Official thread to practise English (whine = punish)

Normas básicas de funcionamiento del hilo

1- nada de pedir que se te hagan/corrijan redacciones o se ocultará.
2- postead sobre el tema antes de preguntar alguna duda o se ocultará.
3- nada de preguntar sobre resources o se ocultará.


#2250 I think it has the same meaning as our three sad tigers eating wheat in a sad cornfield :D
Some readings: (Various topics) (Same as above) (Tutorials and stuff, I've found some cool things here) (Like EL Mundo Today)
I don't know your interests so this is very general, but entertaining.
If all I've listed is not enough, seek wisdom in 4chan, best teacher in swearing.

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#2250 I have read the five whole books of game of thrones, easy, and of course, amazing!

Dont be afraid because it's long, sometimes can be easier

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What is the equivalent word of "bachillerato" in English? Bacause "Bachelor degree" is the equivalent" of "Grado universitario/carrera universitaria". I want to know the name of the Spanish pre-universitary education in English.

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#2253 I think it is "college". Two years in which they study 5 (1º) and 4 (2º) subjects (I don't know how many exactly right now) that they choose.

By the way, that is in England, I don't know how it works in USA.

#2259 Ups! You're right thanks! ;)

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#2253 I had that question one day and found the answer on the wikipedia (the english one) but I have forgotten what it said. There was an article about the different education systems in various countries and compares them to the american one. I would paste the url here but I have a very slow internet conection right now so I can't.

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#2255 I'll try to find it right now, thanks!

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#2256 I think it is called "A Grades" . I'm not sure though :(


#2256 I think that in USA, high school is from 14 to 18 years old and then comes the university directly.



#2254 Ehmmm college is what you meant hah, you should google what a collage is!

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#2253 It's called Baccalaureate. Because as you say, bachelor/bachelor's degree refeers to "grado universitario", or the former "licenciatura".

I guess you want to translate your resume, amright?

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#2260 You are right. I'm going to move to Iceland next month!

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#2261 Are you planning to get a work over there?

When I started searching for work here I used my English version resume.
My first interview was in English xD But I think I did quite well :)

Actually, I just checked my resume and that's what I put there:

Master Degree’s
University of Blabla
University of Blabla

Baccalaureate Degree’s

Secondary and High School
Blabla-my school
Secondary Education Diploma in blabla

I hope it helps you.


#2251 #2252 Well, I have not access to these books in my library yet. So my only chance to read them would be in my iPod or my Pc. Right now I'm only searching short stories just to be entertained and meanwhile try to practice. I am tryin to read any kind of new, and so far, it has been such an amazing experience haha :D. I've practised that with videos and TV Series as well( as I said "Once upon a time" and "Castle")

Next year Ill be able to get any book as I'm going to the college, and its library is extremely extensive :D


I too never knew how to tell my foreign friends that I was studying "bachillerato" xD

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#2264 You can just tell them that you're doing your "junior year" if you're in 1º Bach and "senior year" if it's 2º Bach ^. Hope it helps.


Hi guys,

Lately I've been thinking about taking the TOELF exam in about 2 months. I'm writting to ask about any books, webpages and any other kind of resources any of you have used to prepare for it.

I need to score as much as possible, since it's a requirement for being admitted at the university where I want to study my master.

Thanks in advance for any info.

3 respuestas

#2266 What score do you need?

I took the TOEFL (Computer based) in Michigan three years ago. It was quite easy to get 95/120 (without any preparation) So you should be fine with the exams that are posted in the official page (I guess lol).

If you want some more info, pm me.

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#2266 try with the ielts if not, I think it is easier

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#2268 I did take it already, last year, and scored a 7 in general education (well, the one that's not the academic one, I cant really remember the name)

The thing is, since it's not the academic one, I am scared that they wont accept it as a valid exam for getting admited... I guess I will have to email the university and ask, I cant find the necessary score in the TOELF exam either anyway.

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#2269 What univ and career are you applying for? Anyways, email them and they'll tell you asap. If it's in the US, you are going to need the TOEFL for sure...

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#2270 The name of the university is Yonsei University, is the second best in South Korea, I will be applying for the International Management, Strategy and Finance Master they offer at the Internationational Studies department :)


Any suggestions to translate the verb "rock"? In the way of... "you rock man". Not as poor as "molar" if possible. It's a very powerful word and totally full of meaning, I don't know if there's a good translation even.

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#2272 What about "Eres lo máximo!", or basically "Eres el mejor"?

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#2273 Ye but that's for people... I think i mean specially the music meaning of it, like... "that melody rocks" or "that sax player rocks". It's like "lo parte" or "lo rompe" but I don't know, it's not enough xD It's too powerful in english and I think there's not an ideal translation for it. It's the best fucking word ever.

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#2274 hahahaha, well, you could also say "ese saxofonista es lo máximo" o "es la hostia", but I know what you mean, there are some words in English that express more than in Spanish :P


#2266 Hi, I'm looking forward to take TOEFL or IELTS as well, and I have some materials that probably can help you.

#2267 I need to get 95 in TOEFL or 6,5 in IELTS to study at the University of Amsterdam. I practise English a lot because I'm studying English Philology and I can watch series such as How I met your mother or Regular show without any subtitles. Do you think it's possible for me to reach these marks in these exams in a couple of months?

#2268 What's easier, to get 95 in TOEFL or 6,5 in IETLS?I'm doubting about which exam is the easiest


#2272 Literally ¨the shit¨, as in ¨Wow man, this song is the shit!¨. Shit by itself has bad connotations but adding ¨the¨reflects the awesomeness of the subject.

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#2277 So how is "the shit" the way to express "you rock" in spanish?

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#2278 Because he wanted to denote the power of the word, being this the most accurate lingo, over you rock, buuuuuuuuuut I didn't read that he was looking for a translation, not a different way to say it, so I kinda brainfarted there, hehe.


I had to take the toefl about a year ago, and I have to say that you can't really "study" for it. You just go with your English and they give you a score. What I did, is I watched a lot of videos on YouTube on how they expect you to answer, so I had "pre-made" answers for the speaking and the writing. There are lots of tricks to make your score slightly higher, this is the channel I watched

I needed a 95 and I got a 102, just trust this guy and if your English is not horrible you can make it!

Let me know if you have any questions, I'm in my exam period and ofc I need to procrastinate lol

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