Análisis de RiME


Llegan las primeras críticas del nuevo proyecto de Tequila Works, bajo el cual estuvo la sombra de la cancelación después de los problemas y el silencio que hubo durante su desarrollo (hasta el punto en que Sony abandonó la exclusividad hace unos meses).

De momento se consolida con un 84 de media en OpenCritic y 82 en Metacritic, notas similares a las que obtuvo The Last Guardian.

OpenCritic - 84
Metacritic - 82

Areajugones - Ismael Moreno - Spanish - 9 / 10.0

Tequila Works has created an adventure full of exciting moments and unforgettable scenes. Its music and artistic style turn it into a masterpiece. There is no doubt that it will become one of the best titles of this current generation..

Attack of the Fanboy - William Schwartz - 4.5 / 5 stars

Rime is a competent puzzler, but its real strengths are in its ability to draw emotions from the player using the combination of great art, music, and a thought provoking ending.

CGMagazine - Cody Orme - 9.5 / 10.0

RiME is the rare game that balances its spectacle and whimsy with a dose of quiet humanity.

COGconnected - Rory Wood - 89 / 100

Rime is thoughtful, intelligently designed, and satisfyingly accomplishes the emotional experience it strives to deliver. It's Journey meets The Last Guardian, and while individual elements of Rime feel familiar at times, the way they're combined make for a unique and memorable experience.

Destructoid - Chris Carter - 7 / 10.0

I was really torn on Rime until I got caught up in its emotional ending, capped off by a fantastic unexpected chapter select reveal. I really saw what Tequila Works was trying to do by the time the curtain closed and it ended up spurring another partial playthrough in the process. Even during its most underwhelming moments Rime got a response out of me, and I'll remember it for years to come.

Digital Trends - Phil Hornshaw - 3.5 / 5 stars

'Rime' doesn't always perfectly combine gameplay with the intended emotional journey, but it succeeds more than it fails.

DualShockers - Logan Moore - 9 / 10.0

So, this leads us back to our long-debated question: are games art? Well, after playing RiME, I certainly believe so. RiME is a perfect example of just how impactful and important video games can be when looking to branch out and tell meaningful stories in new, unconventional ways. RiME joins an elite list in my mind of video games that everyone should experience in their lifetime. There's no question to me that video games are indeed art and RiME is a masterpiece of the medium.

Eurogamer - Christian Donlan - Recommended

Tequila Works conjures a powerful spell from seemingly familiar elements.

GameGrin - Mark Brearley - 9 / 10.0

Rime is a triumph of storytelling and game design. The beautiful hand crafted world is a joy to explore and the puzzles are fun to complete. Stunning visuals and a stellar score, combined with a deeply personal and emotional story create a truly unforgettable experience that will resonate with players for years to come.

GameSpew - Kim Snaith - 8 / 10

Tequila Works' RiME is an audiovisual tour de force that wants to astonish you with its beauty, charm you with its loveable protagonist, and move you with its powerful emotions. And if you give it a chance, it'll succeed in all three.

GameSpot - Oscar Dayus - 6 / 10

Shallow puzzles and frustrating navigation mar an otherwise beautiful experience.

GamesRadar+ - Sam Prell - 4.5 / 5 stars

An intoxicating, memorable journey, with smart puzzles and a resonant story.

Guardian - Steve Dinneen - 4 / 5 stars

With timeless animated graphics and a brilliant orchestral score, indie puzzle adventure encapsulates the sensation of being lost in a dream

Hobby Consolas - Alejandro Alcolea - Spanish - 91 / 100

RiME is a lesson of how to make video games. The soundtrack is a masterpiece, game mechanics are great and the story left no place to speculation. Without any doubt, one of the essential games of this year.

IBTimes UK - Ben Skipper - 4.5 / 5 stars

Rime is a beautiful ode to life, loss and childhood that's as much a pleasure to behold as it is to play. Genteel puzzling and exploration make for great bedfellows in a memorable adventure only let down ever so slightly by some minimal frame rate stutter and a final act that while emotionally resonant provides little challenge or escalation in terms of gameplay. Nearly four years on from its much-hyped debut, Rime proves itself to be have been absolutely worth the wait.

IGN Spain - David Soriano - Spanish - 9 / 10

RiME places Tequila Works in the Olympus of Spanish development with an intense, emotional and difficult to forget adventure supported mainly by the visual narrative, excellent artistic direction and soundtrack.

PC Gamer - Samuel Roberts - 62 / 100

Rime is a middling puzzle platformer with some genuine narrative depth, but the latter doesn't quite justify the former.

PlayStation Universe - Neil Bolt - 9.5 / 10.0

What RiME does so well is marry pleasing puzzle platforming to a tender, understated story, and then puts it in a beautifully bleak world filled with mystery. RiME takes the baton from the likes of Journey and Ico, and strides to victory with ease.Tequila Works takes aspects of those classics, and puts a personal touch on the results to create something special.

Polygon - Justin McElroy - 6.5 / 10.0

Rime's sweeping presentation fails to leave a lasting impression

Press Start - Brodie Gibbons - 9 / 10

Rime explores a profoundly melancholic story and plays on the wanderlust we naturally feel as gamers. We're spoiled with how many engrossing worlds and intelligent subtexts have made their way into the medium and Tequila Works have delivered on both fronts.

Push Square - Stephen Tailby - 8 / 10

Tequila Works' long-awaited title takes you on a heartfelt adventure through large, open areas full of personality and imaginative puzzles. Comparisons to the likes of Journey or ICO were inevitable, and while it can imitate a little too closely, it has just enough fresh ideas to set it apart. Its clean and colourful presentation is backed up by a truly excellent soundtrack, and the story conjures up some wonderful moments along its fairly brief duration. Those looking for a fun, cohesive, and original puzzle platformer could do far worse than investing some time in RiME.

