Os va el whatsapp? SÍ, YA VA (medio mal)

Comunicado oficial de WhatsApp:

Hardware requirement for servers vary, depending on the server application. Absolute CPU speed is not quite as critical to a server as it is to a desktop machine. Servers' duties to provide service to many users over a network lead to different requirements such as fast network connections and high I/O throughout. Since servers are usually accessed over a network, they may run in headless mode without a monitor or input device. Processes that are not needed for the server's function are not used. Many servers do not have a graphical user interface (GUI) as it is unnecessary and consumes resources that could be allocated elsewhere. Similarly, audio and USB interfaces may be omitted.
Servers often run for long periods without interruption and availability must often be very high, making hardware reliability and durability extremely important. Although servers can be built from commodity computer parts, mission-critical enterprise servers are ideally very fault tolerant and use specialized hardware with low failure rates in order to maximize uptime, for even a short-term failure can cost more than purchasing and installing the system. For example, it may take only a few minutes of down time at a national stock exchange to justify the expense of entirely replacing the system with something more reliable. Servers may incorporate faster, higher-capacity hard drives, larger computer fans or water cooling to help remove heat, and uninterruptible power supplies that ensure the servers continue to function in the event of a power failure. These components offer higher performance and reliability at a correspondingly higher price. Hardware redundancy—installing more than one instance of modules such as power supplies and hard disks arranged so that if one fails another is automatically available—is widely used. ECC memory devices that detect and correct errors are used; non-ECC memory is more likely to cause data corruption.
To increase reliability, most servers use memory with error detection and correction, redundant disks, redundant power supplies and so on. Such components are also frequently hot swappable, allowing technicians to replace them on the running server without shutting it down. To prevent overheating, servers often have more powerful fans. As servers are usually administered by qualified system administrators, their operating systems are also more tuned for stability and performance than for user friendliness and ease of use, Linux taking a noticeably larger percentage than for desktop computers.
As servers need a stable power supply, good Internet access, increased security and are also noisy, it is usual to store them in dedicated server centers or special rooms. This requires reducing the power consumption, as the extra energy used generates more heat thus causing the temperature in the room to exceed acceptable limits; hence normally, server rooms are equipped with air conditioning devices. Server casings are usually flat and wide (typically measured in "rack units"), adapted to store many devices next to each other in a server rack. Unlike ordinary computers, servers usually can be configured, powered up and down or rebooted remotely, using out-of-band management, typically based on IPMI.
Many servers take quite a long time for the hardware to start up and load the operating system. Servers often do extensive pre-boot memory testing and verification and startup of remote management services. The hard drive controllers then start up banks of drives sequentially, rather than all at once, so as not to overload the power supply with startup surges, and afterwards they initiate RAID system pre-checks for correct operation of redundancy. It is common for a machine to take several minutes to start up, but it may not need restarting for months or years.


Al parecer ya va, esperemos que dure y que no sea como EUW.


Las amigas no paran de enviarme stickers en el Line




Se que va por la gente, porque si es porque me han mandado mensajes no.
So sad


por fin funciona coño


ya vaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa


Ya vaaaa
P.D: Merecen morir por hacerme descargar telegram, ahora a borrarlo xDDD

1 respuesta

Me ha vibrado tanto el iphone que casi parte la mesa


Mi whatsapp es Mediavida.


#97 lo descargaste para usarlo media hora? xd

1 respuesta

#71 Pedo mental


pues a mí todavía no me llegan mensajes

está estropeado?

3 respuestas

#102 nadie te quiere.


#102 seré yo quien te diga la verdad... nadie te ha escrito sorry


Desde hace un rato ya funciona


#100 Lo descargué porque creia que lo del was iba para largo xDDDD, pero vamos que casi ni lo toqué.


#102 Tienes amigos?
Ya va.


Sigue yendo a ratos.


Va como el culo.

1 respuesta

#109 Has dicho culo jisajsiasiajsiajs


y ya que estamos coloquemos aqui nuestros numeros y nos agregamos todos


va a ratos ahora, me salen amigos con la ultima conexión de esta mañana, cuando esta tarde he estado hablando con ellos. tampoco se pueden enviar imágenes.


pues yo lo desinstalé pensando que era cosa mía y ahora no me lo da arrancado me pone imposible conectar

1 respuesta

#113 eres gallego? por qué hablas así?

2 1 respuesta

#114 Si , soy gallego por?¿

1 respuesta

#115 que por qué hablas así? coño!

1 respuesta

Y quién decís que ha comprado Whatsapp? Riot?



Durante el proceso de instalación de la aplicación whatsapp me salta un error en el cual dice lo siguiente: "Imposible conectar. Por favor, verifica que estás conectado a Internet y vuelve a intentarlo. Por favor, reinicia tu teléfono si sigues teniendo problemas de conexión."

Así mejor? es que a veces os ponéis de un idiota...
Si entendisteis lo que escribí pues responderme con algo que me ayude en mi problema, y no pongáis tantas tonterías.

2 respuestas

#118 eres gallego? por qué te enojas así?

1 respuesta

#118 yo esperaría a que lo arreglasen del todo y probar luego.