


es q eso no tenias q instalarlo ahora uU


? como q no hay q instalarlo aora?



pues no se entonces, pero al entrar al wow, a los 10 o 15 seg m pone disconnect y asi todo el rato, y creia q era por el parche.


el parche de 650mb te lo bajas ahora para q el dia en q lo implanten no haya overbooking, no descargue, colapso etc... de momento no has de hacer nada con el, simplemente descargarlo y dejarlo ahi.

Si lo has metido en la carpeta wow, posiblemente hayas sobreescrito el actual, los dc q tienes puede ser la respuesta al usar una version distinta al del server q te conectas.

La solucion no la se, pero amos reinstala todos los parches hasta el actual, (sin contar con el q te has descargado) y prueba volver a entrar.


si hiciese falta ahora no podrías jugar sin actualizar


Una duda, en este parche, que hay nuevo a parte de la arena? Es que no lo pillo, alguien tiene una lista de las novedades?

Gracias ^^


talentos de lvl 70, el sistema de pvp cambia radicalmente, dista mucho del q conocemos ahora.

Habrá mas cosas pero esto es lo unico q se xD


Y supongo que bastante contenido pre BC. No se de donde salen esos 650 megas sino :)


-Environmental sounds play in the background on the Character Creation screen.
-Some newly created characters start out with their racials on their action bar. IE Nightelves start with shadowmeld, humans don't start with perception on their bar
-Moonfire now has a moon in the animation!
-New loading screens.
-Escape artist is now an instant cast.
-Blood Fury also increases spell damage depending on your class. Increases Ranged and Mele damage for Hunters unconfirmed.
-The Troll Priest racial "Shadowguard" now has a different graphic for the floaty orbs.
-The Looking For Group Channel has been removed.
-Same faction players in stealth are seeable by any other player of that faction.
-Phase Shift has a new sound effect.
-Added a new Sound Levels option under sound options.
-Spellstone animation is now a green glow around your hands when activated.
-Invisibility now causes the world to become wavy and the sky white, this includes Invisibility Potions and Cloaking Devices.
-When right clicking your portrait there is a Dungeon Difficulty setting. Has no effect on non-expansion instances
-There is now a black swirly animation when a spell is resisted.
-The Quest log has been expanded to hold 25 quests.
-The Outlands Map is now available on the map screen.
-The Darnassus Alterac Valley Battlemaster has finally decided to join the other Battlemasters on the left side of the warrior's terrace.
-All the starting area guards have had their levels increased to 65.
-There is a courtyard door opened in Undercity.
-In order to make room for the new Looking for Group Interface button, the World Map button was moved to the top left of your minimap.
-There is a Silvermoon City teleporter NPC in the Undercity courtyard.
-All hunter's pets have been normalized to a 2.0 speed. unconfirmed
-There is a new ship by Auberdine that takes you to Azuremyst Isle. Players without the expansion are teleported to the nearest graveyard after a certain point.
-Reputation gained from quests appears in your general chat window instead of just in the combat log.
-Paladin Blessings and Seals have new animations!
-Spellstone and Firestone can be equipped in the Wand slot.
-The Netherwind Mantle has a new model, crystallized Banana Sundaes? bug?
-Many profession that used to require a recipe, plan, ect, to learn are now trainable by the corresponding profession trainer.
-Spells automatically update on your action bar when new ranks are purchased.
-The graphic on Hunter's Mark has changed.
-A new sound plays when you are dazed.
-Gouge and Backstab have new sounds.
-Arcane Shot benefits more from ranged attack power. unconfirmed
-Four new bank slots! And an extra bag slot that costs 25g to purchase.
-The graphic on Corruption has changed.
-New quests have been added throught the zones. Including various Draenei and Blood elf camps.
-Many new items have been added to various vendors, including Jewelcrafting Plans.
-New Sound effect on Concussion Shot.
-The maximum instanced PvP you can be in queue for at one time is 3. bug?
-All class specific spell books that previously dropped in dungeons are now trainable at level 60.
-Players can change their title from a drop down menu to show their highest pvp rank next to their name.


#11 ¿eres el shadwell que habitaba el canal #Counter-Strike de IRC-Hispano?


si xD


pues que sepas que eres un cheto :( y que si no sabes quién soy todavía me mandas un privado y te lo cuento XD


-The Netherwind Mantle has a new model, crystallized Banana Sundaes? bug? Banana WTF?

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