World of Warcraft: Shadowlands

La fecha de salida de Shadowlands es el 27 de octubre. Aún no se ha anunciado cuándo saldrá el preparche.

#1031 No es que sean más difíciles, es que si pones a N'Zoth hace 15 años, ninguna guild lo tira ni en 1 año. La típica tontería de que classic es más difícil, es para hombres, etc etc etc ya cansa xD.

1 respuesta

#1035 Hasta octubre mínimo no sale ni de coña.


El classic era mas dificil no en la dificultad del PvE, si no que tenia ciertos layers q le dan complejidad o como querais llamarlo, pero ni xokas que defiende la classic te va a decir que el pve del Classic es mas dificil, eso se lo creen los haters, a ti te puede gustar el retail o no, pero los q llamais retailers o clasistas a la gente teneis el IQ de un niño de 2 añitos.


Classic dificil dicen Jajajaja ¿esto que es un concurso de ver quien dice la mayor gilipollez?


La dificultad estaba en el tiempo que tenías que invertir para tener un mínimo de equipo. El tiempo de farmeo para los frascos. Encantamientos, etc
En juntar y coordinar 40 personas.
No existia lfg. Para montar una mazmorra echabas un rato largo.
Peeero oyeee a quien coño le importa la opinión de nadie? A mi desde luego, no.

1 respuesta

#1055 Que te lleve más tiempo ir a una dungeon o esperar a que el tanke agree no es dificultad, es pérdida de tiempo. el 80% de la classic es pérdida de tiempo. Es como si yo soy agricultor y en vez de arar la tierra con un tractor voy con una azada porque es más satisfactorio. Pues bien para ti xD.


Que nos la suda, que basta ya.


Hay gente que juega por el lore, pero a mi el lore me da bastante igual desde hace tiempo xD por mi como si kaelthas quiere dominar el mundo, el uther traiciona a la alianza o cualquier cosa. Siempre habra algo cogido con pinzas para justificarlo. A mi me divierte subir un personaje, ir probando habilidades, raidear y pvp con amigos, el mundo tiene zonas bastantes bonitas y el micro lore de algunas zonas. Pero el lore general.. hace tiempo que es exprimir la gallina con cualquier cosa.


#1003 Para los que tenemos un ingles bastante malo, hay donde poder leer lo que dice? Tenía pensado hacerme un tanque en Shadowlands.


#1051 pero qué coño dices. En qué momento he dicho yo que las bandas sean más dificiles en classic, si he dicho justamente lo contrario.

Es decir, no solo no me has leído bien si no que encima los otros dos que venían debajo han contestado en base a tu post.


Os recuerdo que el hilo es para comentar las novedades sobre Shadowlands, no de si el juego es más o menos difícil ahora que antes.


Han comentado algo respecto a las profesiones? Sobre todo las de crafteo.


Me gustaría levear un tanque para la salida de Shadowlands y estoy algo indeciso. ¿ Cual me recomendáis? ¿ Es verdad que el Warrior va a sufrir un NERF? Me gustaría raidear y M+

Soy jugador de Classic por lo que, si me podéis ayudar un poco os lo agradecería.


JAAAAAAAAAAAAAAJAJJAAJAJAJAJAJ me cago en mi puta madre de verdad


Mas cosas

Shadowlands New Graphics Settings
Two new Graphics Settings have been added: Target FPS and Spell Density. LemonKing also pointed out some interesting new console strings.

Raytracing support could improve lighting in the game, while variable rate shading can improve performance by having the GPU render some less important areas on the screen at a lower quality, while still maintaining a higher quality image for areas that matter.

Target FPS
Framerate you ideally want to play at. If your framerate is below this number, dynamic systems will reduce graphics quality to attempt to hit this framerate.

Spell Density
Essential: Only show essential spells. Your own spells are always shown.
Some: Reduce non-essential spells shown by around 75%.
Half: Reduce non-essential spells shown by around 50%.
Most: Reduce non-essential spells shown by around 75%.
Dynamic: Reduce non-essential spells shown based on framerate. If you are above your desired framerate, everything will be shown.
Everything: Always show all spells.

