Official thread to practise English (whine = punish)

Normas básicas de funcionamiento del hilo

1- nada de pedir que se te hagan/corrijan redacciones o se ocultará.
2- postead sobre el tema antes de preguntar alguna duda o se ocultará.
3- nada de preguntar sobre resources o se ocultará.


#1770 Right, I didn't remember that, thanks


#1765 Omg I'm so jealous!! I would like to work for a english speaking company some day..You should take advantage of the situation to improve much more your level.


#1764 Yes, it's a great idea, I do this with How I met your mother, indeed. Anyway, I've returned to classes and I have no problem, my English level even has increased and I think this year will be fantastic! ^^

#1763 are already seen???XDDDDDDDDDDDD

Your English and you make me laugh, you're trying to ridicule me, and you make a big mistake and show us how bad your English is.
#1769 He isn't my caregiver, nor I don't need a caregiver, I can care myself. He is only laughing at you, because your behaviour only deserves this.

But, please, don't stop, we like this circus XDDDD


#1768 Hell of a country! I hope to come back soon. I've been to Stockholm and it's an outstanding city. I miss that view from Södermalm :( .

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#1774 It's really beautifull!! I'm on a city 100KM north of Stockholm.

Very nice country with lot of beautiful things! ;)


i'd say: i wish i could get. Is that right?

I wish i got sounds weird to me :s

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Hey mates, I'm looking for a book in english (Original english book, no translated) to improve my english level because our eoi's teacher says that it's a really good way to learn, and they "force" us to read.

The point is, I don't like reading even in Spanish.. At the beggining of the book I take it with courage but is still boring for me..Does anybody know a GOOD and interesting book to read?Those which you can hook up really easily.

I would appreciate your help!

3 respuestas


Check the link in my previous post for a full explanation of the subtleties implied in each form, they're not completely interchangeable.

The form "i wish" + past means that you are talking about something that is very unlikely to happen:

I wish I was emperor of the universe.


#1777 I'm guessing you are fluent in English, so I'd be recommending something like Da Vinci's Code, Eragon, A Game of Thrones... The action in all of them starts pretty quickly, and they are quite addictive after the first few pages.

2 respuestas

#1777 But, what's your English level aproximately?If you don't tell us about your level, it's difficult for us to help you. In addiction, if you have, for example, a b1 level, you'll probably find difficult to read the books that #1779 have recommended you. But if your level is higher than b1, the best way to improve is to read this kind of books that #1779 has said.

Another option are the books from Oxford, Penguin Readers, etc, whose level is specified, and their cd's to listen the story are available when you buy the book.

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#1780 I don't really know which level corresponds to me. I'm on the 5th course of EOI in Barcelona. I bet that the books recommended by #1779 would be difficult for me. Does anyone has any other suggestion?Thank you in advance!

3 respuestas

#1781 They are hardly difficult at all. The only trouble you may encounter is the abundant and rare vocabulary that they tend to use, specially George Martin, but still you can figure out the meaning from the context, and if not you can always have your smartphone or laptop nearby to rapidly check those words.
If read many a book in a complex English and I've found myself many times reading phrases where the adjectives, adverbs and nouns involved were way beyond my knowledge, and still I was able to work out the meaning. To be in such situations would seem discouraging at first, but it really isn't unless you're not enjoying the reading.
Give Da Vinci's Code a go, maybe look for it on the Internet to avoid buying it without first knowing whether you'll be able to read it or not. It's the simplest of those three books I suggested and probably the most enjoyable for shorter periods of time.


#1781 Mmm...I guess that you probably are in a stage between b1-b2 level, so I think the best for you would be the books from Oxford or Penguin Readers. They're famous literary works that have been adapted for English students, and you can choose which level is the best for you. I'd recommend you level 5. Here you have the web page, you can ask for books in any bookshop:


The Hunger Games could be a good option too, easy grammar and vocabulary. My level is between b1 and b2 and I can understand most of the book.


#1781 A Song of Ice and Fire saga.

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#1770 Thank you very much for the note, it was useful to (for?) me!


#1785 They're a nice read but still they're quite difficult to follow.

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#1777 Try with Fight Club by Chuck Palahniuk. His prose is really unorthodox but nice.

I'd recommend you read and furthermore watch films and tvshows without subtitles.


#1787 Actually I didn't find them difficult, I had to search for the meaning of some words/expression but nothing else :P

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#1789 They are difficult to me in Spanish, in English I'm even afraid to try it.

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#1790 Maybe they aren't your kind of books :P

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#1791 I like them, but I still have to look for definition of some words. In english it could be party hard.

We are not talking abut TLoTR, but they are pretty dense.


bitch please! ¿que tal?xD

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#1793 Not wrong, bitch!

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#1794 Pull the other one!


#1789 For him they'll most likely be difficult.


It is said that the twilight saga is written beautifuly but to be honest I can't stand that shitty (story/plot?).

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#1797 I haven't read them but I think they're the same shit as the films, seriously, glowing vampires?


Do you guys think that A song of Ice and Fire could be read by a B2 student? Because I tried but I found it very hard because of the huge variety of vocabulary. I don't want to look for thee meaning of every word...

Maybe Eragon could be easier, but I lack of forest vocabulary :(

#1800: I tried to read it some weeks ago and I found it quite difficult but affordable. Maybe in a couple of months.

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#1799 Eragon isn't easier per se, it's just has a less complicated plot. Paolini is a very intelligent man, when he wrote it he already had a tremendous vocabulary.

Give it a go, it's a great read, you'll enjoy every bit of it.

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