Official thread to practise English (whine = punish)

Normas básicas de funcionamiento del hilo

1- nada de pedir que se te hagan/corrijan redacciones o se ocultará.
2- postead sobre el tema antes de preguntar alguna duda o se ocultará.
3- nada de preguntar sobre resources o se ocultará.


#2190: First of all I think you should study more grammar. I noticed a lot of mistakes even though I 'm not very good at English. Good luck and keep working!

Reading and listening parts of PET (B1) are very easy, you'll be good :)


#2190 I don't know where you live, but if you live in a big metropolitan area or a touristic city you can try to improve your speaking skill meeting those english natives. They will be glad to have someone that can guide them and you will improve it. It's the advice I can give you ;)


#2190 I understand you because I have been staying in the same position last summer. A fellow recommended me Verbling, it's a website which get closer together language learners from all over the world. The matter is to share speaking skills with native people. For example, I usually speak with an American or British for 5 minutes in English, and then another 5 in Spanish. You'll need microphone and webcam.

I hope it helps you :)


Hello guys! :D
I've been reading some magazines of gaming and stuff like that just for fun, like PCGamer, EDGE,etc.

Well, now I would like to discover some magazines or websites about science researches, discoveries, projects. You know Science Stuff ;D, specially Physics, Technology...

If someone could let me know something about that, I would appreciate it! :DDDD


PS: Btw, I may try "Verbling", seems nice to learn another language! :D


Anyone knows a website to learn all about English lenguaje? I don't care if it is in full english, in fact, I'd prefer like that.


Hey lads, I was wondering whether you people could help me out... or am shit out of luck haha.

Does any of you, by chance, know of a website on which I could study for the Proficiency? Basically some free source of tests and what not.. . :D Thanks either way!

2 respuestas

#2196 I'm looking for something similar as well. I haven't really done any serious research, but I'm looking forward to find a place/source to get ready for the C2 :D

1 respuesta

#2196 What does It means " Proficiency " ? Or What are you talking about?! is it about computers?

1 respuesta

#2198 Proficiency is one Cambridge's tests, like the FIRST just much MUCH tougher to pass, pretty much the highest you can get without being native, if I am not mistaken.

1 3 respuestas

#2199 That's right.


#2197 but I'm looking forward to finding a place

1 respuesta

#2201 Sure, my bad ^^


#2199 Ok, I thought that It was the B-2 the highest.

I would like to see how It's thoses tests. Although my English is not good at all.

Is It correct my last sentence? I would translate for " Aunque mi ingles no es bueno del todo "

1 respuesta

#2204 sí, es la única que está bien entera jeje.

1 respuesta

#2204 Really? -.-!!!!!!!!!! Where did i fail?

3 respuestas

#2205 Ok, I thought that It was the B-2 the highest.

I would like to see how It's thoses tests.
both are wrong

Ok, I tought B-2 was the highest. I would like to check those test / i would like to see how those test are

#2207 yw

1 respuesta

I guess it... but, what is it the fail?

First sentence : "Yo creía que era el b2 el más complicado"
Second sentence : "Me gustaría ver como son esos examenes"

Help me out!

Edit: #2206 ok, thanks.

1 respuesta

#2205 Ok, I thought that the B2 was the highest.
I would like to see how those tests are. // I would like to check those tests out.

Is my last sentence correct?
I would translate it to.


Thanks to you 2.

Do you know a website to learn grammar a bit more complex?

I am just know the basic. Until 2 Bachillerato -.-

1 respuesta

#2203 The sentence is correct, but the translation isn't. Although my English is not good at all would be translated as mi inglés no es bueno en absoluto/mi inglés no es para nada bueno. my english isn't completely good would be closer to what you're looking for. If you think it sounds quite awkward, you may also say my english isn't that great alike

1 1 respuesta

#2209 Just get some stuff to get ready for the FCE and do it on your own! btw, wordreference is your friend o: )

And yeah, Jonan is right. My english is not that good/great is closer to what you wanted to express.


#2210 Gracias a ti también por la ayuda, poco a poco voy mejorando cositas. Quisiera preguntarte una cosa y no se si os importará que lo escriba en español.

En la frase "would be closer to what you're looking for." Realmente ese "To" es necesario ponerlo? Que significado o regla tiene ese "to" ahí? Estaba buscando en wordreference pero nada -.-

Podría ser "Cerca de"?

1 respuesta

#2212 Se acercaría más a lo que estás buscando


#2199 In fact, not all native speakers would pass this exam. It is quite difficult, and maybe certains kinds of uncultivated people would not pass it, as for example, the writing part.


I'm trying to use verbling but It doesn't find people :/

Do you know what time british or americans use to sign in?


Well, since it's around 9 am and even earlier right now.... I'm pretty sure you won't find anyone lol. Try again at around 10-11pm ^^

Has visto las clases virtuales? Creo que hay ahora alguna.


#2205 I guess you could've written something like this as well: I'd like to check what those test are like.
Or just writing I'd like to check them out.


I saw a sentence similar to the following in Facebook and there is something wrong about it but I can't grasp it.

Is this sentence correct?, how can it be corrected?

-> Tomorrow I'm going to Mike's friends' festival.

In this sentence I am saying that tomorrow I will go to a festival organized by Mike's friends. Do I have to indicate the posession relation (is this expresion even correct?) between friends and festival?

I never saw anything like it so I think there is an error there, but if I think about it I only get more confused.

2 respuestas

#2218 I think the sentence is correct. First, the use of the present continuous to indicate what you're going to do in the future is acceptable. It's one of the ways we have in English to express the future.
Second, regarding the use of the genitive to indicate the posession, I think the sentence is correct as well, because use the genitive in English to indicate this, and we have two different kinds of posession here, so you need to use the "'s" in both of them.


#2218 In my opinion, that sentence is perfectly ok.

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