Armed Assault II


Un video muy interesante ingame sobre los vehículos disponibles.

Ojo al detalle de los combates aéreos porque desde esa perspectiva y angulo tiene una pinta fantástica.



Pero la mayoría ya salen arma1, no?


Estoy deseando que llegue verano para comprarme el portatil nuevo y este juego :


Alguien me puede decir las diferencias entre el 1 y el 2? Porque la sangre es un timo

Ah por cierto , alguna vez lo traduciran al español?

1 mes después

Al parecer, el juego llegará el 26 de Junio a Europa.


Se adelanta una semana el lanzamiento(lo nunca visto), osea que queda justo 1 mes


OMFG, me gustaria probarlo. Necesito un juego de guerra, marines, tacticas, etc. Espero q no pida un super PC porque el mio ya es viejo.

#144 sin palabras, INCREIBLE.


Tras un anuncio de 505 Games y Bohemia Interactive la fecha de lanzamiento de Armed Assault II se fijará el 19 de junio del 2009, es decir, se adelanta una semana. Sólo falta un mes exacto para disfrutar de grandes campos de balla donde desarrollar combates intensos y tácticas militares.

Los fans han recibido este anuncio con gran entusiasmo, sólo esperan que el número de bugs sea menor que su título anterior.



Joder, termino los exámenes el 24 xDDD

Lo iré pidiendo a y así cuando llegue...


jodete y estudia jajaja aupiiii arma


Joder es una puta bastada visual, no creo ni ke mi E6850 y mi vetusta 8800GTS pueda mover eso :S


edito: googleando encontre los requisitos minimos y recomendados.

Projected Minimal PC System Requirements
Dual Core CPU
GPU with Shader Model 3 and 256 MB RAM
Windows XP or Windows Vista
Dual-layer compatible DVD drive, 10 GB free space on the hard drive

Projected Optimal PC System Requirements
Quad Core CPU
Fast GPU (Geforce 8800GT/Radeon 4850 or equivalent) with Shader Model 3 and 512 or more MB RAM
Windows XP or Windows Vista

PD: Si pide eso lo ire reservando, quiero dedicarme a este juego al 100%


Chicos no os animéis demasiado, ya que conociendo a BIS el arma 2 puede salir bastante rana antes de los primeros parches. Todos aquellos que jugaron al OFP o al ArmA en su salida sabrán que BIS no se caracteriza por sacar productos depurados. Tras yanosecuantosaños, el ArmA es un juego medianamente estable pero que por sí solo deja bastante que desear como simulador de infantería, en el 1er Reg de CHS están usando el ACE mod debido a las grandes carencias del ArmA pelado.

Por lo visto en este nuevo ArmA la IA será menos tonta, hará fuego de área, fuego supresión, flanqueos, tratará de buscar cobijo y llevar a zona segura a sus heridos. Su puntería ya no será la de un soldado universal y creo que han implementado un control de daños cosa que dará mucha vida a los médicos.

Yo me lo compraré, pero inicialmente no quiero ilusionarme mucho.

Un saludo.


joder #163, si lo que dices lo han hecho medianamente bien, el arma pasa a ser un juegazo. Lo unico que fallaba, tanto en el ofp como en el arma, era la ia de mierda.


mister davets, el arma 1 de por si se juega mucho en MP? esq me interesaria jugarlo por alli ya que esa esencia de ser un marine me mola bastante :P


Darknight si quieres la esencia de la simulación en el arma te recomiendo te unas al 1er Regimiento de infantería de CHS. Actualmente y creo que para nada exagero, es uno de los grupos más puristas en cuanto a simulación de infantería se refiere.

Un saludo.

PD: Os dejo un enlace al foro de la última campaña dinámica, Secretos en el trópico


Ok mackey, esperare a que salga el arma 2, entrenare y me presentare :P


Dios, menos aml que me voy a comprar la maquina nueva, porque si no... xD Deseandolo tener en mis manos, puede que me lo compre nada mas salir, y todo


Mira que tengo pocos juegos originales, este va a caer. Y con el, ordenador nuevo


Esperemos que lo pueda mover como mínimo en detalle medio-alto con un E6600, HD4830 y 2Gb de memoria, por que sino... me cago en sus muertos xDD


Ayer BIS y 505 games hicieron un evento donde mostraron la ultima version del juego, practicamente la definitiva, acudio gente de prensa y parte de la comunidad, como tacticalgamer, armaholic. etc... el evento se retransmitio via twitter en donde la gente preguntaba y tanto la gente de bis como prensa y comunidad respondian, aqui un resumen:

Q: Will there be a demo before release?

