Recopilación: Videos World of Warcraft.


Un video antiguo, y malillo, pero que me chifla por lo bien que queda la voz de valithria con la música!!

pd. ya que abro pagina pongo uno de los mejores videos de pve que he visto, al menos para mi! jaja

1 respuesta

#751 son bastisimos , pero estan demasiado vistos ya :P


increible XD

1 4 respuestas

#753 esos videos molan un puñao,me hacen gracia cuando llegan a ogri jajajajajaja


ostia, mallku, morcilla, berme y dragoneye en el ventrilo, vaya putos cracks jajajajajajja

yo estube con ellos en agony y nothing to lose :p

1 respuesta

Daimx Oldschool Rogue 60

Gift of Satan Dajmex r14 rogue


un tio chachi.

y tiene mas pero paso de buscar


#753 Pero que video más awesome por dios xDDDDDDDDDDDd


Tosan Tribe, Abub brings the pain. [3on3][2on2]
Mage Frost (PoV) + SPriest + RDruid
Mage Frost (PoV) + SPriest

Está entretenido la verdad.


me encanta la setup frost sp rdruid ya era hora de encontrar un video :P


#753 jajajajajaajaj que grande!!!!!


Impresionante este video:

Unmercey,en china(donde solo hay hasta la woltk)petando a la gente con armas y set de las season 2 e incluso desnudo.


SingingŽ I love AOE
so come on mistah tank pull da whole room for meh


Vaya crack Unmercey, la madre que lo parió.


#755 Que tio más grande el Berme, la de risas que habré echado con sus vídeos xD


#753 INCREIBLE!!!!, eso si que tiene que estar guapo hacerlo!!! segun dice fueron 500..... o.O

8 días después

Los roguelovers estais de enhorabuena, los dos rogues más famosos acaban de sacar video. Must see.




todavia hay gente q le molen los videos de unmercey ?? :s y neilyo jugando monosetup gg

1 1 respuesta

#768 Lo mismo digo macho, me vi el penúltimo de Unmercey, un poco, y este ni lo he abierto.

Que viva del pasado lo que pueda...


Este post deberia estar en chincheta creo yo :)


7 días después

Multiboxing x20 ROFL y yo que pensaba que ya lo había visto en el wow jajajajaja 13€x20accounts= 260€ al mes JAJA


alguien tiene el video de hola que tal soy colosal contra excell? o algo asi era xD que jugaba milicua

1 mes después

A ver si me podeis echar una mano.

Ando buscando un vídeo que estaba en warcraftmovies pero no consigo recordar autor ni nada que me de pistas sobre el nombre.

Era un vìdeo de un rogue que se pegaba de duels con bastante gente, era muy entretenido de ver, el vídeo es de la WOTLK.

Si no recuerdo mal hay una escena de duel en Dragonblight, donde los huesos y demás, contra otro rogue mientras un PJ draenei amigo está mirándoles.

La escena está graciosa porque sale como en uno de los duelos las botas le explotan y sale volando teniendo que tirar de paracaídas.

Creo que mientras se dan de hostias en esos duel en Dragonblight, suena esta canción:

Aparte creo que hay duels contra un paladín en Nagrand, en alguna zona flotante, y el pala era retry y duelaba con escudo.

No recuerdo más datos, a ver qué sale y gracias por cualquier ayuda.

1 respuesta

Lo único que se me ocurre de lo que comentas es de "Akrios" mírate sus vídeos a ver si encuentras el que buscas.

4 meses después

video encontrado sorry

2 meses después

Entrevista a Hydra:

So go ahead, why don't you introduce yourself.

Hey there, some people know me as Ryan; most as Hydra. I’m a 22 year old student from the UK. I’ve been playing WoW since beta (unfortunately lol) and before WoW I played a multitude of games, predominantly Starcraft: Broodwar, D2:LoD and Call of Duty.

Personally I loved the new video, how long did it take you to gather all the various clips and edit it all together?
This video took the longest out of any of my videos, mainly because I put the most effort into making it as good as I could with what was given to me (cataclysm clips were hard to get). Most of it was edited by me, with the exception of the antidote scene on Blades Edge Arena which was edited by Castorcato. The random clips at the end were found with the help of Castorcato and Mercx.

