Official thread to practise English (whine = punish)

Normas básicas de funcionamiento del hilo

1- nada de pedir que se te hagan/corrijan redacciones o se ocultará.
2- postead sobre el tema antes de preguntar alguna duda o se ocultará.
3- nada de preguntar sobre resources o se ocultará.


#2160 You are not very good dude.. we are here to help ourselves, not to say what fuck do you want, by the way, is What the fuck do you want?

And there's a lot of spanish people with better english than you, so don't be silly.
(I don't know how to say "no vayas de listo" in English xD)

I'm having some troubles with The causative have and get.
I didn't go to class when teacher explained it (because I couldn't) and I'm having some troubles now, I'm gonna ask her today but if you could explain me a little bit or give me a link where I can see..

It's on my book but it doesn't sounds good for me and I think I'm doing bad..

Example: I'll have my secretary send you an up-to-date laster price list.

It sounds really bad for me.. or:
His grandmother once had her protrait painted by Picasso.

Do you have any advice/board (consejo)? Thanks!

#2162 It's ok, thanks!

2 respuestas

#2161 It sounds bad to you because you're simply not used to it, and it has no equivalent form in spanish. But its pretty common among english speakers, so it won't take you long.

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At last I'm at home again! The last August I went to France with a group of friends to work in some grape harvests (I don't know if there are some specific word for that as ¨vendimias¨). Needless to say people there speak less english than spanish people and that's already a big deal because my french is basically rubbish, very basic. Fortunately we ended in a place in the north with people of our age but from many different countries (Latvia, Estonia, Germany, EEUU and even two girls from South Korea all of them good english speakers), so I had the chance to perform my oral skills with actual people and not shouting nonsense while playing online. After finish there, we worked in more places for a few more months and decided to go to Amsterdam to celebrate our luck (wasn't my first time there, hehe) and look for more chances there. However the weather doesn't invited to be outside for too long, so I think we'll postpone that for the summer.
The story is too damn long, but I just wanted to write this stuff to see how I've improved my english level eventually and, of course, to identify the mistakes with your help because I haven't used translator, It's all skill gained on the road :)
Have a nice day!

1 respuesta

#2162 I've read that you took some time ago FCE exam and you passed it. I think you should try with CAE (C1), because as I've read your texts, I think you would pass it, your English is quite good.

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#2164 I got my CAE as well when I was 15, right after passing the FCE :p Even thought about giving the CPE a shot thus keeping the spree up, but for some reason I didn't. A year later I started uni, and hadn't thought about it ever since. I guess I'll some day give it a try, although I've never liked the idea of preparing an english exam. And getting the CAE with no preparation was not a big deal, but i highly doubt CPE isn't..

And thanks, always glad to read such things :)

#2166 Good luck with that!

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#2165 Ah, I didn't know that you got CAE. So if you already have it, congratulations!Now, I'm "preparing" for it!

#2165 Thanks!^^

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I am feeling a little bit fed up of the academy thing these days. I feel that the level of my classes are low for my English skills, I just rush through the activities without a problem; I think the speaking part is worth it.

#2137 I have read the same, but if I'm not wrong it has to be a pretty marginal difference, like a 95 out of 100 or so. This would also apply if you failed your exam by a very small number - you would get the previous title

1 respuesta

#2167 These kind of problems are pretty common in an academy, because they don't focus on the level and the necessities of each student, and very often they forget that every frustrated student is a client who is paying them to receive proper lessons.
To practise speaking in an academy is rather difficult, almost impossible, because there are plenty of students and this task should be practised one by one or in pairs, and when you have 10-12 students per hour it's very difficult to attend their requirements and mistakes.

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Buenas! Vereis a ver si me podeis echar una mano con esto, mi ingles no esque sea la ostia pero entiendo el contexto de que va la cosa pero quiero estar perfectamente seguro de que quiere decir este hombre que esta interesado en comprarme una lancha que he puesto en venta (digo esto para que sepais el contexto de la frase):

When last was it serviced, how long have you owned it?? and what's your lowest price for it.

