Official thread to practise English (whine = punish)

Normas básicas de funcionamiento del hilo

1- nada de pedir que se te hagan/corrijan redacciones o se ocultará.
2- postead sobre el tema antes de preguntar alguna duda o se ocultará.
3- nada de preguntar sobre resources o se ocultará.


#2370 I think, as any other language, the key is just being able to communicate with other people. At least, that's the benefit of learning a new language ( from my point of view), BE able to communicate with other people. Maybe you have some grammar mistakes, but is not a big deal as long as you can keep a conversation going!

That's what I would keep in mind ;D And remember one thing, the more you practise the better your speaking will be! :D
Keep it up! :)

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#2371 Your writting is very good, how long have been you practising?

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#2372 I would say decent rather than "very good" but I really appreciate that compliment, you know I have some grammar mistakes, but as I said, I think I can communicate with other people without any problem :D

But anyway, I've been in English Academy for 2 years of FCE preparation and a lot of practise reading news to improve my "reading comprehension", some speaking to foreign people to get fluency and self-confidence in my skills and lots of listening practise in my leisure time.

As I told you , all comes down to just don't give up and keep practising. And also think about the feedback and then improve from your mistaskes to build a solid speech/writing.

PS: Even though you think I'm good at writing, I'm sure that if any of the other users finds that post, he/she will point out some mistakes ;D

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#2373 You write pretty well indeed, but there certainly are some mistakes

As I told you , it all/ everything comes down to just not giving up and keeping on practising. I reckon comes down to just not give up would also be correct.

Appart from that, the second paragraph lacks one or two verbs. I've been in English Academy for 2 years of FCE preparation and a lot of practise... I guess you'll see what i mean when you have a second look at it. It totally looks like a transcription of a spoken conversation, otherwise :)

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#2373 yes, but for do the exam that I have make, you go perfect, I would say supreme!!! :si:

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#2374 Thanks for the feedback :D I've done some FCE practise exams since I finished the normal course, and Writing was the only part that I didn't practise yet. If I am in the proper mood tomorrow I could post my writing here and you could take a look on it.

About the second paragraph, I didn't pay attention about these mistakes, but yeah I've missed some verbs, like "and I've done" or kind of.

I think the only thing that I'm worried about in my writing are prepositions and maybe past tenses, or even present tenses. Honestly, I'm not really good at grammar :(

Speaking of which, I've done a FCE exam today just to practise and I got these qualifications:

Reading: 79%
Use of English: 85%
Listening: 95%

For obvious reasons I'm not really able to judge objectively my writing and speaking, but DAMN I got really shocked about the listening part, I think I just failed 1 or 2 :D

#2375 Well, I'm doing FCE in two days, which is exactly one level higher than you. So you know, not a big difference at all.

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#2376 What's FCE? :wtf:


Hey folks, sup?

I wonder if some of you guys are interested on composing a group to practise English or any other language (mandarin, lol) within the area of southern Valencia. No money is intended to be made on the group, I'm just looking for people to group up and have some fun in English, meet new friends, drink some beers, hunt some chicks, do some LAN & weed stuff, etc.

If you are interested just let me know. Feel free to contact me via PM or posting on this thread



#2376 FCE (First certificate of English by Cambridge) is like the B2 in Spain. That's what I mean with "exactly one level higher than you"

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#2379 jajaj well, a level higher than me, it has anyone. <<-- (no se si está bien escrito)


#2373 <3 rather.
I love that word!
(rather and Indeed are my favourite english words and I am still confused about when to use rather xD)

Don't worry about prepositions, they're easy!

#2375 Be careful with verbs!
that I have make
It should be "that i have made"

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#2381 Rather lo utilizarías en cualquier frase que quisieses decir "en todo caso/en vez de" no? Indeed sería "efectivamente"

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#2381 I don't understand you, is perfect present? I thought that it was present simple... :wtf:

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I have done the B1 exam this morning. I hope pass the exam because it isn't very difficult but I did some mistakes in the writting, so it will be a lottery :(


#2382 Yo siempre lo he visto más como preferencia.
would you like some cake or would you rather eat a sandwich?

