Official thread to practise English (whine = punish)

Normas básicas de funcionamiento del hilo

1- nada de pedir que se te hagan/corrijan redacciones o se ocultará.
2- postead sobre el tema antes de preguntar alguna duda o se ocultará.
3- nada de preguntar sobre resources o se ocultará.


#1253 Would you mind to correct me please? I have a serious problem with pronouns! haha I dont know why because I usually use all kind of structures in English and some of them are complex but I always miss many pronouns in my constructions!

Thanks in advance!

#1254 Yes!! The french accent is quite annoying!

1 respuesta


"I think you are misunderstanding the meaning of "Actually". Anyway, that's quite usual because it is a false friend. Actually means In Fact, not Actualmente (or it doesn't mean Actualmente)

My advice to improve your English is to take advantage of living in a foreing city and to meet local people (in order) to practice! It (or That) is the best way: listening listening listening, making mistakes and correcting them."

remember: to+infinitive


Actually: realmente

Now: Ahora or actualmente

I really need your help, buddies: I need FCE exams from 2008 and FROM SPANISH FCE (important to focus on FCE exams...). Will say all of you: šGoogle is your best friend, google is... bla bla bla; I'm really worse of this simply task...

In this lasts day i have been making FCE exams... So this is why telling you this, hahaha

PD: Help me, buddies D:

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#1263 "Will say all of you", "I'm really worse of this [...]", ''[...] I have been making [...]", ''[...] why telling you this [...]".

Try to figure out what's wrong.

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#1264 grrrr

The first sentence i donŽt know how to explain...
...I'm really bad in this... I've been doing... why iŽm telling this you

1 respuesta

hello over here boys and girls!! i've come here to practise a little bit of english.. I wish i could speak english fluently all times, not only when i'm drunk! :(

And no.. i'm not drunk right now ¬¬


#1265 Actually: "You all will say", "I'm really bad at this [...]", ''[...] why I'm telling you this [...]".


English philology student here, and after studying the 7th century bible(mix icelandic, english, german and latin and you will be able to guess what the hell I'm talking about), after studying the 13th century Canterbury Tales (orginal version), after studying the southern 18th century american dialects...I get ow...confused by on, in and at again and again.... shit,shit and shit. I rant, because that's pretty pathetic, sorry mates, I had to say it.


Nadie tiene examenes de FCE? Quiero practicar un par de examenes mas y si es posible poder hacer en formato papel tranquilamente xD Y que sean del 2008 como minimo D: Pero es que no se como encontrarlos en la web...

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Tomorrow I have my oral exam of FCE.
I'm a bit worried, but I think I'll do it fine.
Any suggestions?

#1269 I did some exams here
Hope it helps.

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#1269 This thread is only for talk english.

1 respuesta

if ur gonna talk like u kno shit if ur gonna act like ur shit if ur gonna try to be shit ur gonna get ur ass kicked


#1271 I know it buddy #1270 thanks


#1270 Good idea i needed to know which its my english level and with that web i will work better. Thanks.


Yeah!!! nice thread, i need improve my skill whit english

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#1275 with*


#1275 "I need to improve my English // to improve my English skills"

"I" and all the languages (Spanish, English, French, German) with capital letter.


Please, remember the following:

When you use two verbs one right after the other you are going to need either a to or the present continuous. For example:

  • I am going to the beach.
  • I would like to do

Also, you can use 3 verbs if the first one is to be:

  • I am trying to accomplish a very important task.

You CAN'T have 2 verbs without either of those.


Weren't we looking for a nigger called Brian?

1 respuesta

#1279 Brian?? The one who lives in the corner of Grand Avenue with the 6th?? That fucker stole my bike when i entered into a shop to buy a few cokes!!! My cousin Jamie was outside taking care of my bike and then that Brian punch him in the face and took the bike riding down the street... For his own good.. better we won't see each other... :(

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#1280 Gentleman, he's not the Brian we're are looking for. Feel sorry for the bike, your homo friend should have been a better defender.

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#1281 Can you give us a close descrpition of the Brian you're looking for?? so we can help you.. ;)

#1283 Thank you kindly sir. Are you a wizard? ;)

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#1280 Brian?? The one who lives in the corner of Grand Avenue with the 6th?? That fucker stole my bike when I went into a shop to buy a few cokes!!! My cousin Jamie was outside taking care of my bike and then that Brian punched him in the face, took the bike and rode down the street... For his own good.. better we don't see each other...

#1281 Gentleman, he's not the Brian we're are looking for. Feel sorry about the bike, your homo friend should have defended himself better.

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Do you guys think if someone could get the Advanced or even the CPE without help??

I mean, without having classes of any kind.

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#1283 I wasn't talking about defending himself, but the bike

1 1 respuesta

#1285 Maybe you should try guardian instead. Defender doesn't have the meaning you're trying to imply, it's more of a technical word in the semantic field of court justice.

#1284 Do you guys think if someone could get the Advanced or even the CPE without help??

As response: I think you could, but you'll definitely need some aid regarding pronunciation and grammar errors that you yourself may not be able to detect. It is possible, as a mater of fact I did some CPE exams in class last year (they were old tests that were made available to teachers and so to prepare their students) and I did astonishingly well. I think I got 93% and I did not study at all for the test, just watched a couple of English films (V for Vendetta mostly xd). Granted that by then I knew pretty much the same as I know nowadays regarding English, and knew how to handle myself, but if I could without much effort I'm certain someone else studying hard will be able.

#1282 Why yes, yes I am.

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#1286 I watch all movies and read a lot of articles, specially science ones, in English. I understand everything I read or hear and even though there are always some words I don't get, I can take the ideas in the context the words are said.
I think I'm missing a lot of grammar and I don't know how to write a formal letter and things like that, but I'm pretty sure I'd manage to pass the tests with some practice. I love the language, I think it's not really difficult to use once you get used to it.

My writing skills might need an improve though.

1 respuesta

Hi I will go to Poland in 2014 for erasmus but I donŽt have english certificate N1. IŽm looking to study in EOI but in the webŽs page are not easy to know prices. Know you the prices for Valencia EOI? Thanks and sorry for my english

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#1287 ''might need improving...''

You seem to have quite the extensive knowledge, far better than most people in this forum. Maybe you polish a bit your writing, but overall it's pretty good.

#1288 Hi I am going to Poland in 2014 for erasmus, but I donŽt have the N1 English certificate. I'm planning on studying in the EOI but the prices are hard to find in their webpage. Does anyone know the prices for the EOI at Valencia? Thanks and sorry about my English.

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