A: We will hit GM next week, plan is to release demo before launch.

Q: Is this a new "preview" version or something that is near the "v 1.0" ? Do we get some pics of the event (guys, screenshot, etc)?

A: The code we are showing today is GM. Preview code is with the press and review code will be sent next week. GM = Gold Master. Ready to be boxed...

Q: Do the scopes have MILDOT ?

A: For heavy armour we have something similar.

Q: Is there any difference between the way ARMA1 handles "tags" & the way ARMA2 handles them?

A: (finding it)

Q: Will there be a demo before release? Regarding the demo, will it be before 505 games release, or the one for German and Czech Republic?

A: We will hit GM next week, plan is to release demo before launch. Demo will be released day and date for all markets, watch this space.

Q: When you say "playable animals" do you mean we can play with animals ? Or it's the "seagul like" of the BIS previsous games ?

A: Using the mission editing tools you can play as a rabbit or dog - if you really want
Yes you can play AS animals by placing them in player-made missions. Boar hunting (your mate as the boar) is a lot of fun...

Q: Do they tell you/show you about gameplay parts (bullet penetration, balistic, etc.. ) ?

A: All the weapons and effects have been modeled using real world data and information gathered from our military advisors.

Q: Do enemies heal their wounded comrades as well ? Is the reviving & healing restricted to medics?

A: Enemies do heal their wounded too! Non medics can provide basic first aid and can also carry injured comrades from the battlefield to safety.

Q: What are the specs of the pcs at the event?

A: Pretty high spec! PCs were supplied by nVIDIA... but the game will run on a mid-range PC. (I suspect this to be answered by the report)

Q: Will you be able to save the game while playing coop campaign with friends?

A: Yes you can

Q: How's the weapon handling?

A: All the weapon handling uses real world physics from ballistics to bullet trajectories - its like firing a real weapon!

Q: Will you do a summary of all questions/answers asked on twitter later ? So we can understand all the answers

A: Speaking to 505 Games, will try to get something up on the official website in the next few days.


Q: Can you confirm the presence of the "helicopter carrier"? Is this a "static vehicle" or it moves,uses some "weapons" for support ?

A: It's a static vehicle

Q: Do they tell you/show you about gameplay parts (bullet penetration, balistic, etc.. ) ?

A: All the weapons and effects have been modeled using real world data and information gathered from our military advisors

Q: Do you plan to add more (from what have been announced for now) freely by future update ? (and probably expansion(s) later ?)

A: There will be loads more info released in the coming weeks and the usual community updates post-launch.

Q: Is there any multiplayer playing there (at the event) or is it just single player?

A: just single players today

Q: Is the tank combat improved in terms of FCS and stuff?

A: Tank combat has been overhauled, we're sure you'll see a vast improvement.

Q: Will multiple peripherals/controllers be supported e.g pedals/joystick/rudders?

A: yes, joystick and pedal support as well as TrackIR5.

Q: Can you confirm that we will have a 3D editor in ArmA2?

A: Confimed!

Q: Just wondering if BIS had had any discusions on releasing a multiplayer beta as may companies do this now to hammer their games?

A: From 505 Games "given that the game world is so vast it would be a challenge to release a multiplayer beta"

Q: Are the speech/commands improved over arma1 - do they still sound unnatural/robotic?

A: Yes, there is a HUGE improvement and we also have the dynamic conversation system this time around

Q: Is the 505 release going to have differences in gameplay compared to the german morphicon release ?

A: Yes, the 505 Games release will be a more advanced version/complete version.

Q: Since it's a simulation, do you know how many hitzones enemies will have and if they react on a hit to the leg for example ?

A: Wound detection is better than ever. Rather than being killed outright, injury encourages teamwork, dragging/carry the injured etc.

Q: Could you please detail/confirm some of the 'Major AI Improvements'? And the 'Pilot uses some weapons'? Thank you.

A: Many AI improvements. cm vs meter detection resolves a lot! Can confirm pilot/weapon issue too

Q: Is there an improved lobby system, ie favourate servers, friends list etc?

A: there will be an update on this in the next few weeks - keep your eyes peeled...