Pero siempre me ha llevado de cabeza xD y es simple.
Indeed sí, es efectivamente. Me encanta como se escribe, como suena... Siempre que puedo lo uso jajaja.

#2383 Sorry I didn't make myself clear.
I have made is the present perfect simple but its structure is
I have made
(subject) (have + verb in Past Participle (3rd column))

And, plus, after a preposition (for, by, against, after... excepting to) the verb has -ing

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#2385 So do I mate! I love the moment when somebody tells something which I approve and then I type "Indeed", I just love it! And my favourite phrasal verb is "Freak out"
I love that in "Despicable me"

"That's frrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreaking me out"

As you said, "Rather" is personal preference, I guess. Maybe "rather" might be more formal than "prefer.

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#2386 Love that movie, love the accent! (although it's not british!)

I've heard english people say "prefer" and "rather" in the same sentence (but I don't know if it's gramatically correct)"I rather prefer the bus". (I like to think that in this sentence "rather" is used as an emphasizer like "do" in "I do like it" xDDD)
I normally use it that way.

I don't like phrasal verbs! There are too many of them and I can't seem to group them together with a pattern, but I like "away" (walk away, go away, put away) ^^

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#2387 Gru's accent seems Russian or kind of. But the real voice is from "Steve Carell" and he's from USA. I just love that voice...

And I think "Agnes" is the cutest animation character ever seen, at least for me. Maybe it can be followed by Vanellope in "Wreck-it Ralph" Both movies are supreme :)

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Awwww that always melts my heart, I don't know why I like it so much but I'm always doing it to my friends.

I'm about to see "wreck it, Ralph". I've heard some very good reviews about it^^

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#2389 I watched it yesterday night and really melt my heart as you said about Gru. It touched my heart in another way, you know so much memories about Pac-Man, Cstlevania... I definitely recommend you to watch it ;D

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Good morning to everybody, today the sun shine strong in Seville and besides is friday, to enjoy you the weekend. :cool:

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#2391 My English level is really poor (A1 :( ), but I'll try to correct some mistakes I've seen in your sentence: the sun's shinning (present continous); it's Friday (subject and capital letter); so have a good weekend (creo que esta frase es más adecuada para decir "que tengáis un buen finde" o "disfrutad del finde").

1 3 respuestas

#2390 Things I liked about the movie: Ore-o, oreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeo. Ore-o, oreeeeeeeeo and aslo: EGGMAN AND SONIC :_)


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#2393 That movie is a must-see. I think that even when it's a movie made for children, some of the jokes and references can only be understand by us, older (well, I'm not much older, I'm 16, but still) video game fanatics.

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#2394 Indeed!

I wrote my boyfriend while seeing it saying: "a NES controller!!!!! And the konami code!!!"
And with the last part of the circuit in "sugar rush" I couldn't think of anything but Mario Kart xDD

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#2392 Indeed, you carry all the reason.

#2395 This word (indeed)

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#2396 You're dead right = llevas toda la razón (or you're right: llevas razón).

Reason means motivo: I have reasons to believe = tengo razones/motivos para creer.

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#2397 You're right is also correct. "You're dead right" souns like : HELL YEAH, MATE. YOU'RE F***ING RIGHT (this is my interpretation)

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#2393 #2394 You've got a point there. Even being a child-orientated movie, some jokes are only understood by enthusiastic gamers :3

Anyway, I have just done the "written" part of the FCE. Pretty good I would say, I know that I have done some mistakes , but I think I did it really good. Even the writing, which was my weakest part, it was done great.

Speaking of which, I have failed always in the writing because in the part 1 (Informal Email) I tend to use too formal vocabulary. So this time, when I finished my Sketch (before copying it in the answer sheet) I asked myself, what could I do to make it the most informal, and then...I did it :DDDDDD

Anyway, I have to do the Speaking tomorrow and I'm quite nervous as I had not so much practise, I'll have to look through all the parts of the test and I'll see what I can do to impress the examiner :D

Cya guys! :)

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#2398 If you want to underscore the idea of rightness, you need to use an emphasizing word. In UK, I think "Be dead right" is widely used, it's an idiom, but you can also say "totally right" or "absolutely right", for example :D

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