Official thread to practise English (whine = punish)

Normas básicas de funcionamiento del hilo

1- nada de pedir que se te hagan/corrijan redacciones o se ocultará.
2- postead sobre el tema antes de preguntar alguna duda o se ocultará.
3- nada de preguntar sobre resources o se ocultará.


#1710 Yes, in my city is this school, exactly where I finished E.S.O xD, and I want to do it, but i forgot to do, and places are closed... maybe next year.

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"in my city is this school"-> wtf? maybe in my city we have that school.
"and I want to do it, but i forgot to do, and places are closed.." -> I wanted to do it, but I forgot about it and now applications are closed.

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#1713 Thanks for the help xD, i'll sign it at my notebook.


#1710 Exams of EOI aren't from Cambridge. I always recommend to take Cambridge tests because they are recognized all over the world. EOI exams are only valid in Spain.

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#1715 That's not true. EOI exams are included in MCERL (Marco común europeo de referencia para las lenguas: aprendizaje, enseñanza y evaluación) and they are valid in all Europe.


here a man who talks 3 languages, kisses from top position nabs

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#1717 talks? You mean 'speaks', don't you?

Yeah, your English is good. OK.

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#1715 Not really.

In fact, the only exams recognized in Spain for official red tape are the exams of EOI, specially if u want to do a public master or earn points in a the selection of public-sector job.

PD: Como mierdas diriais oposiciones en inglés?


#1718 at least i dont care what did u expect from me, i just dont pay attention on a perfect english, you must beware urself on typing it in good way because u dont play with an other chance, that's the different dude, in just 30 sec, not google between.

When u "speaks" 3, then we can bet who's better, bisous mec !

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#1720 mfw that English can be used by my little counsin from Cuanca, who, by the way, has down syndrome.

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#1721 that's syndrome comes from forefathers, no more to say.

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#1722 Probably, but yours is the worst case I've seen at the very least.

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#1723 Sorry for coming late... oh wait it was not about me... it was your cousin.. isnt he?


#1720 First off, why are you saying I have to google my English? That's crap, you don't know it.

The question is not knowing 3 languages, the important part is the level at those languages. And by the way, if you had say you speak 7 languages I'd be impress. But 3? If with your crappy English you say you can "talk" 3, then I'm up to 4.

And please, keep your cap on, you nelly.

#1726 Good try. 'Know' is ok. And in fact, more correct than 'talk', by far.

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#1725 "The question is not knowing 3 languages", dude, i talk 3, not know it.

Next time maybe, baby.

Pd : "Yeah, your English is good. OK."

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#1726 Reading you honestly hurts, kisses from over the top

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#1727 the truth always hurts, top lane is not over the top.

bisous dude o/

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#1726 If you didn't care what people think about you, you wouldn't come here to say "I speak three languages".

And three languages is not an amazing number. I think it's amazing when you speak five or six, but only three? XD
And you don't speak three languages because your English cannot be considered a language.

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ss top, careful with Udyr


omg noobs no say ss omg report them plz my team noob


dont worry be happy


#1728 Who are you?
It's kinda funny to see another ignorant cunt pretending to be a bilingual speaker.

I would really love to know what your top position is, could it be that your job consists in fixing lifts?

xoxoxo badass.


be water my friend


Anyone here having taken the C1 exam? Any tip?? I'll start preparing it within a couple of weeks and I'm pretty curious about it.

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#1735 A bit more difficult than the b2 one, not a big deal

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#1735 Good luck, then.

I'm preparing the B1 on my own and i don't know if i've level for to pass them without study. My worst problem is the grammar (specially with the prepositions) but i think that will be really easy.

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#1736 Cool... seems like C2 is the tricky one.

#1737 Thanks. In my case the problem is that I don't know much theory, I've learnt everything I know (except the awful level of the school) watching series, movies, listening music, podcasts and reading several stuff, but I think that my vocabulary is fairly decent, and my pronunciation.

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#1738 When I went to the c1 exam, I didn't even know what the exam consisted on. The only moment in which I slightly hesitated was when I had to choose a kind of text to write, since all of them were completely unfamiliar to me. I reckon I made the right choize though, chose something like a "report" and somehow managed to pass it with some extra margin.

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#1739 wow! I see so far to pass C1 level, but I hope to take B2 in June. The worst exam to me is the reading, because I usually read quite slow :/

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