Aqui entiendo yo: Desde que pasó la última revisión, ¿cuanto tiempo ha pasado? y cual es el precio mas bajo que pides.

¿Me equivoco? O se refiere a cuanto tiempo ha pasado desde la ultima vez que use el barco? O ninguna de las dos cosas? xD

#2170 Thx

2 respuestas

#2168 [..] paying them to receive [..]

#2169 When last was it serviced, how long have you owned it?? and what's your lowest price for it. = ¿Cuándo tuvo su última revisión? ¿Desde cuándo la tienes? ¿Cuál es tu precio mínimo por ella?

#2173 Estoy con #2174, aunque no sea lo más correcto se entiende xD

2 3 respuestas

#2161 Silly es en plan afectivo; no te pases de listo en inglés es más o menos: "Don't be a smart ass."
Alguien con CPE por aquí?


#2170 Oh, stupid mistake. Thanks!^^


#2170 #2169 No sería?:

When was it last serviced? o When was it serviced for the last time? o When was the last time that it was serviced?

2 respuestas

#2173 El tio lo escribió asi tal cual lo he puesto, imagino que tendra sus cosas a la hora de escribir igual que nosotros tenemos nuestras coletillas y maneras, pero creo que es mas logico lo que me dijo Nority

1 respuesta

#2168 That's kind of what I feel, while we dedicate almost an entire class each week to the speaking, it still doesn't feel enough, because we are too many people too actually develop the conversations to a complex point, and the other class, which we fully dedicate to solving activities, it's too generic to satisfy me, not something challenging at all (which I think it should be in order to learn a language)

I think I will switch to a German course in September because that's where I struggle the most to teach myself.

1 respuesta

#2175 That's right, to learn a language should be a challenge, if you are practising things that you already know, that's useless.
I'd like to learn German too, but for the moment, English and French are enough for me :P .


A ver si me podéis ayudar un poquito, necesito enviar un correo al servicio técnico de una máquina que han comprado en mi trabajo y la única persona de allí que habla español no está disponible. He redactado el correo pero hay cosas que no me cuadran mucho y no quiero hacer el ridículo (Estoy intentando mejorar :()

Resumiendo un poco, la máquina tiene dos robots gemelos, uno a cada lado con unas pinzas que cogen unos ejes y los coloca en su posición. Pues bien, cada robot tiene una pinza para realizar esta función que se abre y se cierra y la de la izquierda no se cierra correctamente. Perdón por adelantado por meteros en este embolao, pero no sabía donde acudir :(

El correo:


#2178 Thanks Mr. Heimer! :D

2 respuestas

#2177 Te van a entender perfectamente ^^ No te preocupes. Tienes fallos pero no son importantes como para no entenderte. Suerte con la máquina, a ver si os la arreglan pronto!

Edit: #2177 Np bro :d

1 respuesta

#2177 Si quieres así alguna cosilla, en mi opinión, quizá cambiar "issue" por "problem", on the right side...


I have 20 days to prepare the IELTS, I need a band of 6,5 or superior. I don’t have any problem with the reading, listening and the speaking... but writing!! Omg

As far as I know I have to do a couple of essays.
Do you have any particular advice?

My idea is to practise, I don’t know, but if I do 20 or 30 before I take the exam, it should be fine.

I have been living in London for more than a year, working in two different places, in a fast food environment, and now, I work in an office, as a credit controller, all days I make phone calls and send several reports, to my manager, and the head office in Italy.
I have to take the exam as soon as possible in order to apply for a postgraduate...
I am a little bit scared, the bloody writing: S

2 respuestas

#2180 Just get familiar with linkers. They are reeeeeeeeeally important. At TOEFL test, my english teacher helped me a lot with that! I got a pretty good score at the writting part thanks to that bitch lol

Don't get nervous, just do some example exams and get comfortable with it. 6.5 shouldn't be hard for you to get. Good luck!


Suuuuuuup crazy people. Just found out about this thread, I hope I can swing by more often.

