The Man From Earth: Holocene (Secuela)


Miedo me da ahora ver la nueva, con lo que me encantó la primera...


La primera me pareció sublime. Pero viendo las críticas y la carencia de necesidad de haber lanzando una secuela, me parece que voy a pasar no quiero manchar mi memoria.

2 1 respuesta

#32 Creo que es la mejor opción. La había bajado y la tenía lista para ver hoy, pero voy a proceder a borrar sin darle la oportunidad, porque sencillamente, no me atrevo xD

3 1 respuesta

#33 mira que siempre intento verle lo bueno a todas las películas y normalmente te diría que haces mal.... pero es que creo que es lo mejor xD

Me asombra que haya tenido tanto tiempo para madurar una película con más presupuesto que le permitiese hacer algo bueno pero bff, ha sido una carnicería.

Lo único que podría haber sido salvable dentro de toda la trama


Siempre quedará la original!

1 respuesta

#34 Entonces me queda agradecerte el aviso, porque la primera me encantó, su narrativa me encandiló como pocas, y no quiero un Donnie Darko 2 xD


La primera parte está bien, el final es un tanto rocambolesco para mí gusto y motivo por el cual no la considero una obra maestra como hace mucha gente, pero no querer ver una segunda parte cuando esta no tiene nada que ver con la precuela me parece un poco estúpido, la verdad.


Mala como un dolor de muelas.


Pues a mí me ha gustado y he donado.


La idea de esto es como querer atrapar un rayo en una botella... dos veces.


El guionista de la anterior murió, así que ahí tenéis la explicación.

1 respuesta

#40 Como si el guion de la anterior fuera una obra maestra que solo esa mente "increíble" tuviese la capacidad de hilar y de estructurar xD

1 respuesta

#41 como si otra cosa que no fuera parte del guión en la anterior película fuera destacable xD

2 1 respuesta

Pufo del bueno, no perdáis el timepo


#42 XD
De todas maneras, esto ha sido un caso más para añadir en el listado de secuelas innecesarias, o eso parece por lo que se lee xD


Tiene un tono diferente, sí, pero fundamentalmente mantiene el espíritu original.


No sé qué posibles expectativas se tuvo que formar la peña para estar tan decepcionados. A mí me ha gustado, con sus cutreces y todo. No tanto como la original que fue revolucionaria, pero sí como digna secuela dentro de las posibilidades de su producción.


No la veais, es una soberana mierda.

Me quedo con la escena donde meten 3 cortes de documentales enseñando animales, el primer corte en ultra full hd y el ultimo en 240p. La cutrez total.

13 días después

La he visto porque me hacía ilusión ver qué era de John Oldman pero joder... Lo único que me ha gustado ha sido la escena final, pero no significa tampoco que la peli tenga un buen final después de tanto rato siendo mierda.

18 días después

De parte de TabrisEchoes posteo una conversación vía email que tuvo con el director de la película. También me ha pedido que pida perdón por su inglés, pero vale la pena compartirlo con vosotros.

Posteo su mensaje a Tabris, su respuesta y contestación:

- Dear Marc --I just wanted to reach out personally to thank you for your unusually generous donation. While many people around the world have made donations, very few have given quite as much as you did! It’s thanks to people like you that we can continue to make movies. We greatly appreciate your support! All the best, Richard Schenkman, and Team MFE:H

(Richard Schenkman)

Hi Richard.
Sorry for seeing this email so late. University things keep me away of real world. My decision of the import of the donation was purely based on essays of Nassim Nicholas Taleb plus a reverse ethical condition of crowdfunding work. I wanted to see the film SO I pay it before watching. This put me in a good cognitive context because making the donation AFTER seeing the movie is a little cheatty in my opinion. If you don't like it everyone lose: you when you see something that you wanted and doesn't meet your expectations and the producers because they risk everything and maybe it will be the last time. I am very fan of this type of projects (doing first, asking the spectator second) so I donated FOR (agree with) the idea (in abstract terms). Then, feeling that I made the correct choice, I enjoyed the movie (in my opinion more that if I did the "classic" order). For me it will not go the annals of history of cinema, but your courage WILL (I am sure about this 99.99%). So symmetrical amount of money for the risks you have taken (your team).

Even if you will do (with this kind of money recaudation) films that I hate, I will give you the same or MORE money as a reward. We must tend to this way of producing and kill the too big (and monopolistic) to fail intermediaries. I found your project in a Spanish forum (internet), so the lack of marketing (not-coming from you) in this courageously project is not casual. If anyone follow the money of press, the deduction is more simple than Sherlock's books.

You can count on me people for everything like this. I can go as high as 200-500€ donations after june 2018 because I will start to work full time (I will be graduate in nutrition). So here it is a Spanish warrior who want to cause difficulties to Universal Pictures and alikes. Movie projects are an art, and we must try our best to keep it real and cutt of from directives, executives and all sort of empty suits. For example in next project (doesn't need to be a complet film or Man from Earth 3rd part) you can make different options: short film, short film + book (30-50 pages) of your experiences being <free> (as you can) with this kind-of-doing things, ask the people who donate for this film what they want to see (personalized direction, nobody offers this. I mean nobody in the world), send photos of the production, dedicated videos ("this is for Katherine from Missuri. We hope you, your husband and two childrens enjoy it!"), private forum for "premium" users can talk with your team, raffle a dinner with actors (I love Jessica Chastain just giving you ideas :D)...

I trust in you. If you can stay alive and survive, my hopes will be at the top for the future in this field. I have no experience about issues surrounding filming and so on, but I could travel to where you will record your next project (if you do another one like this) and if you offer me food (disclaimer: I eat a lot for my heigh and weight) and bed I can go and do whatever I can for help. So it is my commitment with Skin in the Game, so it is in every thing that I think is worth of doing.

Greetings from Catalinia. For anything you need, write back. Here I will be.


Thanks, Marc. I appreciate your thoughtful reasoning; it never actually occurred to me that one's financial decision about the order in which to pay would affect one's enjoyment of the movie itself, but it makes sense. For example I've read about people going to "fancy" restaurants where the food is expensive and enjoying completely ordinary food (mac and cheese, etc) more than they would have elsewhere because of the context.

I'm glad that you at least enjoyed the movie; I know it's not a classic, but firstly, it wasn't really designed to be; it was designed to be a pilot episode for a proposed TV series. And secondly, I didn't have the resources to make a "classic", although I suppose that's not much of an excuse, since many people consider the original film a "classic" and I had fewer resources on that one!

The fact is that crowdfunding and "honor system" funding and similar ideas are not sustainable models for indie film production. Yes, a few (a handful) of movies have been entirely funded to the tune of millions of dollars on crowdfunding sites, but that is very, very, VERY rare. Most projects either fail entirely, or raise only a small portion of the budget that way (in our case, we raised perhaps 20% of the budget via crowdfunding, and so far we've recouped about 10% of the budget from Internet donations like yours).

The personal greeting idea is a good one; if one could figure out a system to sit down and record them, and then splice them on to the head of the movie file, and send it out efficiently to each recipient, that might be a very effective tool to secure financial support in advance. As for asking people what they want to see.... well, this already happens all the time, believe me. I get lots and lots of emails from people telling me exactly what's wrong (or right) with the movie, and what should be in the next one! And in some cases, they've actually correctly guessed what I have in mind.


Richard Schenkman)