Maulbeck reiterated that he regrets the outburst. "I have since obviously replied to them saying that I didn't mean what I said and pleaded that they consider the monopoly they have on the PC market before totally writing us off," he said, "but let's be real. If they took the game off the store, they're fuckin sure about their decision. There's probably nothing to be done."
Valve's Doug Lombardi confirmed the news to Polygon. "Yes, we have removed the game's sales page and ceased relations with the developer after he threatened to kill one of our employees."
Vamos, que encima intenta arrastrarse y Valve le ha dicho que gL xD
Está claro que Steam tiene la gran mayoría de público de PC, pero es que eso es algo que se ha ganado con el tiempo y al fin y al cabo son los usuarios los que deciden ese tipo de cosas.