Official thread to practise English (whine = punish)

Normas básicas de funcionamiento del hilo

1- nada de pedir que se te hagan/corrijan redacciones o se ocultará.
2- postead sobre el tema antes de preguntar alguna duda o se ocultará.
3- nada de preguntar sobre resources o se ocultará.


#1420 Actually I live in Trier (Germany) but I work in Luxembourg. It's too expensive to live there :P

There's a little group of spaniards in Luxembourg (40 or 50) and they organize KDD's from time to time. Maybe you want to join us in the future :P

#1417 I know, I know! it was just a stupid mistake, don't worry and thanks for the correction :P

I'm finance manager in a multinational firm.

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I talk German in some dreams. Which is really weird, it's been at least 13 years since the last time I spoke German.

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Hello, today i learned a song and i want to share with us:

what is love, baby dont hurt me dont hurt me.... (8)

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#1443 No more!

1 respuesta

¿Como se dice štengo un maldito dolor de estomago?


#1441 MMmmmm, Do you want to share your Facebook with me? :P MP.


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#1445 I have a fucking stomachache!

#1441 That sounds cool! I've never been to Luxembourg nor to Germany! I'll be in Germany in august, tho :D

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#1444 papa papapapapa papapapapa papapapapapa

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#1442 I speak German in dreams, too haha

#1446 Well, Luxembourg is a little country, but it's really beautiful as well as the city.

Where do you go? Berlin? München?

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#1448 Cof, cof, #1445 :D

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#1448 Stuttgart and the surroundings! My cousin is living there (erasmus year!).

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#1450 A friend of mine is living and working there. I should go to visit him one of these days :P

by the way, you should visit Strasbourg, is close to Stuttgart!

#1449 Sure, just send me a pm with your complete name :)

1 comentario moderado

i volunteer as tribute

They gonna take your fingers and take a little bit of blood


Could somebody help me with a translation?

I'm talking to a guy who is selling some things. I was asking for the price of one object and this is his answer:

I'll DM you mate but that would be quite some P&P :)

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#1454 What do "DM" and "P&P" mean? O.o

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#1455 That is what I want to know xD

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#1456 Maybe DM means Direct Message and P&P could be postage and packing, that guessing you're selling from outside your town or something.

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#1457 Yes, could be that. He should send the package from London to the Canary Islands and I think it's gonna be heavy.

Thanks :)

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#1458 You're wellcome :P


#1447 are you talking to me? are you fucking my bitch wife?!??!?


I'm pretty sure that my stomachache was made by an mediavero: FUUUUUUUUUUUU

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#1461 Don't use "an" unless the word afterwards starts with a vowel. There are some other exceptions but I can't think of any right now hehe, just got back from the beach.

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#1462 Mute H is the main case.


#1462 Ok, understood it D:


#1454 Just guessing but maybe he wants you to go to Genova street with a Depeche Mode's tshirt or something :?

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#1465 I'm trying to find a meaning for your comment, but I think I'm a little bit lost.

Could you explain it? I think it's a kind of joke, but I don't get it xD

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#1466 just forget it, I was kidding :P

I have no clue about what he's talking about, soz :/


I hate this sun: it's too heat for me... Who the hell did open the oven? Geirls, pls

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#1468 "too hot"!

Here in Galicia we have a warm temperature, but I was in Madrid on monday and it was almost unbearable!

3 respuestas

Well, I'm seeing there are a few people talking 'bout dreams and languages they utilize at them, so that livens me up to comment my own experience at this issue. I often talk on my dreams in japanese (lol'd) or english mostly.

I believe this ain't an abnormal condition for a person, and it is just a little function of our onirism share.

#1468 Yea, mate. It's been a while since I've suffered this heat...

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