Official thread to practise English (whine = punish)

Normas básicas de funcionamiento del hilo

1- nada de pedir que se te hagan/corrijan redacciones o se ocultará.
2- postead sobre el tema antes de preguntar alguna duda o se ocultará.
3- nada de preguntar sobre resources o se ocultará.


Hey guys! I was today on facebook and saw that typical phrase about filosophy which girls love to post to look smarter. The thing is that the phrase has no sense to me, am I right, or does it really have sense?

The phrase:

We've got nothing but time you find everything that you didn't do !

3 respuestas

#1498: That's my idea, indeed. I just want to get some certificate because I should be able to do it.

But I am taking conversation classes with a native as I said. She worked in business stuff and told me the same you did. Anyway, she said we could try the FCE soon.


#1501 It doesn't make sense.

Ask your friend to go back to the kitchen!

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#1501 First off, that's not a phrase, that's a sentence. I don't know but I think it'll make a hell lot more of sense being...

"When you've got nothing but time, you find everything that you didn't do !"

This makes sense, but still, anyone could figure that doesn't come from a leading mind, I guess.

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#1504 Yeah, I was wondering which one was the adequate because both are similar I guess. I jsut googled it and it looks like a phrase is just a group of words that have but are not a full sentence.

It's explained here:

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#1505 Yeah, word up! You hit the nail on the head.

Examples of phrases: "The green car", "on Friday morning", etc.


#1500 yeah, 200€ is quite a lot, but I think (and hope) it's worth it!


#1505 Very useful! I always forget that little things,


Could anybody help me with the meaning of the following sentence: "she sounded cross"?
I found that on an audio-book and I've looked for its meaning in, Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary for "sound" and "cross" and in reverso's web too but there was nothing related to this.
According to the sentence's context I suppose it could be sth like "she seemed to be disappointed" or similar, but I'm not sure and would like to know the exact meaning.
Thanks in advance and please experts correct any mistake in my writing.

#1510 Thanks... How did you learn English? Is English one of your mother tongues?

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#1509 It's almost what you suggested, but more angry than disappointed.

I can't see anything wrong with your post, still I'm pretty tired and distracted =]

#1509 Learnt by myself many years ago, watching films, reading, studying the grammar. A few weeks to master the grammar, a few months to make myself accustomed to English as a whole.

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I've a bit hangover right now... So then, I've wrote a tweet to Charlie Seen, because I think that he will give me any suggest...

If he gives me drugs and prostitutes, I'll sharw with all of you D:

PS: Fucking headache! haha

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#1511 hahaha, but where have you been? at the disco, having some beers with your friends...?
you know, it isn't the same if you have some beers with your friends than if you get drunk at the disco because you don't catch any girl xD

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#1512 San Juan xd

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#1513 Saint Johan!

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#1513 #1514 Midsummer?

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#1514 It's time to stop posting

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#1515 #1516 Bonfire night is way cooler. You get to burn Guy Fawkes!


i was polite with her but she acted aloof, she lied me, hurts she? didn't think so.
Sparked a fight with my best friend, though she whined, she didn't nothing,

Snow flakes are falling right now, a kittens are crying, icy tides gonna take us and we'll die


hi people, someone of you are now in London? I am near than old street station.

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There you can ask your questions to the people are living in london.


why can't someone write some random shit?

2 respuestas

#1521 some random shit.



"why can't ANYONE write some random shit?"

it's a negative question. Double-double!!!!


#1521 Because LIFE IS PAIN!!! You look so sad, please ride your motorbike and go to HIGHWAY TO HELL!

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1 comentario moderado

#1523 "You look so sad"

and by the way ...

I look / want / do
You look / want / do

This is an important rule.

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#1525 Oh god, kill me xD

Please, you must understand this: she was so sad that I have had do it and give her an advice to enjoy this day! We can't waste OUR TIME!

PS: Damn it professor, suck MY BRAIN! (LOOOOOOOOOOOOL)

#1527 I like your effort with me (REALLY!), but sometimes you seem like a bad professor :P

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#1526 No worries :)

"... sad that I have had ..."

Please, I in capital letter, ALWAYS .

#1524 Perfect. Just try to move to another country and to get a job there speaking only català. Good luck, you will need it ;)

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1 comentario moderado

#1526 Believe me, to write I in capital letters is so important. If you write a cover letter applying for a job or something with an error like that, you'll be totally fucked.

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Don't fall for the trap ^^ getting trolled is the last thing you want for yourself.

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