Los desarrolladores hablan sobre el nuevo Dust 2, optimización...


Al parecer Valve ha invitado a varios periodistas a sus instalaciones y ha organizado unas entrevistas abiertas para hablar sobre su el desarrollo de sus juegos. En lo que al CSGO se refiere, la web Gamerevolution ha recogido sus impresiones en un artículo:.

After talking about Team Fortress 2 for a few minutes, the discussion moved to Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, led by Valve team members Eric Johnson, Brian Levinthal, and Ido Magal.

Eric Johnson kicked things off with confirmation that Dust 2 is being reworked. "The goal is to update both the gameplay and visuals of the map", Johnson said in response to being asked whether or not it'd be to the scale of something like Train, "This is the most popular map in Counter-Strike, but it's also the oldest looking." The team joked about how the reworked map will be set on a "moon base" before saying that it will address the map's problems, most prominent of which is its staleness from age. Dramatic changes are possible, although it was clear during our discussion that development of the map had just begun.

Although there is no timeline for reworked Dust 2's release, Johnson did share that Valve doesn't like to "sit on" completed content. In other words, when development of the map is complete, it'll be published whether or not the next operation is ready. And yes, there's an operation on the horizon.

I had an opportunity to ask about how the team views Overwatch, particularly its eSport presence. Valve understands that competition is a good thing for the industry, but at this time there "isn't enough data" to show whether or not Blizzard's tournament formatting and pro league are the best solution. Ido Magal would chime in saying that "it's just a good game" before Johnson shared that the team plays Overwatch and is excited to "see what [Blizzard] do".

The discussion then shifted to community contribution, something that has become a huge factor in CS:GO. Valve sees community participation as an active and vital element of the game's success, such as in the case of players voting for which weapon skins and stickers will transition from the community hub into the game. "The future is trying to find more ways that the community can express themselves in the game", said Johnson. The team went as far as to agree that at some point in the future mod creators, such as the one most recently responsible for Classic Offensive, should have the opportunity to make real-world money from their work.

The Source 2 engine was then mentioned, prompting confirmation from Valve that it's in CS:GO's future in addition to virtually every other game it makes. Magal made the point that Source 2 will make modability and community input much more streamlined.

Valve was then probed about the gambling scene, which has been stirring controversy during recent years. Johnson mentioned that Valve doesn't want to be associated with the gambling scene, saying that "it violates its terms of service", and as they "become aware of it they shut [gambling sites] down".

This was demonstrated in July of last year when Valve sent out a total of 23 letters to major CS: GO gambling sites requesting that they cease and desist. Notable sites such as CSGO Lotto soon went under from fear of a lawsuit. Despite this effort, dozens if not hundreds of sites remain, driving millions of dollars in revenue per year, many times with participation from underage users.

Some would argue that the gambling scene has contributed to significant growth of CS:GO over recent years. Valve isn't so sure, with Magal saying that it "doesn't have data to support that". Johnson would go on to explain that the addition of matchmaking was a major reason for the game's significant increase in popularity after a tumultuous first few months on the market. Following this, infrequent but substantial updates have managed to grow the game over time, to the point where it's now capable of achieving 11 million active users per month, a figure that very few games in history have been able to accomplish.

To close the discussion about CS:GO, I asked about optimization, citing a recently popular post on the Global Offensive subreddit sharing Cloud 9 professional player Mike "shroud" Grzesiek's concerns regarding optimization. Johnson replied saying "you can have global optimization issues that we're pretty data driven about". Levinthal mentioned that there are many players with older hardware who submit feedback, but they're "always paying attention to perf", and it's "ongoing work and an ongoing conversation".

While I got the impression that CS:GO optimization wasn't a huge concern of Valve, it was very clear that it takes feedback seriously. During our more than three hours of discussion during the day, the importance of feedback was brought up multiple times. With that, it's clear that consumers should continue to share their thoughts on Valve's products in an effort to help shape them into something better.



Dust3 confirmed

PD: El creador del mapa habla bastante por twitter y cuenta cosas curiosas como que el cruce de larga-salida de CT-bomba de A fué un apaño rápido, la rampa (y el mapa) iban a continuar por donde está el coche de larga, pero hicieron un cruce en T y dejaron larga como una zona abierta por falta de tiempo. :psyduck:

2 respuestas

Algo importante?


Aborto para unos, banderitas americanas para otros

resumen de la entrevista de 3h


#2 Cual es su twitter?

2 respuestas

#5 Creo que es este: https://twitter.com/johnsto


mas rusky


Pq, pq pqpqpqpqpqpq nada de HL.

Osea tienenn una de las mejores Ips de la historia de los videojuegos.., la gente los adora, la gente lo pide a voces. In juego con el que muchos hemos crecido y literalmente billones de dolares para gastar..., pq cojones no dan algo o lo dicen??? A quien le interesa el software de valve?? yo no conozco a nadie..., o quien juega en serio con la VR????.

Ostias puta dadme juegos

3 respuestas

Es un gran detalle que hayan movido la basura de larga 4 metros a la derecha.


#8 precisamente por las razones que das, es por lo que no lo hacen


#8 Tienen Steam, Dota y CS:GO aparte del mercadillo de sombreros de estos juegos. Tranquilo que si no sacan HL3 es porque no quieren. Aparte creo que están en pre producción desde hace un tiempo...


Es mas importante modificar un mapa que mejorar el VAC, con dos cojones


#8 Nunca van a sacar HL3 precisamente por todo el hype que hay alrededor del mismo. Sería el mayor fail de la historia por como de sobrevaloradas están las expectativas con él.

5 2 respuestas

#2 es el creador original de dust2 o es alguien en vavle que se encargo de pasarlo a csgo?

1 respuesta

#13 a parte de que aquí no se habla de esto. Eso es una sumisa idiotez. Ya pensó la gente lo mismo con el 2, y fue otra obra maestra de valve que volvió a revolucionar el genero.

2 1 respuesta

#15 fue un juegazo, pero no revolucionó nada xD

2 respuestas

#16 Solo por el motor Source ya fue una revolucion.



Cuidado con lo que dices amigo!


half life 2 no revolucionó nada xDDDDDDDD

Me parto el culo.


No os preocupeis, que me voy por donde he venido y cierro al salir.

Yo solito todo.


HL2 no revolucionó nada.. ayy ya lo he visto todo en este foro, suficiente internet por hoy.


No revolucionó las físicas en videojuegos? Por que yo no recuerdo haber visto nada antes igual.

La primera vez que jugué no se cuanto tiempo estuve lanzando objetos y metiéndome en el agua de lo que me gustaba ver eso...

6 1 respuesta

#14 Es el original, lo hizo para la versión 1.1 del CS. También trabajó en Dust y es el creador del primer cbble. Creó o participó en varios mapas de half-life, wolfenstein, team fortress, quake, doom...

#5 es el que te ha dicho 6 :clint:


#13 antes del 3 viene el hl2 ep3, así que aún queda mucho

1 respuesta

#24 Ya se dijo que se cancelaba le episodio y pasarian al 3 directamente.

1 respuesta

#22 las fisicas y los gestos faciales y animaciones de los personajes

1 respuesta

#25 DEP


#26 y ya ni se si después cuando salió el Episode 1 también fue una revolución con el HDR.


Han subido un video con la entrevista:


Un juego plagado de chetos y se ponen a modificar mapas.Vaya verguenza! asi va el cs