Reloading BR - Felipe Mesquita - Portuguese - 8.7 / 10.0

RiME not only drinks from the source of titles like ICO, Journey, Brothers and Unfinished Swan as it joins them as products that justify the defense that video games are in addition to entertainment products, pieces of great artistic value. It's lack of depth in the puzzles does not detract from how Tequilla Works built with praise a beautiful adventure. Relaxing on its moments of discovery and exploration and intriguing and apprehensive in the most dramatic moments. RiME is a captivating journey from from beginning to end.

The Digital Fix - Rob Kershaw - 10 / 10.0

A personal, touching journey wearing the bright red cloak of an intricate puzzle. For a game that doesn't utter a word, RiME says a lot - and it's all wonderful.

TheSixthAxis - Stefan L - 8 / 10

Tequila Works' efforts these past few years have delivered a game that's full of beguiling charm and beauty, one that can stand up to many of the comparisons with some of the most fondly remembered games of the last decade. It doesn't always meet those high standards, but Rime has been well worth the wait.

USgamer - Caty McCarthy - 3 / 5 stars

Rime is a beautiful, beautiful game that manages to feel remarkably empty, even in the face of its earnest attempts. The aesthetic that breathes life into the island of Rime feels a bit too familiar, but it doesn't dampen its vast, ever-photographable horizons. Nonetheless, Rime is a light third-person adventure game with quiet puzzle solving, in a year where we haven't had much of those, which alone makes it a worthwhile respite.

Wccftech - Francesco De Meo - 9 / 10.0

After such a long and troubled development, many feared that RiME would be a failure, but Tequila Works proved that there can be light at the end of the tunnel. With peculiar storytelling, varied puzzles, well-crafted platforming elements and gorgeous presentation, RiME can rival with the unique beauty of Team ICO's games.

Xbox Achievements - Richard Walker - 90%

As games of this type go, RiME is among the best, its picturesque world one you'll want to spend time in and return to once the narrative has run its course. A stunning, dreamlike experience.


un juego de puzzles con malos puzzles, justo lo que necesitabamos


Day-1, me lo vendieron por el arte y la OST reafirma la compra.


Yo pensaba pillarlo day-one pero voy a esperar, no recordaba el PVP que tiene y tampoco veo a la gente tan entusiasmada como pensaba, so, sin prisa.

1 respuesta

Como para no pillarlo...

2 1 respuesta

#4 Creo que no era de los de 60 pavos, durando la mierda que dura yo estoy in para el duo, aunque me fio cero de todo esta explosión de marketing tan poco sutil

1 respuesta

#5 Te lo subo a




Lo pillare, pero despues del 10 de Junio que estare fuera en Paris para Joe Hisaishi, así cojo esa pedazo de OST mientras estoy roto por escuchar la buena musica del concierto.

Para ser honestos, The Last Guardian es de mis juegos favoritos, del 2016 sino el que más me gustó y cosecha criticas de mierda, con este han sido más generosos tras tanto revuelo. Poco miedo le tengo ya a la media de notas que da la prensa del videojuego y comulgando con el sistema de Eurogamer, compro.


Llevo varias reviews donde mencionan el precio del juego como algo negativo. ¿Es hora de incluir el ratio horas/euro de forma oficial en los análisis?

1 2 respuestas

#10 Como se ha comentado más de una vez, todo depende de si se ve que el juego esta recortado o no. Más que ratio horas/euro, es ratio horas*satisfacción/euros.

Veo totalmente loable que alguien que este disfrutando muchisimo del juego y vea claramente que faltan cosas (que no es lo mismo a que falten realmente). Se queje de la duranción.

Sin ir más lejos, Little Nightmares que es un JUEGAZO tiene un par de tajos que CLARAMENTE se ven, aun costando 20€


#10 pues depende de esas horas si son 6 horas de pura magia pues OK pero si son 3 horas de puta mierda y las 3 chachi pirulo pues ..


polygon le ha puesto un 6.5 eso es buena señal. :D

1 respuesta

#13 en Polygon no saben ni jugar a un FPS, es bueno.

La nota está subiendo.


#6 No lo descarto pero mejor el mes que viene, que para este tengo cola ya xD.


La OST es una auténtica maravilla.


p-pero a mi me dijeron que iba a ser un juego de 15/20 porque era un clusterfuck que nadie quería, estancado en development hell y que sony les había baneado la vida. Todo de insiders por supuesto.

¿Qué hace con un 85 por encima de Fire emblem, gravity rush 2 o kingdom hearts?

22 3 respuestas

#17 espero que lo compres, te va a encantar.

1 respuesta

#18 Estoy ocupado con las hojas de cálculo, carne de bundle.

1 1 respuesta

#19 vamos que manitas faciles pero no te atreves porque sabes lo que hay xD


#17 Son españoles, ata cabos


Comparar las notas de Rime con Fire Emblem y Gravity Rush es tan Cryoned...

1 respuesta

Esperando mañana a que me llege la coleccionista.


¿Os pagan a algunos para tenerla tan adentro?


#22 ¿Hay escalas de nota? ¿un 70 no es un 70? ¿O unas valen más que otras según te apetezca porque tú sabes lo que es un videojuego "de verdad"?

9 1 respuesta

yo me lo voy a gozar en la switch cuando salga y me la s*** la nota de polygon, tanto rollo, tiene una bso brutal y tiene muchas críticas buenas, así que a la saca!


Si fuera exclusivo de Sony, ¿sería mejor juego?

1 4 respuestas

#27 yo solo se que ahora que sale en Switch es un juego a tener en cuenta.


#27 Pues claro que sí.


#27 es que seria mejor ;)