Codecreatures benchmark database...


*average number of FPS: 48.6
*average number of PPS: 17.9 mio.
*total amount of frames : 6382

Barton 2600@2243mhz / fsb195 en una An7
Kingston HyperX 1x512 Mb PC3500 @ 390mhz / 2 2 3 7
Club3d 5900xt 128MB /gpu @ 462
Forceware 61.77, Directx 9c, WinXp Sp1

UPDATE: Mem @ 2 2 2 7 (Memtest passed), fsb 198, 2284 mhz

*average number of FPS: 49.9 (max 65)
*average number of PPS: 18.3 mio. (max 28.3)
*total amount of frames : 6557

PD: hasta que no llegue el fresco ahi se queda.