Omegle, habla con algún extranjero random


Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: say hi!
Stranger: HI
You: HA HA

You have disconnected.


Aix que risas me acabo de pegar con este xDDD


Al final consegui que dijera que es marica xD


Cuanto loco...




Quien de vosotros!???xD


#185 con esa gente le dais al feedback?

Pq como no vayan de coña ojala se les caiga el jabón en las duchas de la cárcel!

Otro perlau...



joder, pues yo creo que he ligado xDDDDDDDDDDD

en otro:


You: im forn spain
Stranger: ok
You: de winned of eurocpe
Stranger: indeed
Stranger: nice performance
Stranger: and a clearly one of the favourites for world cup now
You: your team is a holy shit
Stranger: theyre not that bad
Stranger: we'll qualify with ease at least
Stranger: and then i guess quarter final maybe
Stranger: depends who we get
You: we will see on world cup
You: them
Stranger: spain probably is a better side right now, i guess semi final at least
You: maybe we will be the winners



Stranger: WASUP
You: hi stranger
Stranger: Well from my point of view your the stanger
Your conversational partner has disconnected.


Menudo locarro xDDD

Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: IM GONNA DO IT!
You: what are u going to do?
Stranger: Dont try to stop me!
You: cos?
You: gosh
You: u will hurt
Stranger: Dont try that shit on me
Stranger: I wont step down
Stranger: I cant take it anymore
You: :(
Stranger: its all your fault!
You: tell me whats ur problem pls
Stranger: How could you?
You: i was young and innocent
Stranger: Wasnt i enough for you?
Stranger: You even promised me that 3 inch wasnt too small
You: no es mi culpa tio, fue FEDA
Stranger: then you go and do something like that!
You: 3 inch?
You: is too small
Stranger: STOP IT!
Stranger: I dont need that right now!
Stranger: I... I...
Stranger: I... just need.... a hug
You: hug?
Stranger: HUG ME FOOL!
You:u are a faggot
Stranger: So are you darling
Stranger: I remember how you toyed with my cum
Stranger: rubbing it all over yourself


Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: are you a stranger?
Stranger: maby?
You: moby? great music producer
Stranger: nah he suck!
You: what's maby?
You: _
Stranger: u asked if i wore a stranger
Stranger: and i sad maby
Stranger: maby m not
You: ok, sounds fair
You: i'm not a stranger
Stranger: so who are u then
You: i'm Bono


Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: You just wasted 5 seconds of your life.
Your conversational partner has disconnected.



You: i cant get no... satisfaction
You: turutut
You: i love rolling stones
Stranger: solo
You: yeah
You: do the solo !
Stranger: waa waa wa wawoo
Stranger: dii dii oo di do
You: yeaaaah you rock like Keith

xDDDDD esta lleno de colgados jajaj


Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hey stranger
You: hi
You: were are you from?
Stranger: brazil, u?
You: spain
Stranger: great!!
You: i have a friend who live in brazil
Stranger: wht state?
You: rio
Stranger: i live near
Stranger: sao paulo
You: beautiful gires there in brazil
Stranger: r u male? whtsa ur age?
Stranger: im 18, female.
You: male, 18
You: you?
Stranger: 18, female.
Stranger: wait just a sec. phone
Stranger: back
Stranger: r u there?
You: yes
Stranger: so
Stranger: is cold in spain??
You: i am bored
You: yah
You: we have good food
You: a goods partys
Stranger: here too.
Stranger: darling i gotta go to school now
You: here all nigths we go to the partys in pubs
Stranger: here in brazil pubs are house where we have girls who have sex for
You: here no
You: but. . . if you pay some drink, you can too have sex
Stranger: lol thts true




Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

  • You: hi!
    ... Pausa de 10 segundos ...
  • You: lol fag
    Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

  • Stranger: hi im brenton and ima fag
  • Stranger: ROAWRRRR
    Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Me duran 0,67 xDDDDDDDDDDDD



no podemos coincidir o q?


You: excuse me, can I reach my target by following this way?
Stranger: hi
Stranger: Sure
Stranger: follow the crap
You: dammit, i was following that fucking white rabbit ><
Stranger: alice?
Stranger: is that you?
You: mom?
Stranger: yeah it's me
Stranger: i miss you so much
Stranger: -_-

You: yeah! yeah! I've always known I would find you >_<
You: mommyyyyy
Stranger: you're dad will be so happy
Stranger: i'm so proud of you
You: I have to tell you something...
You: i wouldn't so...
You: I mean...
Stranger: what?
Stranger: what? tell me?
Stranger: I love you you know
You: I'm... no longer virgin
Stranger: oh really?
You: ya really
Stranger: so... i'm proud of you
Stranger: :p
Stranger: you're like me as the same age
You: well mom, I'm going to work
You: some big black guys are waiting for me
You: yes, no pants
Stranger: ok
Stranger: see you later
You: bb ^^


You: hola
Stranger: hey
You: from ?
Stranger: sa. you?
You: sa? what this shit? pffff bb


You: hi
Stranger: hi
You: your are stranger ?
You: ??
Stranger: of coursee, and u too
You: so ?
Stranger: so...
You: so!!!???
You: I am going to kill you damned buck !!!!!!!! stupid...
Stranger: SO ?!
You: how r u ?
You: good? ok bb
Stranger: fine, u?


La mejor conversación que he tenido:

You: hi
Stranger: bye
You: bye


Stranger: want a hamburger?
You: no thanks
Stranger: vegetarian?
You: and you want a cock?
Stranger: yes please
You: capture
You: CC========m=======D
Stranger: nah, too long
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

tambien me encontrao un guiri to majo de EEUU jaja


pos yo me e exo compi de un americano xDDDDDD


Se la he sacado a un finlandés ->

g0 MV Warriors, buscar que no se rian de MV


You: hola
Stranger: stabs you in the eye with a fork
You: dodges
You: counter-attacks you with a butter knife
Stranger: awesome!
Stranger: saws your leg off with a beaver
You: takes out a chainsaw from pocket and cuts off both of your legs from the floor
Stranger: shit.
You: portable chainsaws are awesome
Stranger: grows legs back in 0.19 seconds
Stranger: a wild snorlax appears!
You: pokeball time
Stranger: kicks pokeball
Stranger: he shoots, he scores!
Stranger: the crowd goes wild!
You: calls megazord
Stranger: calls Lord Zed
Stranger: Zed rapes Megazord
You: with the power of the power rangers combined i blew of Lord Zed's head
Stranger: (his dickhead)
You: megazord has steel-anus
Stranger: Zed cums in your mouth!
Stranger: my favourite!
You: megazord uses cum as energy
You: now megazord is FULL POWER
You: launches ranger-misile V011-X which impacts on your balls
Stranger: shit
You: with lots of spikes may i add
Stranger: i die
Stranger: and get resurrected!
You: damn
Stranger: i am Zombie Lord Level 352!
You: i remember my youth at Nepal and turn into a cleric lvl 352
Stranger: oh shit
Stranger: gives you a flying kick
You: damn flying kick zombies
You: does a barrell roll
You: cast repel the living-dead
You: throws 20 side dice
Stranger: shit.
Stranger: summons Bahamut
You: 16!! +lvl 352 bonus + improved repel the living-dead lvl 2 = 372
Stranger: Bahamut rapes you
You: i shit
You: on bahamuts penis
Stranger: he humps you
Stranger: and cums on your face
You: i cast energy shield lvl 7
You: cum gets back to bahamut
Stranger: you restor Bahamuts HP
You: damn cum fueled guys
Stranger: i win!
Stranger: final fantasy VII victory theme


ostia ke risa me he hecho a mi mismo

Stranger: Heello:D
You: what's asl?
Stranger: 17
Stranger: girl
Stranger: Brasil
Stranger: and you?
You: too old
You have disconnected.


No quiero coñas con mi inglés, sé que es MUY malo xd.


#206 muy bueno xd


You: hola
Stranger: i dont speak french
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

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