Raytracing and Variable Rate Shading
RTTier - Maximum RT tier to use
RAIDshadowRt - Raid Raytraced shadows (0-2)
shadowRt - Raytraced shadows (0-2)
Ray Tracing Support - DXR 1.0 / DXR 1.1
vrsWorldGeo - Render scale like effect for terrain, buildings and liquids
vrsParticles - Render scale like effect for particles. Only used if lots of particles are on screen
Variable Rate Shading not supported on this hardware

Shadowlands Quest UI Changes
After 16 years of World of Warcraft, the ! and ? quest symbols are getting a visual update.

Campaign quests are also getting a nice quality of life update as they will be highlighted by a shield in both the Objectives Window and Quest Log. Blizzard shared that this change should help players distinguish major quests that are required to advance the narrative from optional side quests that tell more localized stories.

Shadowlands Map Pins and Quest Waypoints
On top of the quest interface updates in Shadowlands, Blizzard is also adding Map Pins and Quest Waypoints. This feature allows players to share a map location with others via chat.

Note that this feature will not replace TomTom, since the addon will still be used to set waypoints to the exact coordinates of rares, npcs, treasures and more.

@DalinarKholi En teoría Pala y DK van a estar muy bien al principio


Atentos al shaman


Me parto la polla xdddddddddd

Ya me veo a todos los picados tirandose full cds para no perder y acabar saliendo los dos con -50% de dmg xdd


Están pidiendo más feedback para shadowlands que en las otras expansiones juntas xD. Esto va por el buen camino.

1 1 respuesta

#1068 Ahora sólo falta que lo tengan en cuenta y no se lo pasen por el forro como suelen hacer.

1 respuesta

#1069 No siempre ignoran a la comunidad y de hecho escucharla no siempre es lo correcto.

Las heroicas de Cataclysm son la mejor prueba de ello escucharon a la comunidad sobre lo facil que eran las heroicas de la WotLK y en Cataclysm las nerfearon enseguida precisamente escuchando los lloros de la comunidad.

Por cierto van a cambiar despues de tantos años la creacion de personaje y la descripcion que ponen de la Alianza y de la Horda es para matarlos, morally grey supongo.

1 respuesta

Las heroicas de Cataclysm son la mejor prueba de ello escucharon a la comunidad sobre lo facil que eran las heroicas de la WotLK y en Cataclysm las nerfearon enseguida precisamente escuchando los lloros de la comunidad.

Pero es que no hay que escuchar a TODA la comunidad, solo a la que tiene dos dedos de frente.
Como developer es importate saber el rumbo que toma el juego. Basándome en las expansiones pasadas parece que les de igual donde acabe esto siempre que tengan suscriptores...

1 respuesta

UPDATED APRIL 16, 1:00 p.m. PDT

With today’s Alpha update we are now additionally testing:
Torghast, Tower of the Damned
Initial Character Creation/Customization Updates

Welcome to the World of Warcraft: Shadowlands test environment. Please read on for an outline of what’s currently being tested, what has recently changed, and what’s coming for testing later in the Alpha.

Read the first developer update here.

Current Content Testing
Torghast, Tower of the Damned is now available for limited testing. Read more about it in our Torghast preview blog post, and please submit your feedback on Torghast in the dedicated feedback thread here.
The world and leveling content being tested is: Bastion. Check out our preview of the Kyrian Covenant.
Please use the in-game bug report tool for bugs, and post your feedback on this zone in the Shadowlands Alpha Leveling, Questing, and World forum.
Please post Kyrian Covenant feedback in this dedicated thread in the Shadowlands Classes and Covenants forum.
The level cap is currently: 53. You cannot level a test character higher than this at this time.
The dungeon being tested is: The Necrotic Wake. Please use the in-game bug report tool for bugs, and post your feedback on this dungeon in the Shadowlands Alpha Dungeons and Raids forum.
The new starting experience is now available to level 1 Alliance characters. Read more about it here, and please post feedback on the new starting experience here.
The initial character customization updates are now available for testing. More updates to this system will come in a future Alpha patch.

