He ganado 1MUSD


Lisa necesita un aparato.




Me han respondido!!!!

Aquí el mail:

Dear Winner,

This is to inform you that all the neccessary verification has been conducted on the information you provided consequently approval has been granted for the release of 1 Million US Dollars and the Gaming Board has endorsed your authority to claim authenticating you as the winner of the approved sum.

Please see attached document for more details.

Congratulation Once more
Claims Department
Mr Robinson Lee

Y mandan un DOC adjunto mu bonico. Ahora mismo pongo la foto.

Debería mandarle un mail al bank of china?


ya podrías subvencionar el server para media flema!!! xDDDDDD


matias pajas xDDDDDDDDDDD

por cierto, error en la redaccion del documento en ingles me parece.

deberia decir: to be effected - y no - to effected

manda un mail al banco [email protected] y sigue la bola a ver como avanza :D



Se me olvidó poneros el mail que envié:

Hi, i just received this email an i'd like to know how to get the money

  1. Full Name: Matías
  2. Address: Pajas
  3. Occupation: Unemployed
  4. Age: 33
  5. Sex: Ocassionally
  6. Nationality: Romanian
  7. Country of Residence: Spanian
  8. Telephone/Fax Number:

Y este el que he enviado ahora.

To the attention of Mr. Hang Lee:

Hi i just got this email sayin i won a prize in the lottery and need to contact you.


  1. Country of Residence: Spanian



Toyota es japonesa, no es china

Uno de los muchos ffffffFAIL


#38 y yo te pregunto "who cares?" y en serio, la gente que cae en estos timos, como si le dices que eres de Mongolia, no se va a dar cuenta y va a caer igual xDDD creo que la nacionalidad es lo de menos en estos timos.


#31 seguro dental!


#38, antes de fiijarte en eso, leete la foto y mira que pone "Your won car..."


address no es apellido, por si no lo sabias.


Mándale un email diciéndole que eres Félix Rodriguez de la Fuente.

EDIT: Es verdad no me fijé... que entiendes tú por full name ? xD


Que hay del puto millon de dolares, mejor amigo? quiero mi parte :mad:


Él es Bart.


oh shi-

has puesto el apellido donde hay que poner la direccion?


Oh no! Me habré quedado sin mi millón de dólares y no podré repartirlo entre mis mejores amigos!

Bueno, de todas maneras hasta que no me pidan el número de cuenta...


Me tienes en ascuas con el jodio millon de dolares. Que sepas que he encargado ya un pepino de ordenador contando con que me vas a dar 5000 machacantes, espero por tu bien que te lo den pronto que el ordenata me llega en una semana.


Yo tambien quiero


Esto es lo que me ha llegado hoy:

Telex Transfer Section
Bank of China
168 Jiangnan Dadao Zhong Road
Guangzhou , China P.R
Tel: +8613790604683
Fax: +852-3016-7070
Email: [email protected]
Ref: TTS-BOC/01559WT/009 Date: 12th september 2009
Re: Transfer of $1,000,000.00 (One Million US Dollars Only)
Dear Customer,
We are in reciept of your email. This is to officially inform you that we were instructed to contact you by the organizers Lottery for the transfer of your lottery award prize of $1,000,000.00 (One Million US Dollars Only) deposited with our bank, we wish to bring to your notice as well that amount involved is quite substantial and must be processed in US Dollars due to regulations, all large value foreign currency transactions must meet verification requirements, prior to being disbursed to the recipient/ beneficiary
We ask that you contact us by return email, upon receipt of this communication in order for us to verify your bank receiving information and more importantly, to have you fill in the appropriate source of funds 0-C17 FORM documentation which is attached. Upon the receipt of response, copy of your account information would be sent to our surveillance Database to input your details in our central system that will authorize and enhance the transfer of the funds advised in your favor.
We hereby wish to inform you as well that the security of your funds is of top priority, as you are category "A" client and requires very high security measures, be assured that our best staffs are put on this transaction. The Management Board here at Telex Transfer Section Bank of China has come to conclusion based on the integrity of your funds and proper documentation on the release order to ascertain an effective transfer.
We will transfer your funds upon the receipt of the required information and the completion of all verification and procedure, a copy of the Telegraphic Wire Report will be sent to you for confirmation of the validity date with your local bank.

0-C17 FORM is attached.
Yours Faithfully,
Mr. Hang Lee
Director of Operation
Telex Transfer Section
Tel: +8613790604683
Email: [email protected]
This transmission may contain information that is privileged, confidential and exempt from disclosure under applicable law. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution, or use of the information contained herein (including any reliance thereon) is STRICTLY PROHIBITED, if you received this transmission in error, please immediately contact the sender and destroy the material in its entirety, whether is electronic or hard copy format. Thank you


Tiene un .doc adjunto donde tengo que meter los datos de mi cuenta, el swift code, el nombre de mi banco... etc:


Lo jodido del caso es que hasta tengo una cuenta vacía...

Pero weno. Por esta vez vale de estirar del hilo...

Vuelvo a quedarme con los amigos que no me quieren por dinero^^ xD


do it fag

si tienes una cuenta vacia hazlo, a ver que pasa xD


Dod si al final ganas algo te invito a San Fermines del año que viene.

Pagas tu


Voy a matar a M0E


diles que en tu religion no te deja fiarte de la gente sin verles la cara, asi que te mande las fotos juntos con sus puestos de los del "staff" que van a ayudarte en esta importantisima tarea al cliente de categoria A