Abro un hilo por si sale algo interesante sobre esto y a lo mejor a alguien le interesa. Se trata de un proyecto en el que llevan varios meses trabajando y que quieren hacer una especie de mod para llevar parte del 1.6 al CSGO. Parece que podría salir de manera oficial (o siendo una open beta) el 25 de este mes, actualmente creo que está en beta cerrada o una versión anterior. Tenéis más info, vídeos e imágenes en los links de abajo.
(el FAQ que hay en la página es de hace unos meses, puede que haya cambiado algo)
What is Counter-Strike: Classic Offensive?
The goal of my mod is to bring back the 1.6 feeling of Counter-Strike, that means: weapons, sounds, stats, physics, etc... some stuff such buying ammo or even choosing your player model won't be possible without plugins but I plan to make the mod without them, even if they're really useful... servers could still use them though.
I don't know when I'll release it, no idea if it'll work great, the list of problems keeps getting longer, but I really plan to fix all the issues by all means Valve let me in their files.
The biggest problem I have is about sv_pure on dedicated servers which blocks the .vpk even if it's the same as the client but hell... for now, only playing offline, or using the lobby to play with friends work.
My goals for Classic Offensive:
- Make the weapons similar to 1.6
- Replace all gameplay sounds
- Remove skins
- Remove new weapons
- Make the gameplay similar to CS:S / 1.6
What I can't do:
- Wallbangs as in 1.6 (even if I change it it won't penetrate more than 32units)
- Remake the crouching jumping bug (no I won't edit the dlls)
- Playermodel selection (a plugin could fix that though)
- See inside smoke particles (the game don't draw the world when inside, so nope..)
- Bring back the tactical shield (hopefully I can't)
- Change flashes, smoke time, nade physics
- Add buying ammo
What I did already:
- Removed Skins
- Replaced most sounds, and fixed audio mixing
- Remade the old radio
- Old nades, removed ears ringing, blurry flashes
- Done few weapons stats
- Made new particles (needs some edits though)
- Remade some skins, placeholder models (Awp, knife, nades, deagle, ak...)
- Changed playermodels and made custom skins
- Tweaked localisations, replaced mainmenu texts, weapons etc...
(En su reddit o pagina oficial ponen también el enlace de descarga por Mega cuando lanzan una nueva actualización. Tenéis los enlaces debajo)
Tutorial de descarga
Tutorial de descarga realizado por Sk8eR #62
LINK DE DESCARGA: http://www.moddb.com/mods/counter-strike-classic-offensive/downloads
(Ha cambiado la versión, hay que bajar la ultima disponible)
Descomprimes el archivo en la carpeta de \Steam\steamapps\sourcemods, usualmente:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\sourcemods
Tiene que estar en el mismo disco duro que steam
Reinicias steam
El mod ya aparece en la libreria.
Classic Offensive on FACEIT
Since it’s first version came out this Christmas many of you have been asking us to support the community mod Classic Offensive on the platform. For those of you that don’t know it, it is a community mod of CS:GO that aims to bring back some of the feelings of 1.6 while retaining the mechanics of CS:GO.
As with anything that comes from the community, if we can help we are happy to help — starting today you can play PUGs and tournaments on Classic Offensive on FACEIT. You can play it by connecting your steam account https://www.faceit.com/en/csco
Servers are set up with the latest version (1.1d). Please remember to always check and update to the latest version before queuing on FACEIT.
To learn more on the mod, download and learn more on how to play see here. Congrats to ZooL and dayik for the success that the mod is achieving on greenlight.
Más info: