/22/ Offtopic = FEDAcraft

hall of fame

Guía para no coreanos

TS3 /22/

IP : ts3.mediavida.com
PUERTO : 9987
CANAL : StarCraft II



Is your body ready


El DoW me parecio un coñazo, me suena que el segundo cambio bastante pero no llegue a probarlo

1 1 respuesta

El 2 entiendo que se parece más al juego de mesa (aunque tampoco demasiado). El 1 es prácticamente Starcraft 1.5.

1 respuesta

#64442 Cambio a peor si te gusta el basebuilding.


#64443 Más bien es Starcraft 0.5 y me han estoy pillando los dedos

1 1 respuesta

#64446 hostias pedrin que risa mas tonta xD


Quina època per estar vius.

1 respuesta

p-pero qué demonios?


#64448 Deja la droga.


La autoayuda ha evolucionado mucho los últimos tiempos


Leyendo el hilo del DoW 3 me está dando alergia + risas:


Sentimientos encontrados tengo. Me encanta el estilo de Dawn of War II, aunque hubiera preferido que se acercase al estilo CoH 2, bastantes escuadrones y varios blindados por batalla, puramente enfocado a la estrategia y menos al basebuilding.
puramente enfocado a la estrategia y menos al basebuilding
enfocado a la estrategia
menos al basebuilding

Osea que esto va a ir de construir una base más rápido que el rival para sacar 800000 unidades y tirarlas contra la base enemiga sin ningún ápice de estrategia en el combate antes de que el otro saque sus 800000 unidades. Muy bien que no cuenten con mi dinero
sacar 800000 unidades y tirarlas contra la base enemiga sin ningún ápice de estrategia
sin ningún ápice de estrategia


No puede ser que es eso que ven mis ojos, esta polt streameando?.

1 respuesta

Tiene pinta de mierda suprema apta para niños del SC2. Continuaré jugando al CoH2 que es más adulto y complejo.

Las risas están pasando a ganas de caer en el bait


#64453 >no preferir ver al kasparov del siglo XXI aka Ketroc

1 respuesta

#64455 No gracias, massear ravens es muy 2014 para mi.


No sé si lo habéis leído ya pero David Kim ha dado marcha atrás y no van a aplicar el parche que iban a aplicar esta semana xD

"Hey everyone. We wanted to issue a community feedback update early this week after seeing your feedback around the planned patch we were going to apply today. After reading your feedback, it seemed pretty clear that there is not much support for the proposed changes, so we decided to cancel this week’s balance update and get into more details of what’s happening because community feedback around the changes seems to have changed completely this week. Just a couple weeks ago when we started testing the latest changes, the perception seemed very positive. However, this week, what we’re seeing is completely different. We have some guesses as to why this happened as well as some proposals on how to improve our process going forward, but let’s talk about the specific changes.

Protoss Buff vs. Mutalisks
Previously, this topic seemed to be clearly important to the community, but it seems to have completely changed the other way. Even though Mutalisks are clearly not an issue at the top of pro level, we believed it was a heavy community issue, so we located a change that would have minimal impact at the pro lvl, while looking to help the average skilled player.

We’re not exactly sure why the major switch happened here, but we wonder if a lot of it is the meta game having shifted from Protoss being underpowered against Zerg to the matchup being a lot more even than we initially believed.

Other changes
The other changes we believe are more straight forward. Like many of you point out, we probably didn’t have enough testing time on the other changes and we should gather more feedback over the next week or two before committing to these changes.

Also, there seemed to be less of an understanding as to why we have been moving the way we have with testing out different changes. We wonder if many players out there are getting left behind or stuck in an old line of thinking while another group has moved on. We believe this creates a lot of confusion, and we believe this is a major flaw in our current process which we would like to improve going forward.

Communication Process Improvements
There are a few things that we think we can improve.

First, we believe we can be more proactive about gauging the community’s stance on specific topics. At regular intervals, we would like to begin asking you guys if we are hearing you correctly. This will allow us to double check and make sure there hasn’t been a major change in what the community wants, or that we’re not misunderstanding you.

Second, we can do better on providing a “post-mortem” for our Balance Test Map changes to analyze which changes were effective or not effective. This should also help us keep moving at a similar pace in terms of reasoning.

Third, we will try to be more concise with our messaging to be as clear as possible. Because we tried to get into every detail of every reasoning, we believe this caused some confusion due to how much information we were giving in such short time periods. Instead, we would like to do more updates every week, but each update will be smaller with less details to help with this issue.

If there are more suggestions here, we can definitely look into further improvements to our current process. Thanks for your thoughts and feedback, we’ll have more to discuss as the week continues.

Next Balance Patch
We will have more details coming later this week, and a new test map up early the week after. We are definitely aiming for around 5/22 ~ 5/23 to solidify many of the changes to patch to the live game so let's stay focused both on discussions as well as playtesting as soon as the test map is up early next week. We're pushing very hard on this front not just on the community side but working very heavily with the pro players as well to nail this down.

Besides the issues we're currently working through, the other issues we're currently thinking on are: potential immortal nerfs due to heavy pro player feedback around this being an absolute necessity, potential colossus buffs, and Cyclone changes."


El feedback de esta semana es distinto de las dos anteriores, así que cancelan el parche xDDD

1 respuesta

#64457 Están ocupados con el parche del heroes of the storm, después de sacar a su personaje mas roto y únicamente accesible comprando overwatch ahora necesitan a todos los departamentos para nerfearlo hasta el pozo.


potential immortal nerfs
potential colossus buffs
ayy lmao

no entréis a trapo en el hilo de DoW que me dáis verguenza ajena cabrones


david k, 6 años sin escuchar a la comunidad, cuando el juego esta enterrado abre el navegador y empieza a leer feedback


Cryoned y AG estan pagados por MV para hacernos clickar buscando risas, es la unica forma de explicar todas las chorradas que escriben


Dan algo por jugar la open beta del overrated overwatch en sc2?

1 2 respuestas

#64462 Una palmadita en la espalda.


A Vortix le ha tocado Nerchio en primera ronda en la Dreamhack de Tours :wtf:



#64462 Te dan la oportunidad de ser testigo de un acontecimiento histórico.

1 respuesta

#64465 #imparapla


Esta noche empieza la Dreamhack Austin, lo interesante empezará a partir de la 1:15


Que mal le queda a happy lo de hablar mientras hace el stream intentando ser "gracioso" ( :psyduck: ) despues de llevar años intentando dar una imagen de thug.

1 respuesta

Acabo de leer en cierto foro de la competencia que el catalan no es fonetico, es cierto?

1 respuesta

#64469 ¿Qué coño significa no fonético? ¿Para sordos?

1 2 respuestas
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