Official thread to practise English (whine = punish)

Normas básicas de funcionamiento del hilo

1- nada de pedir que se te hagan/corrijan redacciones o se ocultará.
2- postead sobre el tema antes de preguntar alguna duda o se ocultará.
3- nada de preguntar sobre resources o se ocultará.


#2399 If you speak half as good as you write, you are going to nail it!
Good luck =)
I'm very surprised with the fact that you say that your weakest area is writing, it's impossible to say by how you write here =)

#2400 I lived there for a year and none of my housemates said it! Not even once O.o
I suppose it depends on the area you're living^^

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#2397 My problem is that I translate me thinking in spanish, never I got english classes and the words that I don't know I search it in wordreference, not even I know to the 100% if I have written this well.
For example words as "not even"and last word "reason" that I understood as "you're dead right" is more if it put in the translater its google, it say that you are dead. :palm:

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#2402 Don't worry about it, we are here to help.

Do you see show in english? or do you read in english?
That might be helpful. ^^

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#2401 Oh, I really appreciate that feedback :))) My writing is not considered bad honestly, but I'm forced to write shorter than I'd want to and then I have to keep an eye on the words limit and that distracts me of my main objective, which is to make a understandable and readable writing. But that time has been a completely different story as I kept the focus where I needed, so my mistakes might be only in grammar. I used to keep so much focus about the details and then it was quite easy to exceed the word limit (which is 150-180 respectively).

About the speaking, thanks for all your encouragements, I think that I can do it decent enough but yeah, I have had not as much practise as in the other sections of the exam :)


#2403 Well, I read a lot in the forum and I make training reading and writing, for example the word "helpful" I didn't know however I know "useful".

Now I am going to train... but the body


Hi there folks!
Now, with the FCE done, my summer begins!!! :DDDDDD Until the 9th September I have no clue about my qualification.

Anyway, today was my speaking part as I told you already. I think I did it really good, but maybe I have some mistakes in grammar and vocabulary, as I was really really nervous and my voice was trembling all the time. Anyway, we'll see in September

Unfortunately , as I start "Mechanical Engineering" in college this year, I cannot prepare the CAE unless I do it on my own. Despite of that I will keep practising my English as much as I can reading books, watching TV series and playing videogames.

But overall I am really happy with everything, the management of the exam by Cambridge was absolutely brilliant and I have no regrets of doing it at all :) Such a nice experience.

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how can i say "master of university" in english?

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#2406 congrats!
I have to correct you because you forgot to add "will" yo the first sentence.
Until september 9th you won't know your mark :)

#2407 Master's degree.


If I put a text here for that you correct me, would I be too heavy? also I would like that you to put it to text one note

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#2409 Put the text and if i can i will try to help you.


I am going to write about shopping center, answering to the question: are bad shopping center?
I first place , I am going to say That the shopping center can be bad or not depend yourself because you can go to shopping center to pass good time without spend anything of money, but also you can go and spend money but with controlled without spend much or spend you what have not, what is problem. In conclusion and for end my opinion about the shopping center is positive and like go often about all to the cinema.

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#2411 is this the text you were talking about? ^^

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#2412 yes, is short, but is my level ;(

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#2413 Ok, I will make myself as clear as posible about your mistakes.

<<I am going to write about ¹ shopping center, answering to the question: ² are bad shopping center?
³I first place , I am going to say that ¹shopping center can be bad or not depend [on] yourself because you can go to shopping center to 4 pass good time without spend any thing of money, but also you can go and spend money but with controlled 5without spend much or spend you what have not, what is problem. In conclusion 6 and for end my opinion about the ¹shopping center is positive and 7like go often about all to the cinema.

1- It should be plural: shopping centers, because you are going to talk of them in general.
2- Are shopping centers bad?
3- In first place : en primer lugar.
4- To have a good time
5- [...] and spend money you don't have which is a problem.
6- In conclusion/ to conclude/ finally.
7- and I (english language ALWAYS need a subject) like to go often because I like to go to the movies.

What I've seen correcting this, is that you don't know when do you have to put present simple (or any other tense), also you don't know how to structurate an essay.
If I were you, I would start with the tenses (when to use it, their form...) and try to write more essays about everything (your favourite movie/football player/football team/music...)
I hope I was useful ^^

(I don't know why the command is not working but it means thta the words are crossed because they don't have to be there.)

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#2414 Very very thanks you friend, I will continue uploading text or essay, but I don't understand when you uses the verb to have in the sentence to have a good time and other thing is the fail number five yo entiendo >> y gastar dinero tu no tienes que es un problema when it is the determinants el and que why don't put it?
I imagine that it are a lot fails for pass a exam.

How can I say son >> del verbo ser refiriendome a cosas o animales? it are maybe :wtf:

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I am going to write about the philosophy.
Live is know yourself and understand yourself. The Union Europe promote an rules common for donations and transplants. Actually there are 56.000 persons in wait of one transplant. Everyday twelve of them die waiting who somebody donate the organ that need them. The commission also promote an rules European of donates and transplants for to delete the different big existing.

