SK.swe arrestada


#59 own! xD




lo pongo en mi perfil pa que mis nietos lo vean kuando nazkan


le tendria ke aver pegado antes de jugar el partido...


Eres de la Palma del Condado ?


#59 FAN




pero si todos se lo toman a coña, SpawN se raja pero #38 tiene razon xD

P.D: SpawN el mejor de el mundo, pero almenos para mi


#65 yep


"In a recent statement on Fragbite in their post on this incident which has over 650 comments, Firat displayed signs of regret for wearing the t-shirt that started the incident along with how we received the t-shirt. This statement was translated by Fragbite staff member Martin Lindbäck and thanks to all Fragbite for their continued support on this story:

I just want to make a few things clear. The T-shirt I was wearing is from SK (from their sponsor Inferno-Online.) One of their gaming projects is to challenge your idols in SK in 1on1-tours and stuff like that, and then win or buy t-shirts that say "Who the **** is - nick?" as a funny gesture between fans and players. Even if I had known afterwards that it was stupid to 

wear it, I would never have wore it if I did not get it from SK and their PR-project, that more or less is about challenging SK and wearing the cocky t-shirt, if you beat an SK player in a 1on1-shootout. I own one of these shirts, and I actually manage to beat SK during the CS-tour at Krangparty, I (and many friends of mine) consider it was kind of funny to wear this particular t-shirt, if you keep in mind that we actually beat SK in the finals.

I am not, in anyway, saying that I am better than SpawN or that he is some kind of random. As I said, the t-shirt and the thought behind it, is SK’s responsibility, not mine.

My intention was absolutely not to provoke anyone, I just wanted to do something funny for my mates on quakenet, but now afterwards I can partly understand that SpawN became provoked, because the twist between us which began before on forums and IRC. I never took the twist serious and I even thought that SpawN had forgotten about it, because he has not spoken to me the last six months.

I can only talk for myself and when I've thought it over, I have to admit that it was unnecessary to wear the shirt, even though I got it from SK. Therefore I want to take the opportunity and apologize to SpawN and the other people in the SK-organisation for me wearing the t-shirt, because it obviously was so provoking. (even if it absolutely not was meant to be like that)

At last I want to thank SK for two real good matches, and Krang for a nice LAN.


En pocas palabras, se ha disculpado y ha dicho q no era su intencion provocarlo, y q la camisa se la gano en un evento de SK.


si tu a un blanco lo llamas blanco no pasa nada si tu a un negro lo llamas negro eres rasista y vas a la talega ya les vale... los negros son negros y los blacos son blancos es cuestion de no ser daltonico no de racismo :)


Todo le pasa al negro, que casualidad. ^^


Demasiadas horas al sol en suecia no puede ser bueno

Quienes son los SK?


ombre eso es verdad... pero no es daltonico o no daltonico .. lo q pasa eske ai muxo nazi de mierda y tb muxa envidia de ese tio al spawn


pd. y el de la camara mostrando un primer plano del culo de la pava xDDD


#75 ya creo que fue video del año 2005 segun no recuerdo k pagina, pero claro; cuando lo subimos nos lo "quitaron" y empezaron a ponerle banners y demas, solo tengo k decir que el maestro de la camara es mi amigo manolo:)


#71 si en africa la llaman a un blanco, blanco, puede llegar a resultar ofensivo ya que esta en un sitio lleno de negros, y el es la excepcion (aunque tambien depende del tono de la voz), pero si en europa llamas a un blanco, blanco, pues te va a preguntar "que dices?" pero si llamas a un negro, negro, dependiendo del tono sera racista o no

si eres blanco en un pais de blancos es normal que salgas con ese comentario, ademas antes de llamar por el color de la piel puedes llamar por el nombre


SpawN: "Many people says this guy has the best aim of world"
pura hay más... como la de "Heaton...who?" pero al menos esa no ofendía de la forma que la del notas este...


#59 propropro

El mejor video de la historia

El camara deberia de llevar un oscar porque enfoca muy bien ese culito!! ajajaja


ese tiene cara de ir mañana a contarlo al diario de patricia
QuE MoViDa HaN PeGaD0 A Nu3Str0 Sp4WnNo0rz


#1 tonto :D


#81 no soy yo anormal, él es Joey- con guión

PD: si, yo soy el tonto al que se refiere xD


#59 FAN


Juas :-O


#59 n1 jajajjajaja


SK manda