/22/ StarCraft Offtopic - Juegos edition



hall of fame

by kingofnaples #1084

TS3 /22/

IP : ts3.mediavida.com
PUERTO : 9987
CANAL : StarCraft II



/>tfw he puesto la imagen de pornhub de cataluña en int para reírme pero se me olvido que estoy posteando desde londres y ahora tengo a españoles contraatacando con stats de UK

las mujeres en este país basicamente solo ven ebony, indian, pakistani, bbc y interracial

3 1 respuesta

os he dicho ya que estoy en Londres?






Pues ya estaria: https://www.mediavida.com/foro/starcraft/homerstorycup-xviii-hilo-sashimi-620853


me acabo de dar cuenta que maiki sigue actualizando el #1 de su diario con el hilo cerrado


es lo más creepy que he visto nunca

1 comentario movido a Homerstorycup XVIII - Hilo SASHIMI

My (28m) wife (26f) and I have admittedly had very vanilla sex throughout our 3 year marriage. We had our first kid a year ago and it seriously slowed down our sex life. However, a little under a month ago she approached me about “trying new things”. She has been hanging out with a group of moms in our neighborhood and one of them told her that she and her husband tried pegging and it completely transformed their marriage. My wife told me that she wanted to try pegging as well to “spice things up”. At first I thought it was a joke, but soon realized she actually wanted to peg me. I had never done assplay before and had always lived by the philosophy that the anus is solely an exit, but my wife made it clear that this was important to her so after a few days I obliged.

That next weekend, she pegged me and everything was surprisingly enjoyable. Additionally, the week following the pegging was one of the best weeks we’ve had together since the birth of our child. We were back to our old sex life, doing things like having sex before work and even waking each other up with head. However, that next weekend she told me she wanted to peg me again. I was slightly confused as to why this last week of sex wasn’t cutting it for her, but I agreed.

This is when things took an extreme turn. During this second pegging while my wife was inside of me, she grabbed my hair, craned my neck to the right, and pressed our foreheads together. I had never seen her take control like this and thought it was very hot until she looked me in the eye and whispered “I want your shit”. I pulled my face away and asked her to repeat and she said “I want you to shit on me”. I pushed her off of me and asked her if she was joking and she started crying. I felt like a fucking dick because she thought I was kinkshaming her. In a way, I was because I thought the request was far too extreme. I ended up leaving for the night and stayed with one of my close friends, but didn’t tell him what happened.

After that incident, my wife and I hardly talked all week unless it related to our son. At the end of the week, I asked my wife to talk about what happened. She told me again that she wanted me to shit on her and that it meant a lot to her. I thought it was sickening, but she claimed this was her deepest, darkest kink. I couldn’t understand how and why my shit excited her, but she insisted that she has always wanted this.

We fought about this for about a week and after watching some scat porn and reading articles by people who also shared this kink, I tried to put myself in my wife’s shoes. I told her that I will shit on her if that is what will turn her on. She was so happy and even though I was still completely nauseated by this desire, I wanted to satisfy her.

That brings us to tonight. We were having sex for the first time this week when I (regrettably) confessed to her that I had to take a shit. She perked up with a smile, sensed my discomfort, and began stroking my hair and whispering encouraging things to me. I still really didn’t want to go through with it, but since I had promised her I pulled out and we ran to the bathroom.

She got into the bathtub and I hung my ass over the side of the tub. I started pushing, but unsurprisingly found it very difficult to successfully shit on my wife. I turned my head around to see my wife staring up and smiling at me waiting for me to finish. With enough time, I was finally able to get a turd to start coming out. I could hear my wife breathing heavier beneath me as my asshole started opening. However, before the turd was able to drop on her chest, I felt a sensation around my asshole.

I turned around and saw my wife - the love of my life, the mother of my son - attempting to catch my turd in her mouth as it fell out of my asshole. I was horrified that she would try to do this, and tried to pull the shit back into my body so she couldn’t receive it in her mouth. Seeing what looked like an attempt by her to eat my shit brought me close to throwing up.

As I clenched my buttcheeks together to try to stop the shit from reaching my wife, the clenching cut off a very small piece of my shit and I heard it land somewhere beneath me. I was too scared and disgusted to look at my wife to see what she had done with it, so I ran to the other bathroom to clean myself. As I was sitting in the other bathroom thinking about how I will ever be able to look my wife in the eye again, I heard footsteps approaching. My wife lightly knocked on the door. I didn’t respond and was on the verge of throwing up the more I thought about what just happened. She walked away and then I got a text from her thanking me for fulfilling her wish and asking me to come to bed.

I’ve been sitting in the living room typing this for the last half hour scared to face my wife. We have plans to take our son to the zoo with another family tomorrow, but I don’t think I can look at her after what she did to me. I feel deceived and violated by the woman I love and trust. During our initial conversations about this, there was never a question that my shit would go anywhere other than her chest. She knew how uncomfortable I was with this in the first place, yet she still tried to push the boundary that we had established.

I would appreciate any feedback from anyone who has experienced a similar violation of trust from a loved one. I’m turning to this sub for advice because for obvious reasons, I cannot tell anyone that knows my wife and I. I know that some of you may find this humorous, but please serious comments only - this is something that could lead to the end of our marriage.

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#8859 old but gold.


Menudo campeón nuestro Sephirox, no he visto algo igual desde Gladiator.


Penita de ver la ignorancia máxima que hay con sc2 y su aportación a la evolución de los e-sports : (

2 respuestas

#8863 ¿Lo dices por el hilo de Blizzard y lo que me estaban debatiendo?

1 respuesta

#8864 sip, brutal como ningunean un torneo de 280k xd

1 respuesta

#8865 Ya, y pone como excusa el Dota y los millones, como si en los demás juegos hiciesen lo mismo xd.


#8863 link a las risas?

1 respuesta

#8867 https://www.mediavida.com/foro/juegos/blizzard-paso-ser-mejor-compania-ser-basura-infecta-621024/2#40


Que patetico. Me encanta cuando la gente usa el Internacional para desprestigiar los demás torneos cuando es algo completamente anécdotico y desproporcionado dentro de los e-sports


Joder que risas con el hilo transexual no? inger al menos te estara sirviendo para quitarte algo del mono de maiki y hacer una transicion mas suave hacia el vacio no?

1 respuesta

#8870 si, la verdad que si, hay que ir llenando la vida vacía con estos pequeños trastornados mentales que te alegran las solitarias noches

1 respuesta

#8871 El momento en el que se ha destapado que habia editado la imagen y que esta quedando como un@ trastornad@ ha sido brutal joder xddddddddddd

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#8872 lo malo del destape es que va a hacer boom en 3 2 1

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#8873 primer boom, han metido banhammer al otro xdd

1 respuesta

#8874 puede ser que caiga yo también (no sé por qué estan moderando a todos menos al troll)

me despido por si acaso

1 respuesta

#8875 Tranquilo si caes me llevo por delante al troll, pagare las consecuencias que sean necesarias.

edit: te han metido punish si

1 1 respuesta

#8876 cuantos tengo ya? me parece lamentable que me metan punish por decirle que necesita ayuda profesional xD

1 respuesta

#8877 Ahora mismo 1, estas a 2 mas de ir al pozo.

1 respuesta

#8878 Es lo malo de este sistema, además no hay forma alguna de reclamar los punish absurdos esos. Sé perfectamente de que mod vienen además. A ver si mañana no me levanto banned.


madre mía como han pasado limpieza descaradamente.xdddd
algún mod le ha tirado la caña fijo