Class Changes
All classes are undergoing major updates. Please read the class summary blog post, and place your focused feedback in one of the dedicated threads in the Shadowlands Alpha Classes and Covenants forum.

Work in Progress
We’re currently working through the following issues and limitations:
Allied Races are not available for character creation.
The new starting experience can only be tested by level 1 Alliance characters.

Coming Soon
We’re unlocking much more content for testing over the next few weeks:
Revendreth (Zone and Covenant)
Halls of Atonement (Dungeon)
Oribos (Capital)

Coming in Later Updates
Ardenweald (Zone and Covenant)
Maldraxxus (Zone and Covenant)
Mists of Tirna Scithe (Dungeon)
Plaguefall (Dungeon)
More Character Creation/Customization Updates

Please note that the above is not a comprehensive list of features to be tested in the entirety of the Shadowlands Alpha.

Thank you very much!

Hoy han abierto Thorgast

1 respuesta

#1071 La cuestion es como saben ellos como empresa a quien tienen que escuchar?No es algo facil lo de escuchar a la comunidad.

#1072 Lo mas interesante de esto es la descripcion de la Alianza y de la Horda que no se si en Ingles sera diferente pero en Español el resumen es Alianza buena, pacifica y honorable y Horda mala, violenta y agresiva.


La gente que ha probado Torghast la pone como del mejor contenido que ha crado Blizzard, estan hasta pidiendo que arrastren la mecanica para futuras expansiones y no ha ni salido xddd


Flying Cost and Trainer Requirement Removed in Shadowlands Alpha

1 1 respuesta

#1075 Solo de las terrestres, en la página anterior puse lo que van a costar las voladoras



Mas cosas sobre Torghast

Torghast Access
You should be able to get into Torghast shortly after hitting Level 60. There are probably a few pre-requisite pieces of content.

Torghast Loot and Rewards
The team isn't sure what the final loot for Torghast will look like. They are still working on itemization.
You should have things that you want to get in Torghast, but you won't be able to get everything from Torghast.
Torghast loot should be compelling for players that play a lot, players that don't play much, and players that are intimidated by this kind of system.
Torghast probably won't have a lot of equippable gear.
Souls are valuable to your Covenant. There is a chance it'll be an important and powerful soul that is helpful going forward, but the Covenant also needs every single soul they can get.
There will be plenty of cool cosmetics from Torghast.
Souls are not a currency, every Soul is precious! You won't be spending Souls, the more you bring to your Covenant, the better access to things you'll have.
The team isn't sure if Torghast will affect the weekly chest yet. The chest will take into account Mythic+, potentially raids, PvP, World Quests, Torghast, and more.
Rewards are implemented after content is added.
Torghast was released earlier than the team would normally release a feature. Design, art, rewards, and many other aspects are not finished.
The current rewards in Torghast are potentially placeholders. They are added right now to let players know where they will get loot.
The higher you get, the more and better loot you'll get.
There will probably be a cap on the amount of legendary crafting materials you can get from Torghast.
If you go beyond a certain point in Mythic+, you aren't doing it for the rewards. It'll probably be similar for Torghast, where there is a point that rewards max out. Beyond that, there may be achievements and cosmetics.
There are legendary affixes that are tied to certain slots. Boots with movement speed, defense to belts, etc.
Legendary Anima powers in the future are possible.
The rarities of powers will be changing in a future alpha patch, more Commons, less Uncommons and Rares.
The team wants to see people using defensive powers, they may be needed to succeed at higher floors.

Torghast Access and Gamplay
The team doesn't have any plans to add skips to the tower. Runs should last a reasonable amount of time, probably should not be an hour and a half.
There is a world where Torghast runs are 6 floors, less than an hour, allowing you to do multiple runs.
Paul - The best thing about doing Torghast with a group is the fun that you have.
Powers are built to be fun solo, but can be more fun in a group.
You should be able to get roughly as far solo as with a group. It's tough to get balance right, so the team will probably err with letting groups get a little farther.
You won't be able to queue for Torghast and get matched with a group.

