Official thread to practise English (whine = punish)

Normas básicas de funcionamiento del hilo

1- nada de pedir que se te hagan/corrijan redacciones o se ocultará.
2- postead sobre el tema antes de preguntar alguna duda o se ocultará.
3- nada de preguntar sobre resources o se ocultará.


#2670 It's an established program but I would have chose Sweden anyway. It's a country I'm really interested in.

I've added a little more:


I'm Fulanico de Tal, but people often call me just Fule. I'm sixteen. As you already know I live in Menganocity although I was born in Fulanotown.

My interests include music, reading and video-games. I really love metal, especially (but not only) those bands from Spain or Scandinavia such as Sabaton, HammerFall, Mägo de Oz or Sonata Arctica. I play the bass as well. About books, I like epic fantasy and I'm starting to read science-fiction sagas. I like all kind of video-games. I'm also a great enthusiast of motorsport.

I'm really interested in learning about Sweden, so I feel this exchange is a great opportunity for me. I think it's a country with a great history and culture. I really look forward to this. Here in Spain the weather will be pretty sunny those days, very different from Sweden I think.

I don't really know what are the plans for that week so I can't exactly tell you what you'll do here but I'm sure you will have a real good time.

Looking forward to hearing from you soon.

It's not much time, only 9 days here with the Swedes in May and then 9 days there in Sweden in September.

1 respuesta

#2671 "what you'll do hear but I'm sure you will have a real good times." is the first cursive a typo or did you really mean to write it that way? You should check that and the second cursive one and rephrase them accordingly if so.
And, if it was me, I'd write about what's so special you see in their history and culture, just so the text you wrote doesn't sound that stilted, as if you were merely following a given model.

1 respuesta

#2672 Oops, the first one is obviously a typo. The second one is not so obvious, but it was too xD

And yeah, I know I should write at least one more sentence because it is like "I'm really interested in learning about [COUNTRY HERE], so I feel this exchange is a great opportunity for me. I think it's a country with a great history and culture." but actually it's a kind of irrational feeling, actually I don't know much about Sweden.

Perhaps I can rewrite it so it says something like "I've always been interested in Sweden but I've had no chance of actually learning how it is apart from history books and that kind of things that usually you can't rely on too much"


Hullo all, i am preparing the FCE, although i am very green, i write here because i want to know if you know some app for android for practise English

Every day i take the train and i have some free minutes

Nowadays i study vocabulary but i want something more entertaining


4 respuestas

#2674 If I were you I would try to prepare the exam using FCE Cambridge Books. They have a lot of useful vocabulary and the different exam's parts to practice.

And one tip, don't use "for + verb", you must use "to + verb" and "for + noun"


#2674 And I doubt any english speaker would get what you mean with "being green". Literally translating stuff is a common beginner mistake, although it may work sometimes, but don't EVER do it with idioms (idiom - expresión).

1 respuesta

I am preparing FCE too and I am going to a private academy 3 hours pero week. We use the Cambridge books: a student book and a workbook. If you want more information you can ask me for it.
In addition, I am also getting used to read english books (penguin readers).
It is not easy and I do not think I am going to pass the exams but I am doing my best, and I know for sure my effort will worth it


I want to know if you know ( if there is / about ) any app for android, queda mucho mejor
I take the train everyday and I have some spare ( sobrante, free libre gratis ) time/minutes

#2676 green

  1. adj. noob, unexperienced
  2. n. Money
  3. n. Weed, Marijuana
  4. adj. Good.
  5. The Color, Duh.

green = good? duh?, never seen it used in "good" context

9 días después

Is there anyone here using the Cambridge books to prepare the FCE exam? I've finished eight lessons but I think we're learning too slow at my academy. The book has 24 lessons, what do you think?
The course started in October

1 respuesta

#2679 I'm in the third of fourteen xDDD

PS. 'Third of fourteen' or 'third out of fourteen'?

2 respuestas

#2680 I´m on the third out of fourteen ;)


#2680 but when have you started the book? I started it on october. I dont feel that Im learning Or something, its more like I am wasting my time and my money
Today I have met my native teacher and it is not what I have expected... Maybe is Just a feeling, but I think I am not getting prepared to pass the exam

Therefore I am from Alicante and maybe there is someone here who makes exchanges with native people and can help me to improve my speaking

3 respuestas

#2682 What about your spoken level, has it improved since October? That's more important than the percentage of the book you've completed since then.



