Assassin's Creed 2


Aún siendo repetitivo, el 1 era un juegazo, y se le ponen más variedad al asunto, éste también lo será.


Habrá QTE.


Pues si el 1 era basicamente todo, menos la exploracion, QTE... No lo digo como una critica, a mi el 1 me gusto, es de los pocos juegos de x360 que me he acabado, aunque el final


Ya está la Game Informer out y esto es lo que pone, a lo largo del día supongo que subirán scans.

  • You'll have a ton of new weapons to choose from including an axe, a hammer, a mace, a spear, 2 different sword types, a spear axe thing, and 2 smaller blades
  • You CAN swim
  • Da Vincis workshop is in the game
  • Locations include Saint Marks Basilica, The Grand Canal, The Little Canal, and the Rialto bridge.
  • The game opens in 1476, Altair is from 1191
  • So you do indeed play as a new ancestor of Altair / Desmond
    -You will see the countryside of Tuscany
  • The "Auditore" family is mentioned
  • The main characters name is Ezio Auditore de Firenze
  • He is a nobleman of Florence
  • Big characters are in the game including Machiavelli, Caterina Sofrza, and Lorenzo de Medici
    and thats just what I got from the pictures. I'll let you know more details as I read more.
  • Game will feature a new notoriety system that governs how enemy soldiers and people will treat you.
  • You can disarm enemies and use their own weapons against them this time.
  • each weapon has a special move.
  • 16 unique mission types.
  • No more ease dropping or pick pocketing missions.
  • If you get beat up to much you will need to see a street side doctor to regain ful strength.
  • Hidden objects (like flags in the first one) are there to uncover but this time if you track them down you will get in-game bonuses that make it worth your time.
  • Items include, flags, statues, and gold coins and more that isnt mentioned.
  • New enemy types with unique attitudes and weaknesses are present in the game. Archers are mentioned, as well as elite enemies, dagger wielders, "Brutish" armored troops with heavy armor and 2 handed swords and axes, and an intelligent halberd enemy will probe hiding places with their weapons if they think you're near by.
  • While hiding in a hay bail you can assassinate people this time, but it may expose your position.
  • You can still climb towers and ride horses
  • The Lorendo de Medici assassination is in the game.
  • There is now a night and day sequence in the game.
  • 240 people are working on this title.


¿Qué es eso de QTE?


Quick Time Events, lo de que aparezca un botón en pantalla y tengas que pulsarlo en el momento que te indican durante una secuencia.


rollo dragon's lair, space ace y eso xD

A mi personalmente no me gustan nada.


#65 :O


El 1 pudo ser un juegazo. Imaginaos si el juego entero hubiese tenido secuencias como la primera en la cueva al principio del juego. Eso y más variedad de misiones = juegazo xD.


La verdad lo que ponen por ahi arriba me gusta :3


Hombre, tiene mucha chuminada, sobretodo eso de desarmar a los enemigos y usar las armas en su contra promete... pero para mi 2 errores garrafales que tienen que solventar del 1 son:

1.- Movimientos, eso de atacar con 4 movimientos contados aburre mucho
2.- Que los "jefes" se puedan asesinar como dios manda. Eso de que te curres una infiltración y sólo te ofrezcan una via para matar el jefe (se entera que estás ahí hagas lo que hagas, sale corriendo y te vienen 100 guardias)... apestaba en el 1.



#72, en el 1 sí que se podia matar al "jefe" sin que te detectasen, pero tenias que tener bastante informacion de las misiones, aunque la verdad, en la mayoria siempre te detectan.

Me mola el dibujo ese del protagonista, a ver si es asi.


hype, este sera lo que debio ser el primero. Yo me quedo con lo de la variedad de armas, misiones y ciclos dia y noche.


Yummmm que pintaza tiene el Ezio este :o


para que KuS pueda tocarse :3


Me gusta lo que veo...



Y ese mosquetero de donde ha salido? Por que tiene dos cuchillas si solo necesita una? Por que no le faltan los dedos que se quitan para ponerse la cuchilla?


