Official thread to practise English (whine = punish)

Normas básicas de funcionamiento del hilo

1- nada de pedir que se te hagan/corrijan redacciones o se ocultará.
2- postead sobre el tema antes de preguntar alguna duda o se ocultará.
3- nada de preguntar sobre resources o se ocultará.


Hey guys, Finally I decided to choose the book "Into the Wild" by Jon Krakauer. The film ("Hacia rutas salvajes" in Spanish) is pretty famous although I didn't watch it yet. I've heard that the plot is kind of philosophical, so let's see if it works for me!

By the way, Thank you all for all the suggestions! I will try to read them at some point.

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I have a question. Why always "i" is written in capital letters?

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#1801 Good luck and good choice. You will see that this help you and is a fantastic way to apply your knowledges and practice^^

#1802 Good question, I'd like to know the answer too.


There is no real explanation to the capitalization of the I pronoun. According to the Wikipedia, there is a variety of hypothesis but none of them is actually proved correct. These are as follows:

There is no known record of a definitive explanation from around the early period of this capitalisation practice.

It is likely that the capitalization was prompted and spread as a result of one or more of the following:

changes specifically in the pronunciation of letters (introduction of long vowel sounds in Middle English, etc.)
other linguistic considerations (demarcation of a single-letter word, setting apart a pronoun which is significantly different from others in English, etc.)
problems with legibility of the minuscule "i"
sociolinguistic factors (establishment of English as the official language, solidification of English identity, etc.)

Other considerations include:

Capitalization was already employed with pronouns in other languages at that time. It was used to denote respect of the addresser or position of the addressed.

There is also the possibility that the first instances of capitalisation may have been happenstance. Either through chance or a sense of correctness, in the practice or the delivery, the capitalisation may have spread.

There are failings of many of these explanations based on other words, but there is the possibility that the factors or factor that prompted and/or spread this change may not have been applied to all similar words or instances.[/i]


You guys rly good talking english O_O I want to learn too, english is a very beautiful language.


My english is bad,
Anywhere For practise english?
So listening and grammar and reading
I cant want. Busuu.Com


#1756 ukrainian girls r super hot generally speaking, im engaged to an ukrainian lady, so if u want some tips lemme kno and ill glad give u some

2 respuestas

#1807 Come on, tell us your secret, I want an ukrainian for me too. :P Share and give us some tricks.

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#1808 k lets see... i do remember that first time i saw her i fell in love in sight, so i quickly had to think something to say. despite of having no idea of any ukrainian word i knew some russian, so i made a couple of jokes and i quickly started becoming her friend...

generally speaking ukrainian girls are looking for someone mature and with good manners, they usually dont care how rich or how good looking you are, they like romantic, polite and SHAVED men, so dont even try to seduce an ukrainian woman if u havent shaven ur bear that day...

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Hi all,

What's the diference between "Divertido" and "Gracioso" in english?

#1811 thx, the Google Translator sucks.

3 respuestas

#1810 fun and funny

funny also refers to something weird

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#1810 The same as 'Fun' and 'Funny'. In both languages the difference is similar.

#1807 Why do you type like if you were talking? Don't you happen to know the basics of written English?

2 respuestas

#1810 Fun is something like your having a good time. Funny is more for something that makes you laugh.

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#1812 i sure do, i havent read #1 tho, do i have to write in proper english? u.u"

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#1812 #1813 Thank you both again.


#1809 How do you say goodbye in Ukrainian? I've looked for the correct expression on the Internet for some days, but I've given up.

My vocabulary is reduced to every other simple phrase but saying goodbye.

Gosh, her smile is so beautiful. She definitely will receive a Christmas present from me =]

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#1814 No, you don't, but it's easier for us to read what you type.

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#1816 it depends whether you know the person or not

if u know her - poka
if u dont know her - dasvidania

also, if u know her and u wanna say it in a sweet way (its also said to kids) = pa-pa - i strongly recommend you to smile or at least to wave ur hand if u say pa-pa ;>

#1817 k d00d

1 respuesta

#1818 Are they pronounced as written?

The word I've found the most on the Internet is something like ''Proshchayte'', and there's also what some sites use: ''д пaбачзньня'' or "бувaй".

2 respuestas

#1819 ive never heard of proshchayte or bubai, and ive been to the ukraine...

im 100% sure of #1818


#1819 So have u tried to say anything to that ukrainian chick?


How can I translate this phrase?

Acorde a los campos relacionados...

¿Que tengo que utilizar? In agreement or chord?

1 respuesta

#1822 I'm not sure, but I think you can use "according to" or in "accordance with". Chord means "acorde de música".

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#1823 Hahahaha, I didn't see the meaning about chord ROLF

Can u help me with this too?

Que se me

PS: thx

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Hi guys, I have a goal for this month: to greatly improve my English level. I currently have a B2, but I'm not interested in studying official courses to obtain a C1 level, I just want to be better at this.

So I guess my question is... Do you have any suggestion? I would thank anything, from a free English-learning website to podcasts recommendations.


#1824 There's no ''Que se me cae'' in English. Usually I would say 'Oh shit I almost dropped it', 'Oh crap it almost fell'.

1 respuesta

#1826 šQue se me (insert random word)š

7 días después

Today I learned some grammar and phrasal verbs... but I have some doubts, like...

Show up is like 'Llegar/Llegar tarde'? It sounds strange.
Get along is 'Llevarse bien con alguien'? Well with it's right? and Get along too?
Drop by is 'Acoplarse/Ir sin invitación'?
Blew up is 'explotar'?
Come across is 'Encontrar/encontrar de casualidad'?
Do "it" over is 'corregir'?
Dropped by is 'Acoplarse'? Like Drop by? But in past simple?
Get vid of is 'tirar basura'????
Drop out by is 'abandonar'?
Take away is 'comida para llevar'?
Take off is like 'desorganizar ropa'?
Turn down is 'rechazar', but it isn't like turn down of 'bajar el volumen'?
Make of is 'robar'????
Cut off is 'cortar'?

And what does 'Cut out of' mean?

Sorry for the tochopost xDDD.

P.S: these are some 'apuntes' from a class mate.
P.S.2: I think Ps is wrong (en como está escrito), o no?

1 1 respuesta


Show up = Aparecer
Get along = Llevarse bien con alguien
Drop by = Pasar por (Pasé por su casa, I dropped by her house).
Blow up = Explotar
Come across = Encontrar/encontrar de casualidad
Do "it" over = Hacerlo de nuevo
Get rid of = Deshacerse de
Drop out = Abandonar
Take away = Comida para llevar/ Llevarse algo
Take off = Salir/Irse/Quitarse la ropa (My plane took off an hour late/Take off your clothes)
Turn down = Rechazar/Bajar el volumen
Make off = Irse [Dictionary: To depart in haste; run away.]
Cut off = Restringir/Dejar fuera (They cut me off the football team)
Cut out = Recortar algo de algún lugar.


Tomorrow i'm taking TOEFL iBT test and i'm kind of scared because last time i took this kind of exam was one year ago for the CAE, which I passed even i didn't expect so. So I would be really pleased if anyone who had taken this exam before could give me any advise. I hope to do really well listenning and reading but i'm not so confident about writing not because of i don't know to write in english but because i completly forgot the structure of the writing models, and finally speaking, I used to be a fluid speaker but as has happened to my writing it happened too to speaking. I just practised speaking a few times (no more than once or twicer per month) with english real speakers for the last year.

So again please, i beg for any advise =).

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