Your English does sound a bit quirky, I'm not saying it is wrong, but is quite unusual.

but when have you started the book?-> when did you start the book?

I dont feel that Im learning -> I don't feel like I'm learning

Today I have met my native teacher-> Today I met my native teacher

and it is not what I have expected...-> it is not what I expected

I'm not a teacher and I can't backup those corrections with some particular grammar rules, it's just that it does not sound quit right to me the way you said those things.

1 respuesta

#2682 I started in mid to late September hahaha. However I do feel I'm learning, mostly in pronunciation and formal English. Since I have learned most of my English with songs or surfing the net (forums and that kind of stuff) it was good but kinda colloquial and I wasn't very confident about my own pronunciation, because most of the bands I listen to aren't British (nor American) so I actually didn't know how to pronounce properly for example the 'i' (/i/ or /ai/, you know). Anyway, even when this is the first year ever I'm taking classes outside the school I haven't found it difficult at all (B2 as well)


#2684 I suppose I have problems with the verbal tenses...

Regarding my spoken level I think it's not quite good because I can't speak fluently. I did a exam the last year and I obtained a B1
My problem with the speaking, I guess, is that I must get used to it. I have been speaking in English since september and it's obviously not enough


It's been a long time since the last time I posted here - Well, the headlines now are I tore my left knee a fortnight ago and I'm fucked up as hell. I will undergo surgery some uncertain day in the future, and in the meantime I'm spending the whole day in bed or lying on the couch. The worst part of it all is I cannot even 'do my business' with ease - I need to keep my leg straight like a stick all along and it's very difficult to sit on the toilet and get comfortable for... well, you know, to take a dump (I'd rather say this elegantly, as it's way disgusting.)

And this is only the beginning. A lot of pain and boredom awaits me for the next 4-5 months. I miss going out a lot, although what I miss the most is to walk freely and keep full control of my life. Everytime I need something, I have to ask my fiancee to do it. I feel like deadwood. Useless. Argh.

1 respuesta

I'm the luckiest guy in the world xD The next week, they are going to come to my English classes two young Russian girls doing his period training.

This is the best way to keep the students in class, included me :3

1 respuesta

#2687 Argh, that's awful! I've never hurt myself except that time my sister fell over me when I was 6 years old and I dislocated my right thumb, so I've never been in your situation, but my dad broke his hip after falling from a building from 8 metres high (working as a builder) a loooong time ago (I wasn't even born) and he spent like 6 or 7 months lying on the couch/bed, and he always talks about it like the most boring months of his life. Like you, he couldn't do anything by himself. Don't worry, you won't realize and those 4 or 5 months will have passed. Cheer up!

#2688 If you want to know some (easy) words in Russian to impress them, tell me :3 I'm studying Russian :).

1 respuesta

#2689 I'm playing dota 2, I'm a Russian expert ;) Nah, just joking xD

How can I say "Hello, how are you?" and "I'm fine thanks".

If you can write that with how it sound, would be better for me xD

1 respuesta

#2690 Hahahaha. I bet that in Dota at least a 60% is swearing!

"Hello, how are you?" Would be "Priviét, kak dielá?"
And "I'm fine, thanks" would be "spasíba, harashó"

Good luck with the girls! :)

12 días después

Hi guys, is the following sentence gramatically correct?

"I only have some free time during the weekends and holidays, so I try to make the most of these moments"

1 respuesta

#2692 Yep, I think so... I would only say "the most out of"


I looking for trips to London in summer, those you are with a local family during 2 weeks 3... any website that could help me?

2 meses después


I have got a perfect app for you, what would help you in your learning.
This app is on Play Store for Android devices(i don't know if for IOS too).
This app has links to many websites when you can watch movies, soap novels...., besides it has many listenings

It is so helful for me
10 best Music.



my girlfriend is going to visit me this summer in New York and we were looking for a good (and "cheap" if possible) English school for her to take a 3-4 weeks English course.

Did anyone take these kind of classes there and can recommend me one or two schools?

2 respuestas

#2696 Do you mean in New York? I don't think many people here has lived in New York so you'll probably get no answer.


#2696 You could try to look in Facebook for groups like "Españoles en Nueva York" and ask there, probably they will know better. I don't know really...


Does anyone know the difference between hour and our? In the pronunciation I mean

1 respuesta

#2699 There's any, actually. Well, you can say hauar and aur or auar and auar. The same with american english. But no difference is necessary since it's impossible to mix them up from the context you are using them. I can't thing of any time it has happend to me.

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