Official thread to practise English (whine = punish)

Normas básicas de funcionamiento del hilo

1- nada de pedir que se te hagan/corrijan redacciones o se ocultará.
2- postead sobre el tema antes de preguntar alguna duda o se ocultará.
3- nada de preguntar sobre resources o se ocultará.


#1469 Pero yo utilizo: hot para cuerpo fisicos y heat para calor de ambiente. Creo que pega mas heat, porque estoy haciendo enfasies en el environment

PS: Sorry for talk in Spanish D:

#1470 I can't see your avatar: I suffer because she is hot!!! (I know that she is only an imaginary girl...)

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#1471 Nope, you have to say "it's hot" (hace calor). You could use heat some other way: "There's a lot of heat coming up from the pavement", for example.

Hot = adjective - IT is hot ("está caliente" - "hace calor").
Heat = noun - It's heat? ("Es calor?" - it doesnt make sense)

Hot can also be used referring to a girl or a boy: "She's hot" = está buena.

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#1469 Monday was ok, even this week the temperature is fine, you should come in August...

#1470 In Japanese? lol

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#1472 So then is like you said me... Thank you very much avatar :P

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#1474 I'm a draenei :c

#1473 We walked from Santiago Bernabeu to Cibeles, that didn't help :( my poor feet were hurting so bad!

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#1474 You should had used "told" instead of said, said just doesn't feel right, when someone says something, you can use say but when the receiver of the message is you, you should use talk

P.S: if anyone knows the ruling, and I am wrong, please do correct me ^^ I dont know much about the rulings, I know things just cause :D

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#1468 #1469 or warm


#1475 Poor girl :(

Did you enjoy our traffic at least?

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#1476 You are wrong:

  • You must use TELL when you want to comunicate things that people have never heard

  • You should use SAY when you want to comunicate things that people knows...

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SAy to smb

Tell smb

zB: I said to him she was hot

I told him she was hot
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#1478 They thing I enjoyed the most was paying over 20 euros for parking our car ¬¬

#1474 "said to" or "told" + me!

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#1479 oh ^^ my bad then, either way, use "to" after say. "said to me"


#1480 #1481 I was trying to explain what is the meaning about this 2 words, not how to write it... COF, COF :D

PS: Hand! +1


#1481 You should have parked in my neighbourhood, it's free! :D

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#1484 I would probably have my car stolen!

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#1485 This is not "The Bronx". I live in a small and cute neighbourhood full of plants and trees.

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#1486 With niggas stealing people.

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#1487 hahahahaha #1485 He ( #1486 ) wants a date with you...

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#1488 I like young chubby girls... Ligia isn't :(

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Hey there, could you give me some tips about choosing an English certificate to study? :P

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#1490 I don't know how high your level is but I'd go straight for B2.

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#1489 I'm not sure if what you said is nice or not :¬¬:

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How can be the people so fucking asshole...idk...always the people fuck me when i try to do my dreams reality


#1490 If I were you, I'd choose B2, because it's not very very difficult to get it and it corresponds to a good level.

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#1492 It was a compliment :(

I just had the strangest dream ever... in it I ensure myself I'm not dreaming by looking at the details of a wooden door at the end of a corridor.

There are a lot of details in the door but my eyes go from a blur film plane to a clear one, just like if I were using camera zoom.

Then I realise I'm not dreaming, it's real and I start running like hell cos an alien wants to kill me.

God damn, I have to stop drinking cocacola :(


#1490 I recommend you the IELTS academic for studying abroad (EU) or CAE for a more general propose.

PS: Have you ever think about make a skype group to practise speaking?

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#1491, #1494: I am taking classes and I'll go for B2, then I think I'll go on studying and get the C1.

But my question was what kind of certificate would be better. For example all my friends did FCE/CAE. I just want to be sure, because my dream is to work in USA and I don't know if I should go for an american exam.

You know, that's my dream but I could have an opportunity in Dublin, so... what's the best option? (in general).

Btw I think my level up to now is between A2 and B1.

#1496: I am already taking classes with a native girl and I'll start talking in English with my brother every day in a couple of months so I think I'll have enough practice :P

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#1497 If your goal is to work abroad, as I said before, your best certificate is to be able to speak English fuently, as well as understand what people say to you without any difficulty, that's for sure. Unless we're talking about to work for a Spanish or European Institution there, sure.

You can have a X1 ultra megalevel certificate from the Cambridge Institute of Bro's, but if you're not able to deal with a simple English conversation about, I don't know, tits, you're fucked. That's my point.

I'd prefer to spend that amount of money in Business English classes or conversation classes, it'd be worth for me. but it's just my opinion (I work abroad, I have to speak English in my day by day and I don't have any certificate. I've had to deal with a few job interviews, so maybe I'm a good example, or maybe not!!)

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#1498 Tests such as CPE certify that you speak fluently; I think you got the wrong idea about them - they are not only about grammar and reading!

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#1499 Still it's an expensive certificate =/

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