Torghast Tuning
The game knows what role you are, so creatures will be tuned to match that role.
Not all DPS specs are the same, so tuning will now be per spec instead of per role (like it is now).
Damage and Health scale in the tower right now, but complexity may also need to scale as you climb.
At higher levels, new mechanics may need to be introduced, such as soft timers. The team doesn't want people to sit and wait for Bloodlust on every pull. Jailer may send increasing waves of enemies at you.
You'll be able to take your time and be methodical, but if you are using an inordinate amount of time, the floor will become more difficult.

Torghast Access
There is no final plan for how much you can access the tower or how you'll earn access, but Paul shared some of the ideas the team is talking about.
There is a plan to have some kind of key that will let you in to the tower.
The team compares Torghast to the Withered Army training. Every few days your Covenant may give you a key.
Maybe you can purchase keys for increasing amounts of currencies.
If you want to run it more, you can go to the outdoor Maw and through gameplay there earn a currency that lets you purchase more keys. Maybe 15 minutes of gameplay to earn enough to buy a key.
If you spend too long in the Maw, you'll get a debuff that you'll need to drop by doing things in other zones. You won't be endlessly farming keys and playing Torghast.
You might be able to spend 35% of your gameplay time in Torghast.
There won't be Normal/Heroic/Mythic Torghast on live. This is in place for testing.

Anima Powers
The number of powers you get in Torghast right now is a little high.
You should get a power on the end of each floor, plus some others.
Maybe 2-4 powers per floor will be earned.

Torghast Design
There has been a lot of iteration on how much procedural generation that is being used for Torghast.
Lots of experts at procedural generation that work on Diablo at Blizzard, team talked to them to learn more.
The team tested completely procedurally generated levels, but they didn't look great, large cubes.
The team tested levels that are fixed, built manually by level designers. These worked out better.
Spawning uses things learned from islands and dungeon design.
Creature types depend on the floor, difficult creatures get placed in the correct locations.
Even more breadth of creatures and special things will be added during development.
Most of the base layer of creature spawns are in now. There are six different categories, tied to the six different areas in Torghast.
Lots of variation will come with mini-bosses, rares, floor end bosses.
Having a fixed number of creatures allows you to learn from previous experiences. Knowing that a certain type of creature does AoE and that you need to run out is helpful.
The broker's vendor list will change often and is very much in an Alpha state. More offerings are coming.
Might be an interesting power to be able to spawn a broker.

You'll probably see a little less story and a little more world building at this point in the expansion. Need to set the scene before we tell more story in Torghast.
Everyone who has died in the recent past has gone down to the Maw. There are some cosmic wrongs that need to be righted.

Future Changes
More floors, more enemies, more legionaries, more things over the expansion.
A lot of how Torghast will change over the expansion is up to players.
What's fun? What do we need more of? What ways can we develop the system?
Heroic Warfronts were added because players wanted a more challenging version, it wasn't planned from the start.

The Maw
You'll visit the Maw a few times during leveling for story reasons, but mostly will visit the Maw for endgame.
The first time you go into the Maw at endgame and open your map, it won't look like any other zone.
You have a limited amount of time in the Maw. You can only do so much before the Jailer notices you and makes the experience more difficult.
You'll see Rares, mini-events (not necessarily on your map), and more.
You'll normally do one trip into the Maw per day. If you leave and come back, the Jailer will still remember you.
There will probably be some mechanics to let you avoid the Eye of the Jailer temporarily.
You can spend Anima gathered from other zones to stay in the Maw longer.


Me estoy hypeando como un puto tonto


De hecho yo creo que ni cotiza que veremos una especie de MDI pero de Torghast, el que mas aguante gana


Me parecio leer que tambien se va a poder volar en WOD y legion sin logros.

Tema cerrado