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In the school I have already learned to write , to read and I can do a essay when my teacher Arely want. I can count and to do add. One of the better form of preparate for a exam of certification is to take a course of capacitation authorized for a partner. The second is a journalist who have to be undergone chemotherapy after being diagnosed with cancer.

In reality the end of this essay don't have meaning, I found it in internet


I am going to write about I to do tomorrow.
In start I am going to go to skate with a group friends, the rute will be for around of Dos Hermanas, it will begin in the New Square in Seville center, we will skate a little for the Seville streets and after we will go towards Dos Hermanas. The road will be a mixture between motorway and bike lane. The motorway will have a distance of two km, being whole the tour towards up, our legs will feel very tired. Finally we will back go to Seville for the same road, stoping in New Square, there are fonts for to drink and recover us. After I will do a slide couple and me will go for home to sleep.

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The forum is mine!!! :si:

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#2419 I think your best option is to join in an English course and to ask your teacher to correct your compositions.

Are you currently taking classes in any English academy or are you learning English on your own?

Sorry if you have already told it, I'm new in the forum and I have not read the previous pages.

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#2420 I am learning myself with the help of Google.

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#2421 That's kinda bad

You need some basics for that, and it's pretty clear that you still don't have them

You should try what NorthGuy is telling you

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Hey folks I finally passed the CAE. I happened to be pretty lucky even though the reading, which was the paper I used to get rather high scores was so difficult.
For those who are thinking of taking any cambridge, eoi, ielts exam... keep it up!!

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#2422 In September I will begin at EOI.

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#2392 I don't think your level is A1, 'cause a person with this level is not able to write in the way you do it. Probably your level is A2, or it's between A2-B1, so keep practicing improving!

#2415 To say "son", it depends on if you're talking in plural or in singular. In singular, we say "it is", and in plural, we say "they are". It's simply to use the verb BE.

#2416 I'm gonna correct your text. I write you the text without any mistakes, and you can check it and find what's wrong:

I am going to write about philosophy. Life is to know yourself and to understand yourself. The European Union promotes common rules for donations and transplants. Nowadays, there are 56.000 people waiting for a transplant. Everyday twelve of them die waiting for someone to donate them the organ they need. The commision also promotes European rules in terms of donations and transplants in order to delete the big differences that exist.

As you can see, you've made many mistakes, as for example the word order, you don't put the "s" in the third person of present simple, you write "persons" instead of people...Check it carefully and learn :) .

#2418 I'll do the same with this text, I will write you the how would be the correct one, and pay attention to the mistakes in order to correct them:

I am going to write about what I'm going to do tomorrow.
First, I am going to go to skate with a group of friends. The route will be around Dos Hermanas. It will begin in the New Square in the center of Sevilla, and we will skate a bit for the streets of Sevilla. After that, we well go towards Dos Hermanas. The road will be a mixture between motorway and bike lane. The distance of the motorway will be two kilometres, all the way will be upwards. Our legs will be very tired. Finally, we will come back to Seville on the same road, stopping at New Square, and there are some fonts to drink and to recover us.
After I will do a couple of ssiles and I will go home to sleep.

I hope this will help you!

#2423 Congratulations!How long have you been practising for that?

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#2425 "going to go to skate"¿?

I think "to recover ourselves" is more accurate than "to recover us".

I don't know who has written this text but I would try to introduce some adverbs in order to make sure you are writing what you want to explain giving some extra info or pointing somehting out... I think if you want to keep going through english what you need is to get to know with truly english either way you prrefer, the more entertaining and involving the better because you will forget you are using english and you start to create situations in english inside your head.


What the fuck! this thread is amazing. Good job with this, guys. I have just noticed about this.

#2392 Guy I don't think so. You have a B1 at least. There are no people with A(1-2) able to write in that way. Perfect times are teached in B1 and you have used it in your text ("I've seen in your sentence")

#2424 Good choice but i think they are pretty slow teaching english. Is posible to get a B2 level in 2 years (more or less) but if you start from 0 (A1) it will take you 4 years reach B2 level, and in my opinion that is so much time...

Correct me please!

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I've just discovered this thread. Ive not practised english for 7 years so ill make loads of mistakes but ill try to learn and maybe, if im lucky, someone will correct me =)


#2424 Hello mate. I want to ask if there is a way to see if i´m accepted on EOI´s list to curse 2014 year now on September.

I mean, they seem to not have the latest list at the web and they gave me a personal number but i don´t know how can i use it. Anyone can help me?


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Hello again guys. There was a question which was rounding my head for about lot of time.
What´s the difference between using the verb form "I´ve played football" and "I played football"

To me it´s seems the same, technically speaking, but for example here in Asturias we use to say more the past simple rather than other form. In Madrid for example they tend to say "I´ve played...

Need to clarify this one! Best Regards..

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