Official thread to practise English (whine = punish)

Normas básicas de funcionamiento del hilo

1- nada de pedir que se te hagan/corrijan redacciones o se ocultará.
2- postead sobre el tema antes de preguntar alguna duda o se ocultará.
3- nada de preguntar sobre resources o se ocultará.


I have a question...

This year I want to improve my english level from BACH/BATX lvl to First(FCE). I won't study nothing, so I can dedicate full time to improve my level.

The question is... If I go EOI, I will go into Third course (with some luck) and First is equivalent to Fourth course. On the other hand i can go to any academy...

What do you recommend?

PD: I'm using Duolingo... Do you know more webs like this? :) Also, I'm reading books and taking a look on Bachiller books.

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Hi all!

I have a simple question: "I'm hearing what you're saying" or "I hear what you're saying"?


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#2491 are you black? XDDD
Leave the double negative alone! :P
It is I won't study anything

#2492 'hear' doesn't have a continuous tense.
According to with "to hear" you don't do a real action or activity.
You can use it only with simple tenses.

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#2493 I don't understand "are you black? XDDD" xD

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#2491 I went to the EOI years ago and I wouldn't recommend it. You will be in a class with many students so it will be difficult to learn anything. Anyway, the fourth course is not equivalent to FCE (B2) but to the PET (B1).

#2494 Black people usually use double negatives (well, at least in movies). You wrote "I won't study nothing" and that's not correct, if you say "won't" you have to say "anything". It's not the same as in Spanish.

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#2494 it is because they are the ones who use it more often.
In every conversation they have.

1 1 respuesta

I don't know nothing, on this trhead.



#2491 Duolingo is great. But if you really want to improve your English, best advice I can give is to use it as much as you can.

Try to watch everything you can in English, with English subtitles if you need them. Sounds stupid, but you'll get used to hear the language and learn new expressions and vocabulary without even noticing.

Also, if you like gaming, try to play with foreign people and communicate with them in English. Believe it or not, my English improved a lot when I started playing WoW with people from all across Europe.

Studying a lot of grammar and vocabulary won't help if you don't practice the language.

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Usually you wouldn't use the continous tense with an stative verb as #2493 said, but there are certain contexts where you may use it, even though it's supposed to be grammatically incorrect, as a way to emphasize the moment of the action.

Do you hear something? (Expecting a negative answer)
.I hear noises
.I am hearing noises
.I can hear noises

Do you see something? (Expecting a negative answer)
.I see a light
.I am seeing a light
.I can see a light

Continous tense on these cases sounds best to me.

Listening to an speech
.I don't like what I'm hearing

Looking at the outcome of an experiment
.I don't like what I'm seeing

I wouldn't argue that these are grammatically correct, but they are being used by educated native speakers more and more.


get used to + something
get used to + hearing....


#2496 #2495 Thanks. From now on, I'll be a nigga :wow:

#2498 Yes, I know that. Duolingo is perfect for enlarge my vocabulary. I will play GW, LoL, etc... with foreign ppl. Also, I'll practise English with a friend. Is translator and did English philology :D
I did this test few minutes ago and the result was 2.5 level. This test is serious? :wtf: Do you know any other tests?

PD: I did Level 2 test.


Hey guys, to all of you looking forward to improving your English and doing some activities while meeting other European students, you should check AEGEE out.

AEGEE is a youth association that promotes European integration, communication and cooperation amongst youth people in Europe.
This summer I went into a "Summer University", which didn't have anything with studying. I went to 7 cities in Germany and The Netherlands with 21 other people from all over Europe, and some other countries like Azerbaijan, Russia, Belarus... The whole trip was 16 days long, and it costed me 190€ with 2 meals/day included as well as accomodation, so I had to pay for my flights and 1 meal a day as well as those 190€. It's a very cheap trip.

There are events all year long, shorter though, but still pretty good deals. I got chosen for a project financed by the European Union, and I'm coming to Istanbul for 10 days, to take some courses about sustainability and ecology. The whole trip, which includes staying in a hostel, the courses with professionals, and 3 meals per day in a restaurant, as well as the flights and bus to the airport, costed me 152€.

