Official thread to practise English (whine = punish)

Normas básicas de funcionamiento del hilo

1- nada de pedir que se te hagan/corrijan redacciones o se ocultará.
2- postead sobre el tema antes de preguntar alguna duda o se ocultará.
3- nada de preguntar sobre resources o se ocultará.


#1740 The worst test for me, [...] slowly.

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#1741 I think both are valid, I've seen people using each one lots of times.


#1729 Enough for me,, wanna check it on real conversation ? lets go see who has better flow, as u say ur english.... its also a pity way for feeling proud.

1 respuesta


If you didn't care what people think about you, you wouldn't come here to say "I speak three >languages".

Because he doens't care at all, that's why he came here to tell us moar.

So many Francesca haters, don't worry darling here I come!! Greetings from the top lane.

o/ |o
o/ \o


#1743 Remember that to know a language is an a social ability that is used to comununitace ourselves in a society, and it requires to express yourself well, and to be understable, so if you use a language that isn't understable for the rest of people, your language is not ok. Here, a lot of people are saying that your English is bad, and it is, indeed. Because to speak a language is to be understable for the rest of the speakers ir order to comnicate with rest of people in a proper way.

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#1745 And u already hide urself on looking for clues, when people are not able for evaluating when themselves cannot. Moar i know from u and others, i completly sure dude, (oh wait!! u are a girl then ,,"duda" ejejaeuiawuehauwdb )

Lets go get slife, that's social but not life, i hope u will caugh what i already meant.

bisous nabs, plus en bas vous vous trouvez.

1 respuesta

#1745 What are you talking about? I can understand him (or her?) perfectly. If you can't understand what you are reading from this guy is because you need to improve your english.


I vote for a skype call between these two and i as the judge, i promise to record it.


#1745 Aside from the redundancy, which still was readable, you made a slight mistake on the first phrase:
''is an a social ability that is used to comununitace''
''is a social ability used to communicate with others in a society [...]''


#1746 Your reply is beyond comprehension, and I won't bother trying to understand whatever you're saying. I've seen kindergarten kids in England making way more sense than you are right now, and even in other languages, which is to say, and I'm not being subtle, that kids speak better than you do.

1 respuesta

I'm fond of this language's war, it's so cutte xDD


#1749 Ahh, I didn't notice it. Sorry, and thank you very much for your advice^.


I've got a question, guys. I hope someone can help me.

I'm attending the FCE in some days. Can anyone tell me when do they give you the 'mark sheet'? I think when you start the speaking part the first thing they ask you for is the mark sheet. So, where do you get it?


Huh... I did an "exam" to see my english level to go to an academy, and... I have nice vocabulary and writting (dentro de lo que cabe), but in speaking... i've never speak english, and I have a low level speaking... I have to go Intermediate (B), but teacher says me I can go to B plus, and she thinks I can survive at Upper-Intermediate, but I prefer to do Intermediate and learn 'moar' speaking, and go Upper with nice speaking :).

What can I do to learn speaking really good? I do it nice, but when I have to speak with another person, I'm so nervous and I say, HI, EM, me quedo parado y demás, but when I think all what I want to say in my head, I say it correctly... I'm so (vergonzoso), sobretodo con alguien que no conozco (how can I say it in English?)

When I'll see movies, i'll put it with subtitles in English (tengo una duda con los On, In... can you explain me? :P )

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#1753 +1, same situation here. Also, the teacher was a totally MILF and i was extra-nervous, i had no idea of what i had to say.


#1753: In addition to your speaking, I think you should improve your grammar a little.

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I have an Ukrainian teacher this year. She's super hot and I've already started seducing her with my rudimentary Ukrainian knowledge acquired at Google 20 min before her class.

I don't know what her answer was but it still was pretty sexy.

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#1755 Yes, I know, I have 'ESO' english... and a little bit more of all games I've played in my life haha.

#1756 Hahaha xD.


I have a gay teacher this year.. :( On the other hand, he seems a good teacher.

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#1756 OMG, This is the last thing I expected in this thread xD

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#1758 LOL. That's not a problem, is it?

Well, giving it a second far away before he rapes your ass.


#1759 I said "hello, how are you?" and she said something weird, I said "I'm fine, thanks" because it sounded like "and you?". Then she began to laugh, I started laughing, and we were both laughing, and I didn't know why I was laughing. She looked super cute though, I seriously considered asking her to have lunch with me.


I'm a bit afraid, people. Tomorrow I'm going to start my University lessons again, and I fear my English has decreased. This year I must reach C1 level, and I think that this summer I haven't practised enough.

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#1762 we are already seen pages back...

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#1763 are seen? O.o
#1762 Download a very long and fun TV show such as House MD, Dexter or whatever you'd like and practice with yourself daily. =]

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I'm so lucky to work in an American company. I have to talk the 90% of the day in english with people all over the world.

PS: French ppl suck speaking english, the worst without any doubt. Spanglish > Frenchglish

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#1765 I wish I get one job like that in the future, I love this language

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#1766 me too xDD.


Hi there from sweden!

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#1764 who are u, her caregiver ?

I feel rage on u, that's what happens when someone are over u, sorry dude I didnt want...

I shall maybe, not dexter, also u are low on tvshows, boston legal its being enough at moment.

bisous my favourite supporter

1 respuesta


"I wish I get" is not correct. Depending on how likely you feel that would happen, you would use:

  • I wish I got
  • I hope to get
  • I hope I will get

You have a full explanation in here:

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