#9472 Tras muchos meses (quizás años) leyéndote ese tipo de comentarios deduzco que tienes complejos con tu aguante sexual, lo dices en broma pero seguramente te pase eso en la vida real.
#Anims gero.
Los que menos complejos tienen de su aguante sexual son los que más bromean sobre su aguante sexual.
Igual que los que menos complejos sobre su condición sexual son los que más bromean sobre su condición sexual, guapo.
Besitos de efedrina.
Nunca he sido rápido corriendome xD es mas con condón nunca llego porque no noto una mierda
y con la otra lo hacía a pelo y tampoco, soy jesucristo
mp las interesadas para un futuro
#9493 oye macho, que este es nuestro sitio para ser sinceros, que el pisto nos lo tiramos fuera xD
Os dejo este artículo por aquí para que podáis criticar y menospreciar un poco:
What kind of men do women really prefer - hunky or chunky?
"Apparently three-quarters of women like their blokes more chunky than hunky because they are far less likely to judge their girlfriend’s body"
Hay testimonios y todo xD
Yo si me voy a sincerar. A veces cuando mi novia esta encima y coge el ritmo de cabalgar cual amazona en celo mientras las tetas me dan en la cara, tengo que repasar la alineación del Barcelona para no correrme rápido y la verdad es que funciona. Sobre todo cuando llego a la parte de Pedro y me entran ganas de pegarle una ostia puta mierda de jugador que asco le tengo.
#9498 http://sirtyrionlannister.wordpress.com/2014/03/16/women-prioritize-statuswealth-or-attractiveness-empirical-approach/
"It seems that female mindsets are very influenced by a social or cultural taboo. Women tend to underestimate in questionnaires the importance of male attractiveness. They are conditioned, consciously or unconsciously, to express a politically correct choice and thus they do not wish to be perceived as “shallow”."
"...Weiderman and Dubois (1998) have found men accurately indicated that the physical attractiveness of the targets was the most important characteristic that influenced their desirability ratings, whereas women inaccurately indicated that desired level of relationship commitment was their most important factor, when, in fact, it was one of the least important factors behaviorally. Sprecher (1989) found similar results, in that women inaccurately assessed the role of physical attractiveness in their own ratings of a target man. The women in Sprecher’s study reported that expressiveness was the most important factor in their choice, although it was the least important factor behaviorally. Physical attractiveness was the most important factor that actually influenced their ratings. The results of these two studies suggest that women’s self-reported preferences may not match their actual choices. Because it is still considered shallow and inappropriate for women to say that physical attractiveness is very important in their choices, those women may have engaged in impression management. Theory is that women do know what they want, but that when asked, they need to give answers that are acceptable to society. If so, women might misstate their preferences more often because there is more pressure on them to engage in impression management and to give the socially-desirable response."
E ya.
#9505 Básicamente.
O la ley del conformismo máximo. Propio y ajeno.
Vaya lacra el conformismo.