Official thread to practise English (whine = punish)

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1- nada de pedir que se te hagan/corrijan redacciones o se ocultará.
2- postead sobre el tema antes de preguntar alguna duda o se ocultará.
3- nada de preguntar sobre resources o se ocultará.


#1110 I think the goal he proposes with using English subtitles is to get used to distinguishing the English idioms and the more general British expression from Americanisms and american idioms.
I too have doubts sometimes regarding certain phrases, and with phrasing as well, and I find that writing down those doubts to go back to them later on is really helpful. Unintended learning does take place, and most times having some examples of what your expression used to be helps a lot.

PD: Diablo 3 in less than 20 minutes!

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#1111 Well, I don't know, when I use English subtitles I pay way less attention to the pronunciation and I don't improve so much my listening skills... I think that, in order to learn idioms and expressions and tell apart Americanisms the best way is reading.

Anyway, I watch both British and American TV Shows so...

And I had started to write down lots of phrasal verbs, idioms and words in a notebook but it's been quite a time since the last time I noted anything :\ It's quite difficult to keep up some good practices.

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#1112 Is ''quite a time'' right? I think you meant ''quite some time''.

For starters, knowing the difference between both languages in order to restrain yourself to a certain vocabulary is most useful.
I'm doing something similar with German, writing down everything I would like to say in German and then studying the options. It really makes it easier to study. Great difference from just ''winging'' it.

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#1113 Well, not like I'm a starter, I finished English at the EOI 6 years ago, I've been living in the UK, spent some summers in Dublin... Thing is that, having not formally studied English grammar at all for 6 years, my knowledge of it has kind of worsened.

Btw, why do you think "quite a time" is wrong? Do you think "quite a long time" would be wrong too? (I'm not saying it's not wrong, but it sounds fine to me, as far as I know the word "time" can be considered countable in some contexts, I don't know if this would be one of them. Anyway, I think I've heard several times expressions like "It's been quite a long time since the last time I saw you." )

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Hi, I came to this thread to practise my very bad english with the hope of improving with this lenguage, but seeing the level and the paragraphs you wrote, I think it will be better if I go where I came and I whish you good nights!


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#1115 It's fine to practise your English in this thread no matter what's your level. Moreover, reading English from other people, asking about constructions or words you don't understand, and trying to join the conversation can be really helpful to improve. So don't be shy and tell us whatever you want in English :D

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#1114 Indeed it is, but as long as you determine that it is a countable term. Time by itself is undetermined, but long time is, not per se, a measurable unit. Thus without the ''long'', to my understanding, it's not right.
Still, I've been known to have a pretty limited knowledge on grammar, as well as making many mistakes with prepositions.

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#1117 I'll try to avoid abusing that expression, as I said, I've acquired some bad habits in the UK. It's surprising how many natives you can find making grammar mistakes in the West Midlands, sometimes I would find myself correcting them in Facebook, even if some of them studied TESOL.


#1116 Good, it's nice to know that everybody is welcome to talk, ask or discuss in englis or about it. I discovered this thread just now and I think that is an oportunity to practise an idiom that I've got deserted from June of the last year for the way of studies that I'm taking now. I'll be here whenever I can, to practise or just to read you an then improving my comprehension!

So, I have a problem with general use of the spanish pronoum/conjunction "que" wich I always translate to english for "that". I know it will be translate for this way in some cases, but I don't know when I'm doing it fine, wrong or just I transalting for this way because I don't know how to do it and finally just do for an habit. I also think I use too much de pronoum "I".

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1 comentario moderado

#1119 Just a few notes:
Idiom is not the same as language.
Deserted from doesn't fit at all in that context, the meaning is quite different.
You should indeed practice to pick up on those little things that give a certain distinctive English ''tone'' to your lines.
Using that properly can be a great challenge, but I don't have enough time right now to give you any specific rule.

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#1121 Thanks anyway, I'll consider your advices


My english teacher put me a mark of 4.1 in Reading...
#1125 Is there much difference? Especially in the word "English".

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I came when you came to my room, naked and dirty, as God brought you to this world. Such a beatiful sight, such an irresistible body where my eyes get stuck in, and make my mind blow away. I'm getting a boner with just a look, with just seeing the glow of your green eyes, girl.

Is that correct? Don't ask me why I wrote this, it's the first thing I thought. And no, I don't use to be so dirty-mind HAHA

#1125 Well, yes. That's more correct IMHO.

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#1124 At a first glance there is at least one obvious mistake: "and makes my mind blow away".

