PTR 5.1


"Steady Shot, Cobra Shot, and Barrage can now always be cast on the move."

Que alguien ponga el video de homer senator, le va al pelo.


Y parece que el nerfbat va a golpear con dureza a muchas otras clases xD A ver si no se cargan demasiado el PvE.


Pobre hunter..


Bestial Wrath no longer grants Hunter pets immunity to crowd control effects, and instead now breaks existing crowd control effects when activated

El unico nerf real que le meten y no es para tanto, pero dejan el stampede igual... :palm:

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#64 quitarle la inmunidad a las pets en BW es cargarse al BM

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Ay mi cabeza... xD como dijeron por arriba, si ya había cositas q hacer...


#64 joer ahora te puedes quitar a las pets de encima, si te parece poco... xd

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#65 #67 No todo el mundo tiene cc en aoe y al hunter le basta con tirar readiness( :ninjaedit: )+BW otra vez para quitarselo en caso de que lo tenga. Al fin y al cabo el objetivo de gastar un cd de 5 minutos es tirar a un tio en la arena en un focus, no tirar a todos

Con lo facil que era reducir el daño de las 4 pets invocadas o reducir el daño del kill command de estas

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Nerf al mago, no tocan al warrior.

OK, seguiré petando de dos hostias en arena con mi partner druid.

Esto es mas easy que cuando tenía al DK en la season 5-6-7 lol

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#69 ¿Cómo tus tres cuentas de 2k de Elo o de verdad? xD

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#68 me he perdido algo? ( :ninjaedit: ) es del rogue

#72 nadie :P

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#71 Y quien ha puesto Preparation? xD :ninjaedit:

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#68 hombre en la gran mayoria de teams hay algo de cc en aoe


#70 No es tan dificil chico, te pones una macro con todos los cd, la activas, cargas, dragon roar, golpe blanco, ejecutar.

Mientras tanto el druida le mete una hostia de 100k o así con el talento roto.

¿ Difícil?

Ah, no, que es mejor hacer el monguer.

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#74 xDDDD


lo jodido es que es verdad xDDDDDDDD


Al parecer solo servidores asiaticos


  • After 5.1 Patch, 10 man and 25 man will have seperate lockouts

  • This patch will only apply to KR realm

  • 25 man will drop higher iLV (ex - Terrace 10N drops 496, 25N drops 504)


Edit : Full Translation

We received several feedbacks regarding raid instance lockouts and 10/25 rewards, and we appreciate your opinions and deep interests. We thought that Korean players wish to enjoy the most hardcore contents more flexibly and according to their play styles. Therefore, from the upcoming patch we decided to change the raid instance lockout rules for all KR servers. Raids, as usual, will be reset every 7 days following maintainance checks. However, after 5.1 patch 10 man and 25 man raids will have seperate lockouts.

From now on, players could play raid instances, such as Mogu-Shan Vaults, in both 10 man and 25 man difficulty. Normal and Heroic difficulty raid of same instance will share same lockout as usual. Furthermore, the loots of 25 man raids has been buffed, and will offer higher iLV compared to same 10 man instance. For example, Terrace of the Endless Spring in 25 man difficulty will drop loots with iLV of 504, wile 10 man will drop 496.

We wish that players will further enjoy the contents and gain satisfactory rewards, and decided to offer the system that suits most well with the KR players.

(English might be bad, hehe)[/i]

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#77 Ya les dieron ventajas durante la WotLK y Cataclysm. No iban a ser menos ahora.


o sea, que muchas guilds volverán a raidear en 25, nice move blizzard

EDIT: lo meten en corea para probar? o como es la cosa? :S


Brawler's Guild Preview

Patch 5.1 adds a new activity, the Brawler's Guild. It is located in an instanced area in Stormwind or Orgrimmar. Upon entering the area you can see the arena where the current fight is taking place if there is one, along with any other spectators, the Brawler's Guild NPCs to queue from, and the Quartermaster.

Currently only one player can fight at a time, so you must queue for battle with one of the NPCs. When it is your turn, you enter the ring and fight a somewhat difficult mob. Each win gives you reputation to raise your ranking. There are a total of eight ranks to progress through, with many wins needed to go up through each rank.

Each time you win a fight, you are rewarded with a Brawler's Purse or Bulging Brawler's Purse, which contains some gold and vendor trash, depending on your ranking and luck. Currently the rewards sold by the Quartermaster don't require ranking to purchase. This may change in the future, or more rewards could be added. See the video below for the first fight you will take part in!

7 días después

Patch 5.1 will finally implement the item upgrade system that first appeared in beta. The same frame is being used now, with a background that matches the other Ethereal frames, making it likely that this will be another function performed by our Ethereal friends. The window title still says Valor Upgrade, but the game has support for Valor, Conquest, Justice, and Honor points upgrades.

It appears all items that are upgradeable can be upgraded by 8 item levels, but Conquest and Valor points will do it in two steps rather than all at once. The currency used to upgrade an item is set per item, so you cannot use Honor to upgrade Valor Points gear or any other type than what is set for the item.

Important: There are a lot of details missing about how the system works, it is not intended to be tested yet, and the values are not final!

Upgrade Costs

Currency           Cost Item   Level Upgrade   Max Number of Upgrades
Valor Points        750 ×        4 Item Levels    2
Conquest Points  750 ×        4 Item Levels    2
Justice Points      1500 ×      8 Item Levels    1
Honor Points       1500 ×      8 Item Levels    1

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Joder, genial, aunque los azules de heroica se colocan a la altura del LFR practicamente.


Me parece de puta madre.


Pregunta tonta, se pueden upgradear los items crafted?

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#85 Eso espero, y los trinkets de la feria.

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Pero no indican cuando se va a implementar no?
#88 Okey. A seguir esperando ^^

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#87 En el 5.1, que no se sabe la fecha aún.

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#86 tiene pinta de que solo van a ser items conseguidos por medio de puntos.

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#89 hombre, viendo que en las screens de ejemplo ponen un item de heroicas..... yo diría que lo harán con muuuuchos items