#752 siempre me he preguntado si esos perfiles/fotos/comentarios eran troll o simplemente tienen vigorexia inversa
#761 Las proteínas sí que son malas, no las tomes en polvo nunca, y si lo haces que sea 0,3 gramos por kilo de peso corporal.
Now thinking back at it...Mike was training me in prep for the Mr.Los Angeles back in the 90's and kept telling me NOT to lower my carbs AT NO COST. This was right around the time when the whole "low carb era" began and everyone was on a non carbohydrate diet, Atkins..Parillo..etc.
Mike was totally against it and I remember him telling me to just watch my caloric intake and cut my PROTEIN down to around 120 grams per day (that's not per . He insisted on me eating almost nothing but carbs for the remainder calories (which only were around 1400...oops) - leaving me with 250-300 grams of complex carbs (rice,oats..yams).
So there was little fat (maybe 30grams per day) a high carb intake (in relationship to caloric intake that is) and almost no freaking protein! (sorry Supplement
The legs and abs started to get lines and veins popping out that I have never seen before. I still remember video taping my legs full of veins sitting in my office chair (which was a closed turned into office due to my studio while chewing on a yam and feeling good...I will look for the footage, if I find it, I will def post it.
Mike Mentzer 100 g prote al día
Por eso nunca ganó un olympia
#766 Tenía un físico enorme acorde con su cabeza, te valía para 7 cuellos menuda meolla el cabron
#769 Ya ya pero si no era para desmerecerlo ni na, pero menuda cabeza tiene hermano xddd
#768 Mira que he visto vídeos suyos, incluido ese, pero es que con esa voz me cuesta horrores.
#770 Pues yo no se la veo tan grande, la cabeza digo.
Una cosilla. Después de que Arnold criticara el culturismo actual, y quitara creo recordar, la categoría de bodybuildind femenino, ¿Hay algo nuevo sobre este tema?
Desde cuando Stephen Hawking comenta las vidas de los culturistas?
Hasta los genios se hacen youtubers
#771 Yo y Bomer tenemos una guasa con la voz de este tío que flipas xD. Antes nos mandábamos parodias por whatsapp xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
yo pensando ya nos ha colado el vídeo cutre para las risas, miro los subscriptores y tiene 70.000
internet cada día me sorprende más