I would've written "just by seeing the glow of your green eyes" rather than "with just seeing", but I don't think it's wrong.

#1123 I would've used the verb "to grade" instead of put in your sentence, and English is written with capital E. "My English teacher graded my Reading with a 4.1 mark."

#1123 You should always capitalise geographic adjectives. Moreover, every adjective derived from proper nouns must be capitalised. "English" is derived from "England" so you should always capitalise it.

2 respuestas

Dear all,

Lately I'm deeply involved on the improvement of this global languague as is a must have in my actual job. Sometimes is difficult to get and keep the motivation to learn and I would like to share with you a video that for sure will inspire you to improve or learn new languagues.

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#1126 I have a friend in Britain that is incredibly fluent in 12 languages. He speaks Spanish better than I do, and has an intellectual prowess with German and English that is beyond anything I've ever heard or seen. Granted his IQ is over 160 points in the Wechsler Scale, but still it's an incredible feat. I don't talk with him often, but each time we do I leave with the impression of being an unaccomplished intellectually gifted moron, and also with a need to study.
Since our last encounter I've picked up German where I left it when I stopped talking it, which was about my 5th earthly year, and I've remembered almost everything I knew before. Still I'm not nearly as fluent as I used to be, but I least I feel good about myself.
Knowing more than two or three languages is incredibly rewarding, I do advice everyone to try and improve upon what they know or would like to know.
The video you linked is both motivational and inspiring. I must master French by the end of the year!
Kind regards =]

1 comentario moderado

could anyone tell me what does "duh" mean? I've heard it in a song... thank, mates!

2 respuestas

#1129 As long as I know... it's an onomatopoeia.


#1129 Usually it's used as an expression to imply that something was rather obvious and the other person got that something late, or maybe that someone made an impression of something utterly plain and simple that most people grasp without any trouble.

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#1126 incredible, the video is amaizing


#1131 yep, I think it's that. Thanks mate!


Every time I read this thread, I laugh. It is silly, but it is just strange to have a thread like this.
Anyways, just came to say I finished writing some letters for my penpals on Michigan in the States, Australia, Czech Republic and Ireland.
Snail mail for the win.


Hi, I passed CAE few days ago, but I was closer to fail than I expected. I really thought that Speaking Part was going to help me, but it was the one with the worst mark instead. It seems they really punish hesitation. Besides, I made some stupid mistakes at Use of English and I found Reading far more difficult than usual.

I'm looking forward now to Proficiency exam, but I feel stuck at my English level. I think I should go abroad for a while.

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#1135 Going abroad is always a great choice. Anyway, if you don't mind I'll give you a few tips based on what you wrote. My English level probably is somewhere near CPE C2, my self-judging skills aren't, and so I feel I could be helpful.
For starters I think you should put the instead after the but. Even though instead is used very often at the end of a sentence, in that case being the predicate, it's better to adequate its usage in longer sentences.
You forgot the the before Speaking Part.
Time adverbs when you use a verb in present continuous should be between the verb to be and the other verb, in your case the now would sound more ''natural'' being right before looking.
Also, you should be extra careful with prepositions. The CPE people are very picky, they do not like to hear the wrong preposition, and they really hate hearing Americanisms. My occasional English ''advisor'' used to work as an examiner for Oxford and she always told me that there are two ways to fail the CPE; using in where on goes, and writing ''color''.
You wrote ''feel stuck at my English level'', which I don't think is the best choice. Instead I would use ''stuck with my English skills''. Both are right, but something inside my brain says that the first one is somehow wrong.
Now, being reasonable. Your English is very good, but if you are looking forward to the CPE, you're probably better off with harsh feedback, since you will get far worse responses from the examiners. Try watching TV shows and films in English for a while, try reading ''hard'' books in English, make English your everyday language.
Good luck =]

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#1136 Thanks for your tips and corrections. Unfortunately, I guess you gave me bad news since American English is my favourite and the one which I've heard and read most. Besides, I'm kind of a mess with prepositions, so I will have to try hard.

I would like to start a degree this year related to languages. 'Traducción e interpretación' would be my choice, but it is going to be difficult to go for it. 'Estudios ingleses' is my other option, but I'm afraid I won't be able to find a job but English teacher. Can someone give me advice? Opinions based on personal experiences will be appreciated. Thank you!


I need help for the conditionals of 2º Bachillerato.. ? Does someone help me? Thanks :):):)!

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#1138 Help you with what exactly? Give us a few examples.

And you meant ''help with the'', ''Will someone help me''.

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whatŽs up people?

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