What would you say is the best clip of the new video and why?
The ultranumb RMP mirror match (Rogue Mage Priest vs. Rogue Mage Priest) on Nagrand Arena vs Khuna, Raiku and Mehh. It has so many clutch moments in quick succession and almost no mistakes by me, really hard to do vs arguably the best players of each class in a mirror match.

Some might see Cataclysm as the lowest point in WoW’s PvP history, what are your thoughts on it all?
Cataclysm is a joke in my opinion. Blizzard don’t care about the game or it’s company supporting ESports in general, from what is seen by the public. Go compare Blizzard to Riot and try and tell me Blizzard care while keeping a straight face. In fact, they are directly hindering the growth of SC2 as an ESport by not putting more into it. Last IEM event saw LoL with 5 times as many viewers as SC2 even though I see SC2 as an infinitely superior game.

Riot: We've modified the client for you all, we've put millions in prizes for you all to win everywhere, we put links to streams in our main LoL client, and we pay players to stream to help educate people.

Blizzard: Yeah, if your prize pool is over 5k, you need to give us some ad revenue. You need to buy a license. Custom Games? Good luck finding them. Promote tournament streams? Nah, just look at a picture of Jim Raynor instead. Oh and by the way we’re not going to support LAN.

What do you think the future of pvp is going to be like in regards to the MoP class and resilience changes?
Well it can’t be worse than Cataclysm can it? They seem to have the right idea, finally identifying their faults. I think we should just wait and see before we make any judgements on whether MoP is going to completely flop, after all it’s their last chance to save the game pretty much if they don’t want to see their entire competitive player base move on to other games (GW2, TERA, etc coming out).

For people that want to get better at PvP what would you say is the best thing they could do to improve?
Get a general understanding of your class abilities and what you’re likely to come up against vs other classes. You can do this by duelling or 2v2ing, (2v2 is great for learning the game) then apply those skills and improve your strategy in 3v3. There are plenty of places to get started and I’d say it’s definitely not worth paying for some guide when there are plenty of equally useful ones for free on the internet (shameless plug). AJ used to be a great place for new players to learn and get tips from more experienced players, however I feel the quality of the site has steadily been going downhill compared to where it was when I left the site when they refused to condone GCD hacking in Season 8.

What drives you to keep playing WoW Arena, with other games becoming bigger, and more popular?
Mates, competitive nature, will to produce content for the community.

I know that you play a lot of Starcraft 2 in your spare time do you plan on perusing it any further than just playing it casually?
I’d like to. I was really really close to hitting GM league a few seasons ago, I haven't had that much time recently to practice but now with X done I’ll be focusing way more on SC2 since this is the next game I plan to go pro at.

Any shoutouts that you'd like to give?
There are a bunch of shoutouts in the movie, but I guess the main people who helped me with the movie - syeren, Castorcato, Dice, Dave, Mercx, Boozt, Raiku and Igno. In addition shoutout to my old partners, Kalimist, Flyn and Redhot you guys were amazing to play with and I wouldn’t have learned so much about the game if it wasn’t for you guys. Finally thanks to Reliza, The ‘Protoss is for Chuffnuts’ skype channel and my cat Micky for judging me when I go to get food at 5am so that I go to bed! Additionally thanks to Steelseries for sponsoring my stream.

As a note if either my Twitch, the Twitter or Facebook page gain 10k likes then I’ll release an audio commentary version of Hydra X explaining each clip and why I chose it along with the background music. If you want more from Hydra you can check out his website, stream or youtube.


#773 ese video del q hablas era de un undead male?

tenia un par de escenas de duels en las q usaba los sulfuron slammer para quitarse CC's? xD

btw el q digo yo era asiatico xd


Video cosecha propia, despues de una larga temporada sin tocar el wow e vuelto y surgio montar raid, asi de repente en mi servidor. No dude en ir e "intentar" matar al rey de Ventormenta.

#779 Zuljin

1 respuesta

#778 server?

1 respuesta

Bueno eh aki mi video de 20minutitos.

Mejor verlo y luego me flameais :P jeje bsss [media][/media]

P.D: si, 10 años aki y no se poner ke se vea el video directamente...

1 3 respuestas