#77 yummmmm




Joder vaya forma de hypear a la gente, lo mismo paso con el 1 y luego me duro 5 min. Menos mal que para el 2 ya tengo la Xbox360.


El cuello de la camisa le sobra basto, preferiría una bufanda xD


Pues a mi me parece muy chanante y molón, la verdad xD


EDIT: #79 porque es otro tío, no es el del primer juego.


Vamos con otro tocho ingles

  • 1476, warring families, corrupted clergy, political intrigue, warring city-states.
  • Assassination and executions are common in those days.
  • Post plague era, modern science begins, etc., (basically, a resume of what the Renaissance era was like).
  • Assassins and Templars continue their struggle.
  • Venice and its waterways, Florence and its huge monuments.
  • There is an illustration of San Gimignano's towers, and it speaks of the Tuscany country side. Another illustration shows some boats in Venice's canals.
  • Saint Mark's Basilica. The Grand Canal, The Little Canal, Rialto Bridge, are shown (screenshots compared to real-life shots)
  • Patrice Désilets says Altair was only in the middle of the "timeline", but now you live through the memories of a new ancestor to Desmond.
  • Da Vinci is an ally to Ezio's family. He is like Q in James Bond. Machiavelli teaches you "tactics".
  • "We know that he (Ezio) does end up alone and on a quest for vengeance". Learns to become an Assassin.
  • Ezio can dive into the water in Venice, hide underwater as long as he can hold his breath, etc.
  • You can pull guards in the water to assassinate them.
  • Taller buildings. You can use a new leap maneuver to climb faster.
  • More varied "hiding places"
  • Ezio's infamy grows if makes too much commotion, making people more suspicious. If you become notorious, new missions appear (example: assassinate the witnesses, bribe people, get rid of wanted posters), so you can lower your notorious level if you want.
  • Ezio can disarm enemies and use their weapons against them.
  • Dozens of weapons with their own special moves (pike allows you to knock many enemies off their feet, dagger allows you to do an escape kill of some sort, etc.), can fight without weapons too and do things like throw dirt in an enemy's eyes because sometimes you don't have a weapon (except for the hidden blade and throwing knives), even heabutts! Désilets says that at the end you should become so good with the double hidde blades that you will use them over any weapons. A hammer is shown, a club too, and some blades and an axe.
  • Game is made to address concerns people had with AC1, while staying true to its core. Biggest need was "more variety". AC2 no longer uses the AC1 gameplay loop structure (bureau, info, assassination).
  • Ezio can use boats to move through the canals (in an example of mission variety, Ezio goes to see an informant but they are attacked and you must defend her as you make your way to a boat, then use it to get her to safety). Sometimes those different mission types are mixed together in one mission (example; mission starts as a simple delivery, but ends up as a chase, and finally a kill).
  • A picture is shown of different enemy types. One is really big and fully armored. Each enemy type have their own attitudes and weaknesses. Enemies evolve as the game progresses (first encounter in the game will feel different than later ones). Agile dagger wielders can freerun like Ezio (following him more easily). The big dudes are more deadly in close combat. Spear wielders will look for you moreso, like in hiding places. You can kill enemies from the hiding places (picture shows Ezio grabbing a nearby soldier with his hand on his mouth, emerging from a bay hale chariot).
  • Templars and Assassins are "underground, behind the events, pulling strings".
  • Day and night cycle.
  • Different kinds of objects to find but that actually give you something in return.

Y de regalo :3


Ya me he hypeado como me pasó con el 1º..... pues nada a esperar más y mejor!



#85 Buahh, impresionante.


Vaya graficazos se adivinan macho xD Ya podrían aprender otras empresas la verdad.


Pero vamos a lo que de verdad importa ¿en este se podra jugar o solo dejas 1 boton apretado y miras como en el 1?


Sera de kedarse mirando otra vez... vamos, con que sea lo mismo pero con esas mejoras sera un juegazo.

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