Official thread to practise English (whine = punish)

Normas básicas de funcionamiento del hilo

1- nada de pedir que se te hagan/corrijan redacciones o se ocultará.
2- postead sobre el tema antes de preguntar alguna duda o se ocultará.
3- nada de preguntar sobre resources o se ocultará.


I need more FCE tests... Please text me, contact me with pm...

PS: Kiss, kiss


IŽll spend all the summer doing CPE exams, fuck :(


i sell it by the bottle, i'll make it last all night, dont worry 'bout tomorrow, i got the remedy


I have a doubt, is that sentence (Well, technically it's a paragraph) right? 'We should be able to see it. I played EU3 a lot of hours before realize that the Strait of Messina can be crossed by by land troops'

Specially the bold part. 'Crossed by by' seems a bit odd for me.

1 respuesta

Hi people !! I'll do PCE tests too to prepare the exam!

Good luck to all!!

PD: too to is correct? hehe


I want to break free, i want to break free!!!


#1234 'We should be able to see it. I played EU3 many hours before realizing that the Strait of Messina can be crossed by land troops'

1 respuesta

#1237 Thank you very much!

1 comentario moderado

For a presentation that is enought ? :

iŽm alvaro and iŽm 23 years old i live in santander and now iŽm unenployed.

3 respuestas

#1240 Yeah, but if I were you, I wouldŽt memorize a presentation, try to sound natural. Are you doing any exam or so?

1 respuesta

#1241 yeah tomorrow oral exman hahah i,m very nervous but iŽll try to do the best posible

2 respuestas

#1242 I donŽt think you will have problems if you can keep calm. The most important thing in an oral is not to stop, it doesnŽt matter if you change the topic, just speak. Good luck!

1 respuesta

#1243 That's actually great advice.
#1242 Try to speak slowly, don't rush. It'll make it easy.



"My name is alvaro. I'm 23 (years old). I live in santander and I'm unemployed by now."

Short prhases are the key ;)

btw, "I" in capital, please.

1 respuesta

#1245 ...I'm unemployed by now."


I'm currently unemployed.
I'm unemployed right now.
I'm unemployed nowadays.
I'm unemployed at the moment.

1 respuesta


Easy, here's the best advice to nail that exam step by step:

1.- Grab an axe
2.- Master your crazy face
3.- Figure out the number of the class where you are going to take the exam
4.- Tear down the goddamn door
5.- Using this video as an example, say your phrase:

guaranteed 10

1 1 respuesta

Hi guys, my name is Daniel. Actually I live in Manchester, and my english isn't good enough, do you have any website to improve my writing and listening?

3 respuestas

#1248 You should improve your English going out and talking with the locals!


Who is Brian? Brian is in the kitchen... is brianens


#1248 I think you are misunderstanding the meaning of "Actually" (which is quite usual because is a false friend). Actually means In Fact. Is not Actualmente.

My advice to improve your English, take advantage of living in a foreing city and meet local people to practice! Is the best way, listening listening listening and making mistakes and correcting them.

2 respuestas

#1247 Omg you are a good freind eh ?? xDD in 5 hours i came here and told you my experience

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#1251 Use pronouns! You're missing many It.

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#1246 Ouch! I meant to say "right now"

#1248 What are you doing here man? Go to the pub!!!


"you are a good freind eh ??"

You are a good friend, aren't you? lol (don't use "eh". Neither xD)

"in 5 hours i came here and told you my experience"

I'll be/come back in five hours and I'll tell you ...

#1251 it works except when you work in a german/french environment like certainly is mine. Damm french accent ...

1 respuesta

Today I have been practising my English with a native and I have two dreadful habits:

  • Using the word "people" as if it was a singular. I know it's a plural, but dunno why, I keep using it as a singular when I'm speaking fast.
  • Building some phrases in the same order I'd do in Spanish.

I also tend to repeat words like "stuff" and "like" (in this very same phrase lol).

Most of the errors I make are commited out of speaking too fast and not thinking enough, but I find quite difficult to think what to say about some specific topics and, at the same time, think how to say it with no errors at all.

I hope I will be able to get rid of some bad habits before this saturday comes...

1 respuesta


- Building some phrases in the same order I'd do in Spanish.

  • I also tend to repeat words like "stuff" and "like" (in this very same phrase lol).


I've realized the tip is to speak with a exaggerated texas accent. (No kidding!!!)

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#1256 I think I got the habit of using the word "like" in the UK, British people tend to explain everything with examples so they don't have to be too specific in their speaking.

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#1257 Me too and I'm not british haha.

I also repeat "you know" at the end of each phrase.

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#1258 Yup, it's quite another classic, although I think I haven't acquired that one at least, you know?

1 1 respuesta

#1259 Totally, It's a classy classic, you know.

Well ... I have to go to iron :(

see you later alligator

By the way, it's funny 'cause all french people don't say "ask" when they speak, they say "hask". Don't ask (j3) me why they put a damm "h" ... I have no clue :/

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