Q: Hoping this is the right spot for questions: What about multiplayer? is the thing with "warping" of the AI solved? Thx

A: Warping is usually caused by server config settings. It's important to balance a server's load/spec and the missions you play.

Q: Is it possible to use lasertargets? eg. for planes and stuff...

A: Yes. It's essential in many situations...

Q: Are all weapons now held properly and without any visible hand clipping?

A: There's a definite improvement over earlier games thanks to better IK (inverse kinematics).

Q: Will there still be rain inside buildings?

A: NO! No rain inside or under shelter (like big trees etc). Call off the plumbers.

Q: Will there be body armor in Arma2? If not will it be possible to make as a user addon as it was not possible before i think.

A: There's no 'wearable/take-offable' armour but penetration is calculated to take standard armour into account on units.

Q: How is suppressive fire implemented? Does the AI use it against you?

A: AI use supressive fire against you and OTHER AI. It effects things like aim (weapon sway etc).

Q: What the destructible environnment ? Everything could be destroy ? (we see a dam structure on the pic released.. destrucible too ?)

A: Anything smaller than the dam and the harbour can be blown up!

Q: Will there be different reload animations for each weapons or are they all the same like in ArmA1?

A: There are a number of different reload animations for different weapons including anims for mounted weapons being reloaded

Q: A question about swimming ? Still loose equipment when swimming ? Environnement -> lots of "open" building to hide in town/city ?

A: Yes lose heavy equipment and re enviroment: more enterable even diff internals for partially destroyed buildings.

Q: Simulation is a little bit harder or easier compared to armed assault? (behavior of the ArmA 2 flying model compared to ArmA?)

A: Difficulty remains scalable by player, flight model improved since ArmA 1, including proper VTOL

Q: I'm assuming the 'more advanced 505 games version' will also be a patch for the German version? (Just need a warm and fuzzy)- Is the 505 release going to have differences in gameplay compared to the german morphicon release ?

A: Yes this version is closer to the release version than previously seen builds (Almost gold!) -yes, the 505 Games release will be a more advanced version/complete version.

La review de tacticalgamer​139436-tacticalgamer-review-arma2.html


This is where I can see the appeal of the campaign is far greater than Arma 1, which had a linear approach with main and secondary target in phases one after the other. The campaign in Arma 2 is much more organic and has many variables that affect the outcome of your success and failure. You will have multiple options to choose from at each step of the way. How you collect information from local civilians and friendly faction members will be vital. All conversations and key information is stored in a handy diary log for you to refer to when planning your next move. The new dynamic conversation system with other people opens up a new dynamic of adventure. Upset them and they may be hostile towards you, be helpful and they will help you.

Maybe a convoy was spotted heading south from a local town, maybe rumours of an ambush is planned at a checkpoint. How you react to each piece of information will lead you on a different journey.


Y varios videos con cutremovil

Tooooooooooooooooodo el mundo salio diciendo que va a ser un pedazo de juego del copon, que ganicas le tengo!!


entonces con un dual core duo a 3.16 ni lo intento o que?porque comprarlo para jugar con los rekisitos minimos.... tarjeta hd 4850, q opinais?4gb de ram


Siempre me dio mucho por culo descubrir la saga OP / ARMA demasiado "tarde", quizas me anime con este desde el comienzo a ver que tal.

Mientras los bots no tengan punteria sniper estara bien xD


Empiezan a aparecer reviews del pase de prensa de ayer.


Tactical Gamer:


Esperandolo con muchas ganas.


Un porron de imagenes ingame


¿Habéis visto esto? Es awesome joder.


Cada vez que giras la cabeza para hacer girar la camara, tienes que mirar de refilon la pantalla.. no tiene mucho sentido.

Lo suyo seria que te pudiera leer la mente.


#178 La gracia es que amplifica el movimiento, de forma que girar un poco la cabeza gira mucho la visión en el juego. De esa forma puedes mirar bastante bien a la pantalla.

Eso si, mejor que juegues con una buena postura y tal o vas a ir con la cabeza girada todo el tiempo XD.


#179 y no hablemos de gente con la pantalla a una altura diferente a la cara xDD. Yo por ejemplo tengo el centro de la pantalla más bajo que los ojos, así que iría mirando al suelo todo el rato. Oh, que emocionante suena ir mirándose las botas... xDDDD

Me imagino que se podrá configurar, obviamente. Pero quería hacer la coña :_