My Time at Portia (Steam) 10,89 €


Por si os interesa, yo la compré ayer por la tarde sobre las 18, hoy he enviado un correo y esta es su respuesta:

Last month Team 17, the publisher of My Time at Portia had approved a sale for My Time at Portia. We began this promotion but the game came out of Early Access yesterday ALONG with a price increase from the regular price of $29.99 to 29.99. Unfortunately our distributor was not informed of this price increase. As a result of our extremely low price, our web site was flooded with orders and we quickly sold out of the game. The game currently remains out of stock.

Our distributor is currently in discussions about fulfilling our back orders for My Time at Portia at the promotional price you paid for. We hope to have an answer by tomorrow, January 17th. Please note that Team 17 may decide to cancel the promotional price. If they do, we may need to cancel your order and refund your purchase. We think that would really suck. If you prefer not to wait, please let us know and we will cancel your order.

We would like to apologize for this extreme inconvenience.

2 2 respuestas

#31 Crucemos los dedos pues.


Esto es un SALE MAL de cajón pero bueno. Ojalá salga bien.


A esperar entonces.


#31 Gracias por la info.

Pues nada espero un día más a ver que tal sale la cosa y sino cancelo.

Se sabe de alguna otra oferta por ahí con stock?

1 respuesta

#35 algo menos de 16 en instant gaming


Yo esperaré a mañana, no me corre bulla.

1 respuesta

#37 Yo igual, con tenerlo para el finde me vale.


Hoy es el día de la cancelación. En las demás webs de keys ha subido de precio. Toca pagar.


Last month Team 17, the publisher of My Time at Portia had approved a sale for My Time at Portia. We began this promotion late last week but the game came out on Tuesday out of Early Access ALONG with a price increase from the regular price of $19.99 to 29.99. Unfortunately our distributor was not informed of this price increase. As a result of our extremely low price, our web site was flooded with orders and we quickly sold out of the game.

Today we were informed by Team 17 that the promotional price will not be honored since the game came out of early access on Tuesday along with a price increase. Our sincere apologies for the confusion. Your purchase has been refunded.

1 respuesta

#40 la he cagado, sorry




Pfff acaba de subir a 20€ en IG, fuck, debí pillarlo hace unos días que estaba a 11€.

2 1 respuesta

#43 Lo que no entiendo es porque no lo hiciste si querias el juego

1 respuesta

#44 Buena pregunta xD Supongo que dije "ya lo compraré en unos días".

1 respuesta

#45 16€ en hrk


Me han devuelto el dinero. PERO UN EURO MENOS. Que es un euro, pero quiero mi euro. ¿Os ha pasado lo mismo?

1 respuesta

#47 a mí en PayPal me aparece como que me han reembolsado todo pero aún no me aparece nada en el banco jajaja