It's a nonprofit association, so I don't earn anything by telling you this xD There is an annual fee (depending on the Antenna). For example I pay 25€ per year in AEGEE-Alicante, to be a member and have access to all activities.
Also, if you don't want to travel, and you rather help/organize eventes around your city/antenna's city, you can do that too, if the trip sounded expensive to you. So you'll improve your English by speaking with other Europeans when they come in a Summer University, or other kind of event =)

I know in the beggining it may sound confusing, and the webpage is not very clear either, so your best chance to understand everything is to get in touch with your antenna and ask them to please tell you what it is all about, I'm sure they'll set up a meeting with you and explain it all.

4 3 respuestas

#2501 What are the requeriments to apply for this program?Because it sounds too cool to be true. I'd like to travel to any European country this autumn/winter in order to increase my level.

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#2502 No requirements to join AEGEE, you only have to be "young" which is 18-35 age range, and pay the annual fee.


Fuck, the day 10 I have to do one exam of English and I have got feling of to know less.


#2501 it sounds great to be honest, I'll check it out asap, thx for the info.

Btw, grammar question: "all of you looking forward to improve your English"

I've always had this doubt, I thought this is a fixed sentence and you have to use gerund (-ing), therefore it'd be 'all of you looking forward to improving your English'
Is it right? I'd like to double check it because I don't know if there is other rule for special situations.
Thanks in advantage :)

2 respuestas

#2505 in that sentence you've missed the verb to be .
All of you are looking forward to improve your English.
It can't be improving because there is a to .
To = infinitive .
After by, for... You put -ing but you can't put -ing after to.

2 respuestas

#2506 there are some situations where is allowed to use -ing after 'to', for example: I look forward to hearing from you

That's why I'm not sure if we should use the same rule here :/

#2508 No hard feelings :P There are lots of exceptions in grammar, so I wanted to know for sure how it works this fixed expression :)

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#2505 You're right. My bad :P Very common mistake.

#2506 That argument is completely wrong. To acts as a preposition, and not as an infinitive.

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#2507 Yes, it really is.
My bad.
It still confuses me when to acts as an infinitive and when it acts as a preposition.
But, "looking forward to" is an expression (in fact, phrasal verb) and its own rules.

#1505 I'm sorry I explained it wrong, my apologies!


Hi! This is my first message here so I hope that it will be funny...

What the fuck, this is MV, this will be unpredictable lol


I have been studying this amazing language and I know i don´t have any fucking idea .
But ok i don´t give up.
Go ahead men !


#2501 Thanks for your information buddy! It sounds pretty interesting.

#2513 Are you from Barcelona? I think about going to these meetings very often because i really believe is a good way in order to improve the speaking, but i'm not nor brave enough to make it up! haha If i were able to do it with some friend i would feel much more comfortable.

I'll try it anyways! I promise ;)

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#2512 AEGEE Barcelona is pretty active, here's their facebook.

I think they have a meeting tomorrow, they're gonna cook paella, so joining them would be awesome to get started xD

Nope, I'm not from Barcelona, I'm from Murcia, so I stick with AEGEE-Alicante even though I'm moving to Dresden in 1 month.

Don't be shy. They'll treat you very well :D

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And this is why the rest of the world thinks that spanish people are retards

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#2514 Oh, really?


#2514 Wow, really? It's easy to speak english better with this reference. xD

Well, first time on this thread, I'm Mikel from Valencia, and I want to improve my english because in 4 years more or less I'm moving to UK, so... Someone recommended me something to start?


So today I did the test to see on which level should I go on (B1 or B2), hope the academy send me the corrections as soon as possible :D

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#2517 I'm thinking in going to an academy and apply for that test. I hope I could get a B2 (FCE) because is the exam that I want to pass within the next months. I don't think my english level is below but I'd like to practice here and be corrected by everyone who notices my mistakes.


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#2518 thinking in es incorrecto, deberías usar thinking about o thinking of.


how can i say : no tengo ganas
i don´t feel like ???

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