Official thread to practise English (whine = punish)

Normas básicas de funcionamiento del hilo

1- nada de pedir que se te hagan/corrijan redacciones o se ocultará.
2- postead sobre el tema antes de preguntar alguna duda o se ocultará.
3- nada de preguntar sobre resources o se ocultará.


#1139 what are you doing in great britain

#1142 " I have a friend in Britain that..." thought you were there

1 respuesta

#1141 Never been to the UK nor the States.
Met him through Mensa. The Internet turned out to be quite a hit for friendships.

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I can't believe you people, really?


Guys let's keep this underrated thread alive!!


i was thinking about my FCE examen on 9th June... 10 more days left D:

Do you want the FCE now? YEEESSS!!!! i want it! D:


#1142 Your English is quite good in spite of not have been in any country whose mother language is English. How have you got it?

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#1146 Maybe he stoles a English tongue and change it by his spanish tongue... So...Does he is a wizard?

PD: nanana

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#1146 I have lots of free time and many TV shows and films to watch xD
I also read very much. Usually go through two books each week, and since I started focusing on English (4 years ago) I read more than half the books in English.

#1147 Maybe he stole an English tongue and replaced his with it... So...Is he a wizard?

3 respuestas

#1148 Oh, fantastic!I understand, now :) .

#1147 He stole an English tongue as Prometeo stole the fire :P


#1148 Thanks: Maybe one day iŽm able to think in English, not in spanglish (so sick)

1 respuesta

#1150 just see tv shows and read books in english for about 3 months and you will begin to think some things in english xD

In 2002 in a EF course in NY, in only 5 weeks I was beginning to think in English

By the way, no one understood my english xDDDDDD just some chinese guys O_O

Moreover, here in venezuela ALL the tv shows, and cinema movies are in VO. Now i can watch some shows witouth subtitles. Next week MIB3 ^^


#1148 Well, I've been living in the UK for a year, I watch TV shows in English practically on a daily basis, and I've been reading en English for quite some years now, and I think your English writing skills are better than mine.

I think I should write in English more often; since I wrote my degree project more than a year ago I haven't written almost anything in English at all (well, a report for a company, but that was easy-peasy).

I'm worried about my oral skills too, I have the CPE oral exam in 10 days and I've lost a lot of practice since I came back from the UK. I've realised I'm not as fluent as I used to be, so I'm meeting on monday with a native teacher to practise some conversation, I hope it will be useful.

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#1152 If you'd like to we could hang on Skype to chat for a while. I'm not the perfect English speaker but at least talking with another human being is good enough practice.
And also thank you very much for your appreciation, that's a really good compliment =]

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#1153 Thanks for the offer but don't worry, I have some British friends on Skype to chat with, but it's not the same, don't know, maybe it's because of the lack of context through Skype. I hope these conversations with this British teacher will be useful and that I won't find myself speechless through the exam.


#1152 #1153 IŽm interesting to get more skills and practise with both of you.. I knew about Skype and i was using oovoo during this lasts weeks but i stopped to use it... So ... Can i join to your party? :D

1 respuesta

#1142 I wrote that phrase you used there in my english essay last week and my teacher corrected it adding a had, like this: had turned out to be quite...

What do you think, I think my teacher sometimes corrects my writings as he would write them, despite the grammar its okay or not, that should be the explanation for all that red in my essays, yes, thatŽs it I think.

3 respuestas

#1156 Thoughts there must so strongers to be ignored them... So... u have to know it D:

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#1156 It's perfectly right without the had. Still, you should expect from an English teacher to be obsessed about omitted verbs and stuff like that, they all are.

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#1158 Forgot this: take the red pill (or blue pill?)

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#1157 canŽt understand you lol

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#1159 Your posts have very serious mistakes, but I think you should find them yourself since they are pretty obvious. #1157 Doesn't make any sense.

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#1156 Could you write the full sentence?

#1155 In any case, you'd be "interested" rather than "interesting", well, maybe you are interesting too but I'm pretty sure that's not what you meant to say. :P

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2 comentarios moderados

#1163 This thread is not to provide us with such an useless information but to improve your English writing skills.

Even if your phrases are short you should've used an apostrophe in "I'm" and if your connection suffered a breakdown it would've been more correct to write "failure" rather than "fail". Not to mention that you are "sorry for" your double post.


#1161 #1162 "Genetics have turned out to be quite a successful field for scientists nowadays..."

1 respuesta

#1160 Mmmmm, let me to explain it: In your mind (or our mind) there are a lot of thoughts... So... We need try to follow them (it's correct use it or them is right? :S) ^^ (Did u understand me? D:)

#1161 I know that i have a lot of mistakes. I need to be clever for the FCE: itŽs not necessary to writ so long sentences, because if i do it, iŽm getting involved in a serious trouble... So, iŽm rusty T__T

#1162 Don't be confused: i want to talk (actually i'm interested in you). PD: Seriously, i'm not

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#1167 youve been smoking havent you

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#1166 If you are not describing a succession of events, that sentence is perfect as it is. When you describe an event that started in the past and has an effect in the moment of speaking, you usually use the present perfect, like in this case since it's pretty obvious that the success is remarkable nowadays.

#1167 When you turn a name into an adjective by adding either -ing or -ed get used to employ -ing when you "produce" that thing and -ed when you "have" or "recieve" whatever you are talking about.

In this case, since you are turning "interest" into an adjective, you'd use "interesting" when you produce such an interest and "interested" when you have the interest.

By the way, in English you write "P.S." (from latin Post Scriptum), rather than "P.D." ^^

1 respuesta

#1168 I can share with you my medicine ^^ Do you want taste it? ^^

#1160 Now the sentence of #1159 is correct: choose the pill ^^

So #1169 i used -ing for šproduceš things and -ed when i šhaveš o šrecieveš.

Hahaha, thank u to tell P.S: i really didnŽt know it :O

So... I'm interested to speak with you, but iŽve never used Skype; Can u use the Oovoo ? Now I'm using this program and it's good. It's like tinychat ^^

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