Official thread to practise English (whine = punish)

Normas básicas de funcionamiento del hilo

1- nada de pedir que se te hagan/corrijan redacciones o se ocultará.
2- postead sobre el tema antes de preguntar alguna duda o se ocultará.
3- nada de preguntar sobre resources o se ocultará.


#2520 sí, 'I don't feel like' creo que es la expresión que más se acerca. También podría ser 'I'm not keen on doing blabla', pero creo que se traduciría más bien como 'No estoy interesado en hacer blabla'.


#2520 creo que te faltaría un have I don't have desire or I haven't desire (forward >> I think that also it would be correct)

25 días después

I have some troubles using "to" or "for", I don't see when I have to use one or the other, excepting the verbs, of course.


Prepositions are quite random. You have to learn them by heart


Today we spent half of the English class talking about Breaking Bad :_

2 respuestas

#2525 at least that's some speaking training.


#2525 The end of BB was "Americanada".


I have heard a lot of Breaking Bad, everybody say that is a really good serie, do you recommend me to see it?

2 respuestas

#2528 Absolutely, in my opinion is a masterpiece.


#2528 I'm just started to watch it in V.O. with english subs, I recommend it you at all.

3 respuestas

#2530 'At all' means 'en absoluto', 'para nada'. I guess that you wanted to say that you like BB, and you advise him to watch it. I'd say something like "I absolutely recommend you to see it"

2 respuestas

#2530 #2531 maybe he wanted to say "a todos". if he meant that, he could've said "to everyone" :D


#2531 I thought that "at all" means "sobre todo" or something similar, but I was wrong.

Thank for the corrections :D


#2530 Can you share the website for the VOS series with us? I do not know if it is against the rules, in that case, would you send me a private mesage?

1 respuesta

#2534 My method is legal, well, not at all (I hope that time I used correctly "at all" ahahha)

You should download the multimedia player vlc - >

and install an extension called VLSub ->

And that's all, when you play a movie or a tv show you just need to do that ->

When the video is loaded, you go to the menu and search in view the option VLSub

After that, click on search by hash

And when the options apears, click on the option you want to charge and click download selection

Finally, the subtitles are loaded! :D

Enjoy! ^^

1 1 respuesta

#2535 Wow, thank you so much for this option! I always download the subtitles from a website and then put them in VLC, but this is easier I think :)


Lately im trying to use more compose verbs when im talking with my gf but its not so easy lol for example, differences between:

Podia haberte ayudado y podria haberte ayudado?

i could have helped you
i could had helped you

wich one would be more correct? the sentence would be "podria haberte ayudado con eso si me hubieses avisado"

3 respuestas

#2537 I think you can't use anything but infinitive after would/could/should, so in my opinion the first one is the right one.

2 respuestas

#2538 Check this ->


#2537 As #2538 says, I think it's always used "could've", "should've", "would've". It's one way to have the conditional tense.


#2537 I'd go for the first one too.


Watch this video :D


Hi everybody!
I'm doing the First Certificate exam the next December 7th, instead of I'm doing a preparatory course at my university, I think I need to practice my written english, and probably I should practice my listening too.
So, does anyone know where can I get english subtittles for Breaking Bad? Our teacher suggested us to watch some TV series or films in order to improve our skills, but I haven't been able to get good subtittles.
Thank you!

1 3 respuestas



#2543 -> #2535


Thank you guys.


#2543 Hey bud next December the 7th means you are taking the exam in 2014. Be careful with that. I usually tend to forget the difference between this and next too.
As for your request let me suggest you almost any bbc podcast. They're so useful

1 respuesta

Hi! i'm new around here, but I would like to practise my English, so I hope we can get along well! About BB, I started it like a year ago or so, and I dropped it at the 2 season, does it get better from then on? (You can correct me if something I said is wrong :))


#2547 Oh, you're right, I will be more careful with that difference. It's like our proffesor said to us: a "espanglicismo", we tend to translate it directly, but we must be careful with it.
Thank you for correcting me.


No puedo evitar leeros con voz de alguien que no tiene ni idea de Inglés.

PD: I'm sorry.

1 respuesta
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