

#12 ...balambambú!


He entrado esperando otra cosa con este título...menuda decepción


#14 uf me he enamorado de la rubia de pelo corto

1 comentario moderado

Hostia me ha petado movil


#48 Tenías que haber puesto "ESTO ES LA JUNGLA, NEGRO"


Mi campeón favorito, sin duda alguna Anivia, la criofenix. No tendrá mucho ataque, no tendrá mucha defensa... pero me encanta. Es muy difícil de controlar, sobre todo la Q, porque tienes que petarla/controlar la distancia muy bien para stunear. Y la W, porque si no en vez de ayudarte a escapar/encerrar al enemigo/ayudar a los aliados... puedes hacer lo contrario. No haré los stats que hacen Maestros Yis y de ese estilo... pero me conformo con un 6/0/20... y ser decisivo en las TF aunque yo no sea el que de last hit.


(Papa Noel, you're the only one)

(Merry, merry Christmas)

(Merry, merry Christmas)

(Merry, merry Christmas)

(Merry, merry Christmas)

Merry Christmas

All I need is here with me

Someone to depend on

When the snow falls down (down, down)

All I know is the way I feel

Whenever you're around me

Oh, the darkness turns to day

What you do to me

Papa Noel, Papa Noel, Papa Papa Papa Noel

You're the one and only

My present at Christmas time

A feeling I can't hide from you

You're the only one

You're the one and only

My present at Christmas time

A feeling that goes on and on

You're the only one

All my thoughts

They just whirlwind

Move a little closer

Now we breath as one (one, one, one)

Take my hand, let's fly away

To another place in time (in time)

Like the world just fade away

What you do to me

Papa Noel, Papa Noel, Papa Papa Papa Noel

You're the one and only

My present at Christmas time

A feeling I can't hide from you

You're the only one

You're the one and only

My present at Christmas time


Mira macho..


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