Así es, en Mirando Perros 2 podemos mirar de todo, desde perros hasta vaginas, pero no podemos compartir la imagen de los segundo o seremos baneados, en este caso, por Sony. Parece ser que en el juego, algunas mujeres llevan el pepe al aire y claro, como nos gusta el morbo, le damos a la opción Share y compartimos dicha imagen. El usuario de Twitter Swizzasaur se encontró con el pescado y publicó un tuit con la susodicha imagen.
Al poco tiempo de compartirla, el susodicho recibió el siguiente correo electrónico:
"We’re writing to inform you that your Sony Entertainment Network account has been temporarily suspended.
We’ve made this decision based on your online activity in Live from PlayStation on 14-11-2016.
Content of an adult or sexual nature is against our Code of Conduct.
The suspension will last 1 week and will be lifted on 21-11-2016. You won’t be able to access online multiplayer, PlayStation Store and other network features until the suspension is over.
We take the decision to suspend an account very seriously, and we only do so after one of our moderators has carefully analysed the situation. PlayStation Support therefore cannot overturn this moderation decision.
We ask all our players to act decently, respectfully and with consideration for us and other players while using PlayStation Network. To make sure you understand the behaviour we expect from our community, please review the Code of Conduct here before returning to PlayStation Network. Please be aware that any further breaches of the Code of Conduct may result in a longer suspension or even a permanent ban.
Yours sincerely,
SIEE Moderation