Official thread to practise English (whine = punish)

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Hey guys!. I'd really know to know how big is the gap between the B2 and the C1 level exams (cambridge). How long could It take to go from a B2 to a C1?. Is it worth?.

Thx in advance.


From what I have heard, there is not a big difference. It depends on your mark of the fce examen, but maybe you can reach a c1 level in six months Or so

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#2702 Thank you very much!. 6 months is a very aceptable mark. I think I'd go C1 instead of the B2. I've made several B2 tests at the academy and ive got really good marks in all of them. But I was afraid of the difference between B and C. 6 months is quite affordable.

Ty! xoxoxoxo

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#2703 Have you actually tried to do a level C1 modal exam? Maybe not so much in the grammar part of the exam, but there is a considerable difference in level when it comes to use of English,English sayings and what you call functional language.


#2703 To be honest, I consider FCE to be a basic English level examen. I've helped students try out CAE (C1) exams and it's slightly harder. I recommend checking out a few exam models and see for yourself whether you can face it or not. But, as Wimanda said, you can perfectly hit that level in a 6-month period :D

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#2705 Do you recommend the paper-based or the computer-based exam? I think the computer-based model has a lot of advantages, but maybe you don't think so.

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Hi! Last month I went to a job interview and discovered that even if I can read, write and listen in an apropiate way, my speaking skills are rather poor and I want to improve them. My problem is that I can't simply remember the words I want to use.

Would anyone like to speak with me in English using Skype, TS or whatever you like?

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For all of those looking to improve their English (speaking or writing, either ways) there are some really helpful websites where you can get pen pals or have some chitchats face to face (Skype included, I guess). The most popular I've heard about is
Don't be shy and have a go, I'm sure your English will go from strenght to strenght after a few weeks exchanging messages with a native person :)


#2706 Well, the thing is that I've only worked with paper-based haha so I really cound't tell. :x

#2707 I'd love to! But I've got one huge problem: lack of time. A good way to get better at reacting orally in English is speaking it (writing works too) while in a game. And I'm not kidding. xD but if you don't play anything then nevermind c:

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#2709 Well, that is a good idea. I was thinking about replaying Fallout NV so I have a lot of things to speak in English xd

Although my problem is that even if I know a word, it won't come to my mind when I need it.

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#2710 That's completely normal when you don't have practice. But as they say, practice makes perfect ;) I personally don't play Fallout, but I'd be glad to play any other coop game (cough leagueoflegends cough) and communicate via English and only English ;D

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I personally would go with the paper-based exams, the feedback will probably be better, however I only took the C2.2 exam of all Cambridge exams and maybe I'm just somewhat close to a hardcore old-schooler regarding exams, so I might not be the best example. Anyway, just my two cents. Paper-based!


#2705 I'll try to make some C1 ones to see how far/close I am from CAE level. I think I can achieve it in a few months. I have zero problems with FCE exams, 90-100 points every single time I do an exam. But I have a big "descompensation" between my listening/speaking and my grammar or use of language. I haven't studied grammar since highschool (8 years), but I speak and listen english almost everyday. Ive got no problems with listening or expressing myself.

And I agree with you, I find FCE a pretty basic exam level, thats why I want CAE. But to get CAE you have to study xD.


Does anyone prefer the computer-based exam? My teacher told me that it is better and I want to know if there is anybody here who agree/disagree and your pros and cons.
Thank you in advance

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#2714 No, it's not. Because your certificate will show that you did a computer-based exam, so if you gonna pay, at least make it useful.

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#2715 really? The computer-based certificate is less valuable than the other one? At this moment I Just want the certificate to access to a public exams (I want to be a secondary school teacher)

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#2716 Don't you need the CPE (C2.2) exam to become a teacher? If not, you should.

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#2717 I want to be a computer science teacher and currently the required level is b1 but it will be b2


Level intermediate which letter and.number is?

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#2719 I'd say it's B1


Intermediate b1 / pet
Upper-intermediate b2 / fce


Today I just failed my speaking exam of level B1, I'm so depressed, what I could do to practise it?
In June I will go to Newcastle for 2 weeks, it would serve me to improve my speaking? Thanks..

3 respuestas

#2722 It surely will, that's the best way to pratice, at least that's what people use to say. Anyway, being the best or not, it WILL work.

Keep in mind that to formulate questions you have to put the auxiliar verb ("could", in this case) before the subject, so your question will look like this: ''What Could I do to pratise it?''

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#2710 I'm quite available right now, if you feel like speaking. Maybe I don't have the best pronunciation but I'm quite fluent when it comes to expressions and so (or at least people understand me quite easily xD)

I'd also love some only-English co-op gaming as #2711 suggested :P I actually do it as much as possible (I love playing with people from Europe, though NOT from UK...).


#2722 B1 exams usually follow a pattern more or less. You might take a look at some ESOL books or just by searching "speaking exams B1/PET" at youtube or something like that and practice by there. Anyways going to England is not only the best way of improving your English but also for a better understanding of spoken English. I had some friends who took the exam when i did and they passed it quite easily with not such a very good spoken and written English. Just take a look at some exams, practice them and you will pass it!.

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#2722 Speaking/listening is my strong point. In my case I improved listening by (surprise) listening english everysingle day. U usually use radios (as BBC 1xtra, 6 minutes english, VAUGHAN,..) to adapt my ear to the english. And it's pretty amazing how fast it works.

Vaughan radio is made for Spanish people who want to improve english. I highly recommend it. It might sound silly, but listening you should improve the speaking part too.

Other thing I use to improve speaking is to think in english 24/7. Imagine that you want to say something, then think about that sentence in english, how would it be that in english?.

I think that these simple tricks may help you for in a B1 level oral exam.

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I Just have asked to my teacher about what we were talking about on wednesday: computer-based Or paper-based exam.
She told me that there is no difference on the certificates, but she will ask it to her boss.
I am quite confused right now. I do not know what to do because I think my mark will be better on the computer-based, so my chances of passing the exam are greater


#2723 #2725 #2726 Thanks for all :) other question, "puedes vestirte como quieras" is You can dress as the way as you want or you can dress the way as you want? Thanks

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#2728 You can dress as you like.

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Hi everyone I'm here because I need a bit of help. I'm finishing a project work based on CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) and my main theme is "TV series/Films vs Videogames, which one improves more your english?". This project is like a guide for a future research my students will have to do.

One of the points I'm missing it's about "Prepare your students for language demands". I mean, i have to prepare a pack of grammar, vocabulary, expressions, use of english or whatever they will need in order to complete the research.

I want to include slang or something useful so they will be prepared to go further in the research about the english world of videogames and original voice and how it improves your english but I'm not able to find anything i could use. Could anyone help me please?

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