Take care :)

7 días después

I started working in a call center a few weeks ago and It's been painfull everytime my english is not at the level of the conversation. I need a better pronutiation above all, there are words like 'Debt' that I can never pronuntiate well. So maybe tomorrow I come with a recording from vocaroo, right now is too late in the night and I have my girlfriend sleeping next to me.


Ps: Any type of correctión will be great to read including better or clearer ways to explain myself so you know, correct me in everythin you see I'm mistaking.

Pss: I would like to recomend you guys to rewhatch movies and series without subtitles, I think it is a great exercise.

3 respuestas

#2183 Here are some suggestions, although your text is pretty correct and well written

  • It's been painfull every time my english hasn't been at the level of the conversation. The way you wrote it may not sound too bad when speaking, but when written try to be as coherent as possible with the verb tenses.

  • I need a better pronutiation above everything/anything. "Above all" kinda sounds like you're referring to a group of people, which isn't the case. You could also use "all things", but it doesn't sound quite as well as the ones mentioned above.

  • right now it's too late in the night. It could be used as you wrote it, but most likely in ostentatious phrases, pretty much personifying the moment.

So maybe tomorrow I'll come. Can't assure it's wrong, but haven't heard english people use it they way we do in spain.

Also, rewatch and recommend, even though these could just be due to the time you're posting :)

1 1 respuesta

#2184 Thank you very much dude!


#2183 Pronuntiate no existe, y pronunciate es incorrecto, es pronounce ^^
Lo que veo que te falta es el estar fuera, para que tus frases se noten menos forzadas, en general no está tan mal, sobretodo si no has estado estudiando fuera, pero se leen cosas que un nativo no diría jamás, y se entienden, y en realidad no están mal, pero suenan raras.

Btw, si te gustan las series y sin subtítulos, creo que esta te va a ayudar a forzarte un poco el oído, ya que tiene bastantes acentos distintos: Boardwalk Empire. Acabo de empezarla y no está mal, no es Breaking Bad ni Homeland, aunque sólo he visto 2 capítulos...

Hay mucho material de fonética inglesa en inet, busca!


#2180 What is IELTS?Is it some kind of exam or English certificate? Which level does it correspond to?

Although your English doesn't seems so bad, it sounds quite strange. For example, in English they don't say "I'm mistaking"; in this case, they use the present simple: I mistake. Present continuous is used to express what you're doing right now, or what you're gonna do in the future.
Another issue: "few" is not the same as "a few". "Few" means "unas pocas", and "a few" means "unas cuantas en mayor cantidad". For example:
-I started few weeks ago: emprecé hace unas pocas semanas
-I started a few weeks ago: empecé hace unas cuantas semanas
I don't know what are you trying to mean, but in any case, I wanted to clarify this to you.
Also, "maybe tomorrow I come" is not correct, you'd rather say: "maybe tomorrow I will come" or "maybe tomorrow I'm coming", as I've explained some lines above. You should use "will" or "present continuous" to wonder about the future.

Anyway, despite these corrections, don't worry because you English isn't so bad and what you need is only to practise and to pay attention in order to improve :) .


#2183 I recommend you (and everyone who needs it, of course) this website. There are many words pronouced in different languages. :)


Hello guys. In July I'm doing FCE exam, and after so much practise, I decided to start watching TV series in english without subtitles.

I started to watch Castle (as there's no much deep plot) through TV without english subtitles, and despite being a bit hard, and losing some details, I can understand almost all the plot.

You think it's worth keep watching it, or should I try out a TV serie with less detailed plot? Thanks for reading, and see you soon ! ;D

PS: The details that I mean are normally jokes that I don't get or some details of conversations between Beckett and someone else (the actress speaks really fast @_@ )


Hello guys. ¿How are you?

In July, I'll do B1 examen (Cambridge) . I think it's very easy, but i've problems with speaking and writing. Listening and reading, it's okay. I only need improve. My speaking is horrible, and i get very nervous when I practise with my teacher. I need a website where i can improve my writing and how I can prepare the B1 examen by myself. And, for the speaking, what I can do? I sometimes speak with English people for play LoL.

Thanks a lot.

I hope my text can be read without many mistakes.

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